
CH130. You are cute when you are obedient

She walks out with a burning heart. Even poor people from the orphanage are still able to get the attention of the young master. Who is she, Lei Ran?

Lu Min Chen hurries into Ye Xiao Xiao's room. He finds it partly closed and walks in.

But he is shocked when he finds her with another bowl of snacks. "Xiao Xiao," he calls startling her out of her wits.

"Um...you are already done?" She asks. "I thought you would take a little longer."

"Hhm, I had to hurry up and come to you," Lu Min Chen says and sits beside her.

"You don't have work to do today?" Ye Xiao Xiao asks in shock. He wants to keep her company? That should be a joke.


"What about the company? Don't you need to go and take a look?" 


'Mmh? Does he usually have this much free time?'

"You don't want me to stay?" He asks her. It seems like she is trying to find an excuse for him to leave.

"Not at all," Ye Xiao Xiao shakes her head. She cannot force him to leave. This is his house. "You can stay as much as you want."

"Thank you," Lu Min Chen says, looking into her eyes. He wishes he could pull her into his hands again. She is very cuddly.

Ye Xiao Xiao's heart beats so loudly when he looks into her eyes like that. She does not really know what that is happening to her body.

She takes in a deep breath and looks away from him. She takes a lot of the snacks and puts them into her mouth to get rid of her apprehension.

Seeing her behaviour, Lu Min Chen smiles. She is so tensed up being with him.

"Xiao Xiao, will you get mad at me if I took the snacks away from you?" He asks softly and takes the bowl of snacks away. Too much of them is not good for her health.

"You have already taken it away," she says with a pout. Was there any any need of him asking?

"You will eat it later," he says and puts it away. "It is not good for your health."

Ye Xiao Xiao nods. She decided to be a good person to him. After all, he has offered her a place to stay for her safety.

"You are cute when you become obedient," Lu Min Chen says and shuffles with her hair. He looks into her eyes again.

"I am always obedient," Ye Xiao Xiao refutes and looks away. "It is usually you that is always misunderstanding me."

"Tsk tsk," Lu Min Chen laughs. "I won't misunderstand you again then."

Ye Xiao Xiao looks at him briefly before diverting her eyes again. "You better," she says.

"Okay! What do you like doing?" Lu Min Chen asks. He wants to keep talking to her and hear her sweet voice.

"Me?" Ye Xiao Xiao asks as her eyes lights up. "I like eating those..." She says pointing at the bowl of snacks on the table.