
CH165. Undress you here

Ye Xiao Xiao opens her eyes wide in shock. Putting the ting on her finger was one thing. But kissing her like this in front of everyone is another.

Especially when Lu Min Chen is supposed to be doing all these to someone else.

She tries struggling to push him away, but Lu Min Chen moves closer to her ears. "Push me away and you see if I don't undress you here," he warns her.

Ye Xiao Xiao freezes and stops struggling. Lu Min Chen can do anything that comes into his mind. She does not want to get any more embarrassed.

But what's shocks her most is the fact that there are people cheering them on. 

She thought that everyone will curse at her. Weren't they waiting for Han Chan to be the one getting engaged?

She covers her face and cries. But she does not know why she is crying. She really cannot explain it.

Lu Min Chen puts her face on his chest so that no one sees her again and looks at his grandfather. "Grandpa, thank you very much for giving me this chance to get engaged. I really appreciate," he says with a straight face.

He pushes every blame to the old man, making it look like he was the one that asked him to marry Ye Xiao Xiao.

It is only now that Lu Chong Mu comes back to his senses. It had felt like he was experiencing a nightmare before.

He had not expected that Lu Min Chen would do that. He kissed her in front of everyone.

No wonder he agreed to get engaged. He should have dug into it before doing anything more.

How is he supposed to say now that Lu Min Chen is supposed to get engaged to Han Chan instead?

His hold on the wine glass tightens and the glass breaks into pieces.

His assistant runs forward and tries cleaning his hand. Everyone that knows him holds their breath. It seems like there is going to be a thunderstorm.

But they are surprised when he says nothing bad. He just nods his head. "Mmh, I am glad that you are now mature," he says and walks  away.

"No!" Han Chan is shocked by the turn of events. She creams aloud as tears fall from her eyes. She had thought that the old man would defend her.

She runs off the stage and disappears out the gate. It is a great embarrassment. Everyone knew that she was the one getting  engaged to Lu Min Chen.

Her parents stand up and try causing a scene, cursing at the Lu family, but Lu Min Chen's men control everything and escorts them out.

The remaining people, who are still confused are served well before they leave.

Even though they suspect that something is not right, they dare not question.

The party has come to an end all of a sudden. And Lu Min Chen has gotten engaged to a different girl, not  Han Chan.

But since most of them are friends, they cannot spread any of this news. 

Just like that, the party comes to an end, but with a very different plot.