
CH207. Leaving?

Ye Xiao Xiao observes him for a while. She shakes her head. "Nope," then sits up.

She heard him say those words so clearly. He had asked if he can make her his.

But she understands one thing. These words were not meant for her.

He must have mistaken her for the person he loves and said them. That is the reason he behaved like that.

Anyway, she does not blame him. It is understood. He told her clearly that he has someone he loves.

It is her who is in love with him. She has to know how to control her emotions.

Lu Min Chen looks at her and begins walking away. He was almost losing himself. 

But just as he begins walking outside, Ye Xiao Xiao calls on him.

"President Lu..."

He stops abruptly, but he does not turn to look at her.

"Can I please have a moment of your time?" She asks calmly, as though the last one hour has not existed at all.

Lu Min Chen slowly turns to face her, his eyes searching her face.

"You want to say something to me?" He asks. Ye Xiao Xiao nods.

Lu Min Chen slowly walks back into the room and sits on the bed quietly, waiting for her to speak.

His face is so calm, not betraying any of his emotions.

"President Lu, I am actually very grateful that you have taken good care of me all this time," Ye Xiao Xiao begins speaking.

Lu Min Chen just stares at her, waiting for her to finish speaking. But something inside him is already telling him that something is not right.

"So I wanted to inform you that I  will be leaving soon," Ye Xiao Xiao completes her statement.

Lu Min Chen is startled. He turns to look at her in fear. "Leaving?" He asks.

He is scared that if she leaves, he might never get the chance of seeing her ever again. He does not want to allow her to leave at all.

"Mmh," Ye Xiao Xiao nods. She has to leave and stay away from him as much as possible.

Lu Min Chen seems short of words for a while. "No...I mean...why...why are you leaving?" He asks.

" I have to go back home and find something to do. Ting Ting told me that the company has been relocated. And I have a lot of debts to settle. I have to find something to do and earn something...I just can't stay here without working," Ye Xiao Xiao says.

"So you are leaving because you want to look for a job?" Lu Min Chen asks her softly.

He had thought that she was mad at him and wanted to be far away from him.

"Wait...why do you still need a job when you are still working for me? Weren't you paid last month?" Lu Min Chen asks and creases his brows.

"I was not paid," Ye Xiao Xiao shakes her head. "And I am not longer working since I did not go back to work. I cannot be paid for something I am not doing."