
Hello I Am

"what happened!" a Servant that was outside his door came in and said.

"I was experimenting but it failed " Enopy replied calmly.

"Oh! come with me you can go to a training room" the servant's expression changed from alert to calm.

"Oh, okay" he replied.

He was led to a huge metal room.

"This is it, just scan your point card," the servant said as she pointed at the scanner beside the door.

"Ok," Enopy said as he swiped his point card causing the huge metal door to open.

"You can go in at any time now that you are the young miss lover," the servant said as her face grew lighter after every word.

"Ahem... master Sirus said that since you have so much free time you can start your duty." suddenly Albert appeared and said.

"I'm busy right now I'll start tomorrow," enopy said as he walked into the room and shut the door

"Feww" Enopy breathed out in relief as he dropped his disguise. He had been using the known technique but the depletion of fragrance was too much forcing him to come to this place and stop it even with the systems conformation. He still didn't want to take chances and created an explosion giving him a chance to come to the indoor training area.

"I'll carry out some experiments" enopy didn't worry about surveillance items in the room because he knew that if someone was to find a surveillance item in the training rooms of the city lords castle then that would most likely, be the downfall of the city Lord.

He knew that it would be suspicious that a young man that was living in something that was barely a hut was experimenting but it would make sense if he linked it to the "blackmailer".

He used some restorers and quickly refilled his core, then, he laid out the gumdrop technique and the toxic gas technique.

He wanted to use the rest of the day to raise his battle powers and test his gained power, he would finally use the battleground again.

He began the comprehension starting with the gumdrop technique which was mostly a pink color but had blue at the edges of its spider-like structure.

Then he moved on to the toxic gas technique the comprehension went quickly, his time had shortened greatly from 2 hours to 1 hour and 15 minutes, But, that didn't mean that he didn't encounter problems.

He finished the comprehension of the toxic gas technique and he effortlessly moved parts of the toxic gas technique to the gumdrop technique but he wasn't finished. he wanted to edit both of the techniques he would add a lasting effect to the toxic gas technique by making it stick to the lungs of the target.

While editing the gumdrop technique to give it toxicity he had already done this but he encountered a problem while moving the pieces of the gumdrop diagram to the toxic gas' diagram.

The gumdrop pieces were sticking to his container of consciousness.

He would just cover his wanted parts of the diagram and let them do what they want inside, but this one seems to contain aspects of mind techniques giving it the ability to stick to Enopy's consciousness.

"It seems that I'll be unable to edit mind techniques this only contains aspects and its ability to do this to my container of consciousness, " Enopy thought as he shook his head in disappointment he wanted to edit them next but this left him in disappointment but he felt released that he found out before he tried to manipulate the diagrams.

He struggled to get it off his container of consciousness but after a while of trial and error. He found out that rotating the container stops the diagram from sticking to it giving him the chance to drop it onto the toxic gas diagram.

"At least I was able to edit them both, now, should I go try out my new techniques "

"Beep beep comprehension of diagrams 100% complete", suddenly the system's voice resounded in Enopy's head.

"What? I have to experiment 2 more times may be the system can comprehend more from failures" He quickly came up with a conclusion as he made his way through the castle.

Multiple people asked where he was going but he quickly put them off and soon reached the outside.

"Open the gate" he ordered.

"Why should I," the guard Demetrius said as he slammed his golden staff on the ground letting Enopy know there was no way to reason with him.

Enopy could tell that they were the same rank but his senses didn't make a peep and he had confidence in beating him.

"Look kid just move out the way if you don't wanna get hurt," Enopy said calmly.

"W-were the same AGE!" Demetrius Was furious causing him to stumble over his words and scream.

"Sure, well I'll count to ten and if you guys don't open this gate then…I'll make you," Enopy said as he moved his eyes to look at the other guards.



"who do you think you are! Huh, you think you can just barge in here and I'll let you do what you want well you're gravely mistaken" Demetrius shouted.



"I'm not scared of you!" Demetrius shouted as a hint of fear appeared in him.



"You can't get past me!", He shouted once again.


"Huh?" This sound left Demetrius in confusion.

"Just let him go," a female guard (dark pink hair, beige eyes, 5'5, pale skin) behind Demetrius said.

"What are you talking about Ferries!" He yelled but suddenly he was knocked off his feet leaving him laying on the ground as he watched Enopy run out.

"come back here AND FIGHT MEEE…!" Demetrius screamed but Enopy paid him no mind.

He soon reached the battleground he wasn't surprised when he saw Eckon fighting his heart out.

He quickly moved past all the fanboys and girls making his way to the team areas.

"Healers any healers!"

"Healers in need!"

"Well give a good percentage of earned points to healers!".

Everywhere Enopy looked everyone required healers.

"Are you a healer?" a big man with a black beard and green hair walked up to Enopy and asked.

"No bu-" Enopy tried to reply but was cut off.

"He's NOT a HEALER!", this line made Enopy realize that everyone was looking at him but when the guy screamed they all turned away and continued with their businesses.

"Yo, we need a fire type" suddenly a boy walked up to Enopy.

"Oh I'm darkness type but my fire techniques are powerful," Enopy said with a fake grin on his face.

"Oh great come let me introduce you to my group," the boy said.

"We will be going against the "snakes" those bastards we'll get them this time" the boy grumbled.

"Guys this is our new member uh what was your name," the boy asked with a confused expression.

"Slap!, really what did I tell you, you can't just bring random people and you didn't even ask his name" a red-haired green-eyed lady scolded.

"Ow," The boy said as he rubbed his head.

"Well whatever since you are already here I'm Cynthia, this is Robin, she said as she pointed at the red-haired, yellow-eyed boy that she slapped.

"These are the other members" She pointed behind her.

"Hey I'm Ralell-(ra, Lell)" a man with cream gold hair and burgundy eyes said as he walked up and shook Enopy's hand.

"And this is Para, she doesn't talk and doesn't like to be bothered," Cynthia said as she pointed to the fully armored girl whose purple hair hung out of a hole in the back of her helmet.

"Well hello everyone I am Jack"