
CH196. Just like his dad and grandfather

Ye Xiao Xiao does not even care to make the bed. It is not hers after all.

Just like she would do in her house, Ye Xiao Xiao gets out in her pajamas and walks downstairs.

Her stomach is empty and she needs to eat. No one cares about her anyway. 

Since she still wants to live, she should better be careful with herself. 

She also will not mind about the others. Since she is in this house where she can eat whatever she wants, she should better fill her stomach first.

She absentmindedly walks down the stairs. But she freezes when someone pulls her into their embrace.

"My Xiao Xiao, why have you been hiding from me? I missed you so much," a middle aged woman says with a pout.

It is only then that Ye Xiao Xiao sighs in relief. "Madam Lu, you scared me," she says as she takes in another deep breath.

She had thought that it was someone else.

Ye Xiao Xiao feels like slapping herself. ' Why did I think about him again? He will never be home at such a time.'

"What did you call me?" Madam Lu asks and gently pinches Ye Xiao Xiao's cheek. "This is your punishment for always being so forgetful."

"Umm..." Ye Xiao Xiao says with pursed lips. She asked her to be calling her mom. 

But won't that make her look so ambitious? Especially when her son hates her to the bones?

" What? You don't want to call me mom? Xiao Xiao, do you hate your mother in law this much? Listen here, this mother in law really hates it when her son is with any other woman. But for you .... um... just know that you will be my daughter in law. I don't know why that stupid son of mine is taking so long..."

Madam Lu stops her rumbling when she gets a glimpse of something.

She freezes for a second before moving closer to take a better look.

"Ye Xiao Xiao, did you share...wait, did something happen between you and Ah Chen? Aaah! My son no longer has a stagnant brain. He is, actually a man!"

She talks happily. Who would not know of anything happening between these two with those purple hickies on her neck?

Madam Lu actually feels like shouting to the whole world. Her son has finally grown up.

"Oow... my baby son is now grown... Xiao Xiao, how is he? Did he treat you gently? Actually, you have to understand that he is always having a very low emotional quotient...just like his dad and grandfather."

Madam Lu looks around mischievously when she says this. What will that pair of father and son do when they hear her say such things about them?

But worse, her son... That stupid son...  She feels like laughing when she imagines the kind of look he would have on his face when he finds out that she said such things to his soon to be wife...