
Chapter four: the prep

The arch bishop chanda the commander and the newly appointed apostle Meschak retreated to the pastor's office after the service. "Here you go Chanda," Meschak said handing the pastor a duffle bag housing a small fortune. "A pleasure doing business with you," the pastor replied and left the office.

 Shortly after the pastor had gone Carolina Walked into the office accompanied by several church officials carrying crates of bottled water with very perculiar branding. Another group carried bottles of what appeared to be olive oil with the same perculiar branding. Finally two boxes of what was labelled incense was brought in by yet another group of ushers.

 Shortly after the church officials had left, Carolina asked "apostle what's the incense for?" Mocking Meshack. "It is a subtle drug used by many modern day pastor's to make their congregants more suggestible, a parting gift from Chanda the commander," Meshack explained. "what is the plan?, Now that you've got everyone convinced you're a man of God," Carolina began to investigate. "Well the plan is simple enough, I was thinking of going into marriage counseling," Meschak replied. "Marriage counseling?" Carolina laughed "have you ever been married?, What do you know about marriage?" Carolina asked teasing. "Well to be quite honest not a damned thing, the good part is I don't need to," Meshack replied. "Really?" Carolina continued to doubt. "Yes for as long as I have the people convinced that I'm a man of God, they will believe anything I say" Meschak replied. " So then how does marriage counseling help us sell our product?" Carolina continued to investigate. "Well I noticed a lot of struggling married couples in our congregation, we can brand our opium infused anointed water as the elixir to fix all their marital problems," Meschak replied. "I'll require your beauty and wit to sow seeds of discord in these struggling marriages and I'll present them with a miracle cure for this discord," Meschak said. "And how do you suppose I should do that?" Carolina asked curious. "I'm going to need you to flirt with targeted married husband's within the church," Meschak said. "Sounds like a plan," Carolina said smiling. "Now Leave me sinner! I must read my Bible," the apostle Meschak replied teasing. The both laughed heartily as Carolina left the office. 

 The afternoon that followed the apostle Meschak held a meeting with the church's executive members. Amongst others were Aunty Judy the heard usher, elder Simon who was the church's treasurer, sister Bettina who was the choir master, brother Enock who was the youth leader and several other committee members. A committee member gave a brief opening prayer before Meshack could begin. "Good afternoon everyone," Meschak began. "For those of you who I haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet, my names are Meshack [kabilla], I will be taking over the running of the church as the arch Bishop is away on holiday," Apostle Meshack continued. "I have gathered you all here today to discuss the way forward, as expected their is going to be some changes," Apostle Meshack added. "Are the any questions before we begin?" The Apostle asked. "Meshack where are you from I noticed you have a very distinct accent," An over zealous committee member asked. "You're are right my sister I'm not from Zambia but you see this church has many branches world wide I come from a branch in central Africa," the Apostle replied. "And you'll refer to me as Apostle, Prophet or Pastor when you address me," Meschak admonished the usher. "Any other questions?" The Apostle Meshack asked. The room remained silent in fear of being scolded like the usher. "Well then down to business, I've brought in an accountant to help with the organization of church funds he is brother mulenga, I'll ask that brother Mulenga be upstanding at this moment so we may welcome you" Meshack said. A short, plump and dark man stood at the back of the room. The members clapped three times in unison to welcome him. "Another change is I'd like to offer my sister Carolina for consideration as lead choir singer," Apostle Meshack said. "Can sister Carolina be upstanding please," the Apostle demanded. Carolina then stood also at the back of the room and the attendants of meeting clapped in similar fashion. "I'll also ask that the church be fumigated with incense before every service," the Apostle Meshack ordered. "Lastly I would like to see the church register of all the congregants especially the married couples or the families," the man of God requested. Apostle Meshack then proceeded to give a long tedious speech about how things where going to change starting from changing the times the church service began and ended also adding a secondary church service and a weekly youth scripture union. The meeting as was tradition was ended with a prayer and the attendants were dismissed.

 Meanwhile days later, at the Mwenya's residence, Evelyn's insecurities were getting the better of her. Evelyn had found a woman's bracelet in George's car and was immediately on the war path. "Who's bracelet is this for?" Evelyn asked in an argumentative tone. "I don't know," George replied surprised. "Is it not yours?" He asked. "No it's not and you know damn well that I do not wear cheap jewelry," Evelyn retorted. "Which one of your girlfriend's left this in your car?" Evelyn probed looking for a fight. "Don't be silly, you know very well that I'm faithful to you," George responded now visibly irritated. "Why are you in the habit of making mountains of molehills?" George continued. "What's that supposed to mean?" Evelyn responded. "It means you exaggerate everything until it leads to a fight," George explained. "So I exaggerate now," Evelyn began. " I wasn't exaggerating when I married you and bore you two children," Evelyn said raising her voice. "Calm down hunny I'm sure it's nothing, one of the many people I give lifts may have dropped it in there," George said in a consoling tone. "Don't lie to me!" Evelyn retorted. 

 Just as the argument threatened to start a family world war, George's phone rung, "shhh, I have to take this, it's mom," George said. "Don't shush me!" Evelyn replied. "Hello?" George answered his phone.

 The longer the conversation George was having on the phone lasted the wider George smiled. Noticing George's desposition Evelyn irritatedly asked in a hush tone "what are you smiling about?"

 George then promptly put his phone on loud speaker mode set it on the table "mom could you repeat what you just said to me," George asked. "George are you hard at hearing I was saying I lost my bracelet," came out of the speaker. "Could you describe the bracelet mom," George asked looking at Evelyn. "It was a copper elastic bracelet the one I wear because of my high Blood Pressure." The voice coming out of the phone replied. "I think my wife found it in my car, I'll bring it over as soon as I get a chance," George said. "Was there anything else mom?" George asked in conclusion. "No my son, thank you, bye," the voice coming out of the phone replied and ended the phone call. "You see before you draw any conclusions and start to accuse innocent people you need to wait and consider all the facts," George told his wife with a smirk. "Ah get lost," Evelyn said turning bluish with embarrassment. "You owe me an apology" George continued. "Go on, say sorry," George persisted. "Okay I'm sorry I overreacted," Evelyn conceded. "I'm not feeling this apology I need more than that, you owe me a chicken dinner," George said well aware that he was pushing his luck. "Ahh get lost, you're not off the hook yet just because I didn't catch you this time," Evelyn retorted as she retreated to the kitchen.