

The man made a hugging motion while he was in the air he was still upside down but he didn't look flustered at all he looked surprised at Enopy's technique but It didn't stop him from doing another flip and stomping down on Enopy's body

Enopy spit out a pool of blood as his spine almost cracked but it's hardened properties held up with the protection of his muscles

Suddenly jets grew out of Paras back, she jumped into the air and pointed her legs at the man's chest before the Jets activated and boosted her at him

The man grinned as he showed no sign of blocking it, he was instantly hit and knocked off of Enopy

Enopy pushed himself up before he cracked his back and boosted at the man again he didn't need to tell para anything as she immediately moved with him

He moved at his dangerous speeds around the man once again while she moved straightforward directly at him

She stabbed her sword at the man's chest while Enopy suddenly appeared over his head and shot downwords but again the man didn't show any signs of moving he merely let the attacks hit him

Enopys swords burrowed into the man's by a few inches while the girls swords barely penetrated the man's skin but I was merely due to the lack of power they were after all way more stronger than Enopy and they still weren't using their true power

She kicked off the man's chest and flew back while Enopy tried to pull his swords out but the man suddenly tensed his muscles and the swords instantly cracked leaving the item out of commission

Enopy didn't feel a particular sadness he liked the sword but their level was way too low so it was only a matter of time before they broke against the opponents that he was facing

He quickly pulled out a sword from his arsenal it resembled a saber just slightly longer

He then pulled out a red saber that was shorter than the black one that he had in his right hand

He was a few feet away from the man but despite the few seconds that went past and the Revealince of his new swords he didn't take his attention off the man. he saw as the man's muscles squirmed violently making his figure bigger and bigger

"GIVE.....ME.....SWORD" The man said calmly but each word reverberated throughout the air making it seem like a shout

Suddenly a man peeped his head out of the giant cart before he jumped out and lunged a huge short behind him that he could barely drag

He had a thin figure and he wore a blue kimono

He came out of the carriage dragging along a black sword behind him he obviously couldn't pick it up but the sound that the sword made as a tip hit the ground was spine chilling

Suddenly his muscles wormed and his thin figure turned muscular but It didn't stop there it continue to increase until he effortlessly picked up the sword and used it as a javelin

He put his palm on the top of the handle and place the other hand under the blade he pointed it upwards and shot it into the air

Despite all the power that he put into it it only lasted a few feet before it landed right besides the man

"Thank me later thantar!" the man screamed with a huge smile on his face before his figure shrunk back to his original form while he walked back into the carriage

thantar stayed quiet as he placed his hand on the sword

"Enzo, para, attack!" Enopy ordered

They said nothing but they continued to send their attacks at him

Enzo began to fight seriously, his whips made out of slime retracted as his fist then took on their slime form before they enlarged into unhumanly measures and punched at the man

While para made more Jets come out of her armor and slashed at the man multiple times within mere seconds

But Enopy didn't stop his attack completely he shot his red sword at the man

Instead of ignoring Enopys attacks like the others he caught the sword and broke it with his two fingers

"IS THIS ALL!" the man said menacingly

He tried to glare at Enopy's position but he was only met with a bunch of little red pistol bullets

It was of course from Enopy he was using the thought gun and one of its new features

It now has the ability to change forms on command before it worked in a way that it would change upon the users mental Power and stay in that form until the users mental power grew stronger but now he was able to change its form

But this also had a limit he was only able to go from his current strongest gun to the least strongest gun so the technique wasn't allmighty

The man was utterly shocked but It didn't stop him from dodging

He actually had to dodge this surprised even the expressionless para

The man moved his body from side to side dodging each and every bullet like a ballerina dancer with the most powerful reflexes but all his moves looked effortless

The man was about to fight seriously but suddenly a barrage of endless bullets appeared

Which left him with no escape route

Enopy showed no care for his companions as he completely unleashed the effects of his AK 47

He couldn't care for others in such a time companions were only good when they're useful so if Para or Enzo died here they simply weren't meant to stick with him the the long run

Enopy, Enzo, and Para's mind we're running in turmoil they expected only one powerful Enemy to be there but after the slim man revealed himself they knew that this would be no easy fight and even after they were done with their current opponent they would have an even stronger one left

Enopy limited himself to the AK-47 and the pistol he didn't want to reveal his other guns to the other man in the carriage before he fought him that would be like ensuring his death he wouldn't so willingly kill himself