
CH128. Where is my Xiao Xiao?

What she does not say aloud is that she has been trying very much to find him.

Lu Min Chen forbade the people at the company from coming into the orphanage or looking for him in his office, unless he had called for a meeting with them.

Apart from his assistant, no one else from the company sets foot in his office.

If something comes up and needs his attention, it is usually passed to his assistant first. He also only goes to the company once in a while.

"Did you find Li Chan?" He asks. He only remembers that Li Chan had mentioned something about the collaboration with the Ning a while back.

"I told him, but he said that he had informed you. I just decided to find you because the decline is tomorrow," Lei Ran explains.

Lu Min Chen remains quiet for a while. Seeing that it is really a genuine reason, he gets to understand.

He has known Lei Ran as a hardworking person. Even though she is the Human Resource manager, she still deals with matters of the public relations as for now.

This is because the department had some issues, and being experienced in the field, she offered to help.

Lu Min Chen feels guilty that he has been overworking her. He looks at Ye Xiao Xiao. "Give us a few minutes please," he says and walks to the table in the room.

Lu Min Chen has never allowed anyone into his study no matter what!

And that is the reason he never allows people from the company in his home.

Ye Xiao Xiao nods obediently and walks to her room. Butler Hu also goes back to his work.

Lu Min Chen goes into work with Lei Ran immediately. He is not someone who buys time when it comes to these matters.

Within twenty minutes, he is already done and gets up. He wants to see Ye Xiao Xiao again. She must be lonely now.

"President Lu, the issue with..." Lei Ran, who also wants to spend  more time with Lu Min Chen tries to find other topics to discuss with him.

She does not want him to go to that girl. Judging by their interactions, she feels like they are so close. That makes her jealous.

But Lu Min Chen lifts his hands to stop her. "If there is something else, please pass it to my assistant. You know very well that I don't work from home," he says.

"I am sorry," Lei Ran apologises. But she feels bad that Lu Min Chen wants to get rid of her as soon as they are done speaking.

At the same time, a woman walks into the house and looks around. She furrows her brows when she sees Lu Min Chen with another woman. "Where is My Xiao Xiao?" She asks Lu Min Chen.

"Why are you here mom?" Lu Min Chen asks in irritation. Why is everyone banging into his house today? He wants to have his time alone with Ye Xiao Xiao!