

The civilians were slapped into silence as they stared at the rank two body in fear

The chains had locked away everyone's power making things way easier for Enopy

"It's good that your already lined up in four rows, pass these cards to the back until everyone has one, then pass this card to the person besides you starting from the first four people and you should be able to understand the rest" enopy quickly explained as he waves his card in the air

Enopy then waited for two hours before everyone had a card, he then handed his card to a lady on the left

She quickly moved the points out of the card into Enopy's card

"Oh shit I forgot" Enopy thought as he then said who works at the point card center

Not even five seconds later a bunch of hands shot up

Enopy quickly took note of those people

"Get back to it" he shouted

A process of charge and pass was created

charge and pass

charge and pass

charge and pass

charge and pass...

This process went on for hours



Elding grabbed Zeno's leg and threw him to the ground

Zeno crashed onto the ground, but instantly jumped back up he punched at Elding, but Elding's spine curved, helping him dodge the blow, but Zeno didn't plan on stopping

He swung his sword, forcing Elding to up his defense, and block the blow

He was flung back, and forced by gravity, to fall back to the ground

Suddenly, Zeno grew white wings and beamed towards Elding


The process of charge and pass continued as Enopy paced back and forth

"Enopy what is this" Elizabeth said from above

Enopy decided to entertain her due to the unbearable boredom, that he had suffered during this time

"Don't worry, I'm just trying to charge my card with my loot" he said as he pointed at the crowd

"But why are you doing this to them?" Elizabeth said as she began to weap

His face instantly turn dark as a hint of killing intent rolled of his figure

Elizabeth Felt the killing intent, she made a abrupt gasp as her tears completely stopped, while she stared at the ground in utter fear

He eventually retracted his eyes and jumped off the balcony, he walked in between a roll of people and checked on the progress

"Only a quarter of people" he mumbled "it's been about seven hours, so it's 3 o'clock pm"

"Move faster he screamed" as he walked through the rows



Suddenly, Elding appeared next to Zeno, and kicked his back, he grabbed his legs and tried to fling him away, but Zeno's wings hit Elding in his face and made him let go of Zeno's leg

Zeno kicked Elding on his head, and sent him flying, Elding hit the ground, but this time, he didn't jump back up, he stood still as poison seeped out his body, and created a puddle of poison

Soon, creatures, Arose from the puddle in, all shapes and sizes

"Oh? So we're getting serious " Zeno said as he created 3 copies of himself


An Anti-climatic Day passed slowly

"Huu, when does the killing start" Enopy said as he looked up at the sky

He was now sloped on a chair as he looked up at the sky, A long boring day had passed the progress, had moved to a little over half of the people


"So, who's next" Sirus asked as he clasped his hands

"I don't wanna be last, so I'll go" The sleeveless kimono wearing man said as he jumped onto the stage

"Haha, me too," The vest-wearing man said

He jumped onto the stage and went to his own side

"The one who's wearing a vest is Que-(Q), he's at the first stage of middle stage rank three, the other one is Oregon, he's at the middle stage of middle stage rank three" Sirus whispered to Enopy clone

"Ok, thanks," Enopy clone said as he flipped his glasses back on, and focused on the fight


"Hmm, oh right I can look through my clones eyes" Enopy thought as his eyes glowed slightly

He used his consciousness to find what seemed like an invisible string, the string connected him and his clone, he used the string as a tunnel as he moved his sight through it, and begin to watch the fights as if it were a movie

He closed his eyes and put most of his foucus into the fights

He watched Oregon create rings of fire a plummeting, unconscious Que, the game like transformations, and Oregon's loss he then snapped back into reality

He quickly leaped through the rows it was easy to tell who charged the card or not

He had the people who charged the card place their card on the ground

There was about 45% left

"This is going to take a while" He said with a hint of frustration

"What can I do….hmm?...! That will probably occupy me for a while" Enopy thought as he floated beyond the gate and made his way towards the houses and shops