
CH246. Release him

Or is it because she wants completely nothing to do with him?

He goes to his study room and shuts the door behind him with a bang. She is the only person capable of making him this angry.

But she is also the only person that can make him so happy. Why did I ever meet you Ye Xiao Xiao?

He sighs, knowing that it is of no use getting mad at her. He will still be the first to go and find her.

Ye Xiao Xiao looks at the door that has just we shut with a bang and curses.

She is the one supposed to be mad at him. She is mad at him of course.

Why is he pretending to be annoyed instead? 

However, her weak body does not allow her to think more. She drifts into another deep sleep once again, still with too much hatred in her young heart.

Lu Min Chen sighs again remembering her angry face. She asked him to release Lin Mo. He cannot go against her once again.

He takes his phone and send a short message to someone.

[Release him.]

He placed his phone down and takes out his cigarette. She insists on him letting Lin Mo off.

Does she not feel bad that he betrayed her?


He, Lu Min Chen, did the sane to her. And he expects her to forgive him too.

If she has not hatred towards Lin Mo now. It will be the same for him after some time.

He feels a little better when he thinks of this. And he goes to work a little bit.


In a certain dark room, a man keeps moving about.

Yesterday, he does not even know what was into him. He only came back to his senses after he saw the woman he had always loved being taken away in another man's embrace.

When Lin Mo prepared for his confession, he was ninety nine percent sure that Ye Xiao Xiao would give in to him.

But how wrong he was!

He got so mad when she turned him down that he stopped thinking normally. He thought he would go insane if he did not force her into being his.

And that was the reason he acted as he did. Ye Xiao Xiao is a person who cares much about her image and what she owes others.

He had thought that by bringing up his debt and forcing her to marry him as payment, she would give in.

But he got even madder when she told him off straightforwardly, without even taking time to consider it.

And he even said some hurtful words to her. He also tried forcing himself on her.

He just could not believe that she would be so adamant on her decision.

Then she was taken away without him getting any chance to speak to her or apologise.

When he came back to his senses and was planning to follow them to apologise, he was captured by these men.