
CH224. A ring?

" It is not about making money. In fact, I won't ask for any money from you. It is very simple," he says calmly.

"Mmh?" Ye Xiao Xiao asks uneasily, twisting in his hands. This is a person of the opposite sex. And they are enclosed in such a room. And he is holding her like this.

If anyone was to bump inside here, there would be a great misunderstanding. Especially when that person is...

Ye Xiao Xiao takes in a deep breath. Lu Min Chen! Why did she think about him again?

But she tries compairing their embraces. She prefers Lu Min Chen's more.

She shakes her head again. Why is she even comparing them? And why does she chose that Maniac over such a nice person as Lin Mo? 

"Xiao Xiao, marry me," Lin Mo says abruptly and turns to face face her, looking straight into her eyes. "You can pay me by being my wife "

Ye Xiao Xiao is so shocked that she even forgets what she is supposed to do. She remains frozen for some seconds, looking back into his eyes.

Then she comes back to her senses. "Tsk tsk," she laughs. "Brother Mo, your jokes nowadays are getting scary."

She sighs, but looks away from him. For some reasons, she feels like he does not look like he is teasing her. He seems so serious.

"Xiao Xiao, do I look like I am joking?" He asks back and holds her chin with his other hand.

"Xiao Xiao..."

Ye Xiao Xiao gets so tensed up when he holds her chin. She attempts to look away, but he forces her to face him.

To force herself to remain calm, she takes a big bite of the cake in her hand, and she freezes again. What was that?

Lin Mo hears the sound she makes when biting the cake and smiles. That is what he has been waiting for.

He takes the other piece from her hand and places it back on the plate. Then he looks back into her eyes, his emotions startling her.

"Brother Mo, I have bitten something hard," she says and tries to put her concentration somewhere else.

"Check out what it is," Lin Mo replies calmly. He is no longer as tensed as he was at the beginning.

Ye Xiao Xiao spits the cake in her mouth onto her hand and looks at it. " A ring?" She asks subconsciously.

"Mmh, a ring. Do you like it?" Lin Mo asks.

Ye Xiao Xiao looks up immediately when she hears his words. But she freezes again.

Lin Mo is already holding a bouquet of roses in his hands. She cannot even tell where he got them from.

She slowly raises her eyes to look into his. She cannot even tell what she should do. Is he proposing to her?

"Ye Xiao Xiao, I love you. I have loved you for a long time. Can I marry you?" Lin Mo asks softly, looking into her eyes.

"Brother Mo," Ye Xiao Xiao calls tensely while shaking her head.