
Beacon For Danger

He had collected all the bodies and created a massive room above the passages.

Enopy cut a piece of meat off the wolf; he grabbed the meat and ran around the room until there was no after image of him.

He soon stopped, and in his hand was the meat, but it was now cooked.

Enopy took a large bite, as he sat on the ground.


He soon devoured half of the wolf.

He then wrapped the rest of the all-seeing wolf inside his aura. Then he jumped up and punched the ceiling while discharging the energy in his fist.

He had created a tunnel in the ceiling, which he jumped into; he soon reached the top and used his feet to hold himself up; he then punched the wall in front of him, climbed into it, and bore with the bit of space and crawled through the passageway.

He wanted to return to the wolf-infested surface, collect "food" and train using real battles.

He got to the end of the space, and made a fist; he had little space, so he was unable to punch, forcing him to charge his fist with energy, and discharge it, Which helped give birth to another tunnel.

He repeated this process more than ten times.

"Drip, drip, drip." Enopy noticed the sound of dripping water, he could tell that he was close to the surface, with the evidence gained from the dripping water, and the visibly softer ground.

Enopy forced his hands into the ground above him.

"What?" he exclaimed as he noticed that there was a flow of water.

After a couple of seconds thinking, he thought " this river must lead to the border. The only body of water close to here is there."

"I guess I'll be underground a while longer," he said as he created another tunnel.

"Crawl, stop, punch."

"Crawl, stop, punch."

"Crawl, stop, punch."

"Crawl, stop, punch."

"Crawl, stop, punch."

"Crawl, stop, punch."

"Crawl, stop, punch."

"Crawl, stop, punch"...

He repeated this process dozens of times; while he stayed wary of the ground's possible collapse, he stopped and stuck his hand into the soft ground.

"Psssss" the water burst through the gap Enopy made as the flow of water slowly cleared the ground away, enlarging the gap.

He swam out of the tunnel, and soon found himself in a giant pool of water; he swam for a bit and soon arrived at the surface.

"Huuuaaaa" he took a deep breath as he scanned the surrounding area.

He slowly swam towards land.

Minutes later, he reached land and crawled out of the murky swamp water.

"Huuu," he sighed As he stepped into a nearby cave, he wanted to rest on the surface, after being underground for months.

He saw that the tunnel branched out, and took a random path.

Suddenly his senses screamed, forcing Enopy to run out; he went towards the right tunnel, but his senses went off. Enopy ran into the middle one, but without fail his senses screamed, giving Enopy a head-splitting pain.

He ran out of the cave, and jumped into the water; he took no chances of letting that danger get near him.

He swam across the water, aiming for the land on the other side.

"Pashhh," a giant crocodile emerged from the water; its jaws were open as it aimed to devour Enopy whole.

Enopy was caught entirely off guard; his senses went off too late. He reacted quickly and held the crocodile's jaws open with his legs.using a split

He was able to hold on for a while, but the crocodile put more and more strength in its jaws.

"Fuck! Why does danger always follow me? It's like I'm a beacon," Enopy thought with a furious expression.

"How am I gonna get out of this," he said as he flexed his muscles to the limit, and Empowered himself with fragrance.

Enopy forced the crocks jaws back, as he grabbed its tooth and ripped it off.

The crock wailed in pain and opened its jaws letting go of its prey.

Enopy fell into the swamp and swam towards land.

Seconds later, he reached land; he was relieved when he saw there were no caves in sight, he deployed his aura and scanned the surroundings.

He saw a forest that stretched for miles going out of his aura.

"It should be a pretty peaceful journey. I need to figure out which direction I should go," Enopy said as he jumped on a tree.

"Oh, how lucky," he said as he stared at the slightly red mountain peak in the distance.

He put weight on the tree; the tree bent, almost touching the ground, Enopy abruptly adjusted his weight, making him lighter.

"Wiiiiip" the tree wiped back up, hurling Enopy into the air.

Minutes later, Enopy slowed down, and started to fall towards the ground; he grabbed the top of a tree, spun around, and propelled himself back into the air.

"Hey, Enopy," a voice called out to Enopy.

Enopy turned towards the voice.

Suddenly his senses went off, and he put his arm up to block the incoming attack.

"Boom" he was sent down to the ground, he suffered some minor damage, but he paid his injuries no mind, and looked at his opponent.

Enopy immediately recognized his opponent and said, "Layen, what the fuck are you doing."

Layen jumped in front of Enopy and said, "how did you get to peak rank 1 in just a few months."

"I don't know" Enopy knew that his answer could lead to his death, but everyone has cultivation secrets in this world, and he expected Layen to understand that.

Layen stared at Enopy for what seemed to be hours; Enopy never stopped looking at Layen as the moonlight shined on him.

Days went by as they stayed in this staredown.

Layen unexpectedly stood up, and walked off, Enopy asked no questions and followed.

They traveled at a fast speed. Enopy had his guard up but was slightly relieved when he noticed they were going towards the mountain.

"I wonder where Kaito and the rest are. I should ask Layen, but I doubt he knows" Enopy thought while keeping his blank expression.

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