
CH220. They are great friends

"What do you think?" Luoshan asks. He now has the right hand. This is a very rare occasion. He always has to step down every other time when talking to this devil friend of his.

"Is it the same hotel you are in?" Lu Min Chen asks as he stands up, picking up his coat.

"You are on your way already, right?" Luoshan asks with a chuckle.

"Didn't you invite me over?" Lu Min Chen asks back seriously. "I am coming for a drink."

"Tsk tsk," Luoshan laughs at his friend. He did not know that he was this unsettled when it comes to Ye Xiao Xiao.

"I am hanging up," Lu Min Chen says. Since he needs to drive, he cannot keep talking to him.

"Wait," Luoshan says hurriedly. "Why don't you invite Yan'er over? It has been long since we went out together."

Lu Min Chen purses his lips. "Are you trying to use me you fool?" He asks. 

He knew that this man would not call him if not for his own benefit.

"Nope, I am not using you at all," Luoshan argues. "Don't you think it will be better if she were here. Miss Ye listens to her...I mean they are great friends already."

"Go to hell," Lu Min Chen says and hangs up. 

Luoshan on the other end sighs. But he knows that Lu Min Chen will obviously asks Lu Yu Yan to come.

That stupid girl obeys him one hundred percent. 


Lu Min Chen gets into the car and puts on the phone speaker. Then he calls Lu Yu Yan.

The call is picked up immediately. "Third brother, you called me today," she says happily.

"Where are you now?" Lu Min Chen questions her. You would think that he is her parent.

"At home," Lu Yu Yan replies. "Grandpa is not very well. He asked me to keep him company."

"Come to Lion's Den hotel now. I have a favour to ask from you," Lu Min Chen says, without even pleading.

"Third brother? What about grandpa?" She asks in a whisper.

She is the only person who can help the old man cool down. That is because she is his most favourite. Being with him has helped him cool down.

After the old man learnt that Lu Min Chen still keeps Ye Xiao Xiao in his house, his mood has been the worst the last few days.

He does not even talk to anyone else apart from Lu Yu Yan. He calls them rebels, who don't want to obey him.

"Find out an excuse to give him," Lu Min Chen says.

"Are you asking for a favour from me today?" The stubborn Yu Yan asks with a wicked smile. 

"You don't want to?" Lu Min Chen asks her. "We can leave it then." He knows that she likes to be treated like a small kid before she does anything.

"I am coming," Yu Yan says. She knows that she will be the one to benefit the most if Lu Min Chen asks for a favour from her.