
CH214. You first

And now that he is in the house, but he has gone to sleep in his room, she feels at loss.

She too goes to her room. But she finds Butler Hu waiting with a document in hand.

"Uncle Hu, why are you here now?" She asks in confusion.

"It is because of this contract. The young master wants you to sign it," Butler Hu says.

Ye Xiao Xiao takes the contract to look at it. It is a job for her, serving the Young master at home.

"No, I don't want to work," Ye Xiao Xiao says and returns the papers to the butler.

"Hadn't we agreed on this?" Someone's voice is heard behind them. 

Ye Xiao Xiao freezes. It is Lu Min Chen. Was he not in his room sleeping. She was stupid to think that he did not have any of his always I'll manners today.

Lu Min Chen walks to her side, his hands in his pants. "We agreed that you will work for me and I pay you trippled the salary, right?" He questions.

Ye Xiao Xiao looks down for about three full minutes. But when she raises her head, she stretched her hand and takes the document from Butler Hu.

And without even going through it, she puts her signature where required.

She hands Butler Hu the contract and looks at Lu Min Chen. "Done," she says calmly.

However, she is shocked to see a smile on Lu Min Chen's face. Did she do a mistake somewhere?

"Good one," Lu Min Chen says. "Your work begins tomorrow," he says and turns to Butler Hu. "You will help her know what she is supposed to do."

"I will," Butler Hu nods and walks away. It is obvious that he cannot do it now. The young master is here. He might be wanting to spend some time with her.

On his way, Butler Hu look at the contract with creased brows. Why does the young master have to go through all these to get her?

For as long as he has lived, he knows that someone usually confesses to the person he loves. The only person going against this principle is his boss, Lu Min Chen.

Once the bulter has left, Lu Min Chen stands beside Ye Xiao Xiao, not saying anything, but with no intention to leave.

Ye Xiao Xiao, on the other hand, remains rooted to the ground. There is no way she can leave before he does. This is her boss. And now that she is serving him, she has to be careful.

"Miss Ye..."

"President Lu..."

They call at the same time after a very long time. But they stop when they hear the other person speak.

"Mmh?" Lu Min Chen asks gently. 

But Ye Xiao Xiao shakes her head. "You go first," she says.

"Nope, you first," Lu Min Chen replies stubbornly. 

Ye Xiao Xiai refuses to speak. She wanted to send him away, but it seems like there is something he wants to say to her. She wants to listen.

It will be rude if she tells him to leave first. So, she wants him to say his piece first. But here he is, being stubborn again.