
CH198. I got you mother

Ye Xiao Xiao is shocked. Why is this woman speaking this much?

And who said that she was blushing when she saw him. Uh! What about those other words?

Hold on for long? What was that for?

What about fighting for the rights? There are really no rights to be fought for!

Who would be stupid enough to talk about rights and justice where Lu Min Chen is?

He is a man who is above the law, above justice, above governance! There is really nothing you can do once he is in control.

He does what he wants and gets what he wants too!

She is one good witness of that in this world. Sometimes, his presence alone makes her to feel like running away. 

It makes her feel like she might die if she continues being close to him. 

How the hell are they going to fight for the justices now?

'I know you two are in love, but you don't have to defend him. I will fight for your rights Xiao Xiao...'

Ye Xiao Xiao steals a glance at Lu Min Chen again. 'In love?' 

That should be the greatest joke she has heard in this life. Lu Min Chen can never be in love with a person like her.

He said that he only wants to take advantage of her until he is satisfied, right?

But...why didn't he say anything about it? Is it because he never goes against his mother's words?

Lu Min Chen fixes his eyes on Ye Xiao Xiao all through his mother's rumblng.

'Ah Chen, you have to give her her status before you touch her again...'

Lu Min Chen squints his eyes at the small woman below the stairs. She is looking everywhere else aside from him.

"Ah Chen! I am talking to you!" Madam Lu shouts at last. "Can't you even say anything?"

"I got you mother," Lu Min Chen says at last with a sigh. But there is a small smile at the corner of his lips that no one else sees.

"Okay, I will leave you two for now since you are so obedient today. But remember to be gentle with her," Madam Lu reminds Lu Min Chen. 

She pats Ye Xiao Xiao's head gently. "You have to tell him when he looses himself. Men are always so demanding at times. Especially if they claim to be in love with you. You might never get out of bed..."

"Mom? Didn't you say that you were leaving?" Lu Min Chen asks calmly, as though he has not heard what she has said.

But it is so different for Ye Xiao Xiao. She wishes that she had not even gotten out of bed today.

"Okay, I am leaving now son. I know you two need some time alone..." Madam Lu says and walks away with a very satisfied look on her face.

Even after she has left, Ye Xiao Xiao says nothing. She lowers her eyes to the ground with a fast beating heart.