
CH126. How was your night?

"There is water over there. And I can also see the glasses there. Do you think that even Young master Lu himself asks for someone to serve him all the time?"

Ye Xiao Xiao has been working for Lu Min Chen for a while now. He is a very respectable person. She knows that he cannot be using Butler Hu like this.

He was always trying to make things for her alone in the past. But at other times, he usually even serves himself.

"You people are disobedient... I am going to tell on you to Min Chen when he comes..."

The door is pushed open and Lu Min Chen walks in. He walks straight to the water dispenser and fetches himself a glass of water.

Lei Ran looks at him in shock. Is it true that he serves himself when there are already servants here to serve him?

And she has been stupidly thinking of a way to report them to him!

Butler Hu and Ye Xiao Xiao looks at each other with smiles before turning to look at Lei Ran.

It is like that are asking her, 'Are you ready to tell him that we refused to serve you water?'

Lu Min Chen walks happily towards Ye Xiao Xiao. "Is something wrong?" He asks, wondering why they are so quiet.

She is the first person he saw once he walked in. And he got very happy that she is waiting calmly in the living room.

He knows that there are other people in the room, but he does not even pay attention to know who they are.

Lu Min Chen sits so close to Ye Xiao Xiao with his glass of water in his hands and looks at her face warmly. "How was your night?" He asks her.

Anyone watching them will not miss the affectionate gaze in his eyes.

Lei Ran clenches her fists. Lu Min Chen has not even looked at her. He has walked straight to this girl. Who is she to him?

Ye Xiao Xiao smiles back at him. "It was good," she says and puts another piece of snack into her mouth.

Lu Min Chen smiles at her actions. "Is it that good?" He asks. He gets surprised by the way she eats these junk foods.

He picks a piece of biscuit from her bowl and puts it in his mouth, startling Butler Hu and Lei Ran.

They have never seen Lu Min Chen eats snacks, worse still, from someone's else plate.

Lei Ran feels like her heart is being sliced by a sharp knife. There was a time when she had risked and bought a meal for Lu Min Chen.

But he did not even look at it. He had just brushed it off and said he does not just eat anything.

It had been like a big slap on her face, especially when her colleagues were watching them.

But she had just said that he does not like eating out, making them trust her. Which of course, it was true.