
Malron Awakening: The Demonic Curse System

[Greetings, The Damned One] [You are in agreement to be part of the Demonic Curse System] [Please perform your duties until the end] [Hell always awaits you] The evil demon named Malron accidentally forges a binding pact between demons and humans involving the innocent teenager named Kieran. Thus the Demonic Curse System is born. It is a system that reduces Malron's power along with his demonic nature, and replaces it with Kieran's natural gifts. Malron can't escape his oath; he forced protect Kieran to death. Or until Kieran releases him from the demon's service. Little does Malron know that Kieran plays a pivotal role that jeopardizes his life. Whether he like it or not, Malron must ensure Kieran's safety for the ultimate goal: becoming the world's Supreme Priest. #noharem #noromance #system #sidekick #villain #demon #reverseoverpowered

Lifebegin · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs


The people were momentarily shocked as Malron burst through the door, causing both wings of the door to slam into the hallway. Only Malron could see the points of light turn into angels, and then the creatures scurried out of the chapel. 

Not even Malron's presence mattered to them.

It was a sign that the enemies outside were more dangerous!

"Kieran!!" Malron shouted, his voice echoing through the chapel.

The demon ran along the pews filled with people until he reached the front row. Kieran stood up and looked at Malron in confusion. The young man was shocked to see the door down.

"What have you done, Lord?" Kieran's face immediately paled.

The people's voices buzzed like bees as they looked at each other and spoke. They hadn't expected an incident to cause such an uproar in the chapel. Several police officers guarding the area approached Malron.

There was no time to explain; Malron immediately grabbed Kieran's arm to leave. But Kieran resisted, looking at Malron in confusion and anger.

"No!" Kieran refused.

"We have to get out of here right now!" Malron snapped.

Mrs. Guasch, sitting next to Kieran, also stood up, looking panicked. "Please calm down; let's talk about this in peace. Malron, can you sit down and be quiet?"

"Shut up!" Malron snapped angrily.

Mrs. Guasch jumped in shock and looked at Kieran with frightened eyes at being snapped at by Malron. Ironically, the demon had been staying at Mrs. Guasch house for the past three days and had always been served chocolate chip cookies.

Kieran's puffy eyes looked sharp. "This is a funeral for my aunt and uncle. Why are you interrupting it? Please respect the deceased. I beg you!" he said.

"Sir!" the policeman's call diverted Malron's attention.

Malron's eyes were still fixed on the approaching police. "There is no time, Kieran! Your life is in danger!"

Kieran stumbled. "What do you mean?"

Malron saw the ashes of the angels that had fallen on the threshold leading to the chapel. From there, people dressed in all black with matching hoods emerged. They drew swords from under their robes and slaughtered the bereaved sitting in the back rows.

Screams echoed throughout the prayer house, drawing the attention of the police.

"What's happening?!" The police exclaimed in disbelief.

Something larger entered, engulfed in fire. Panicked people jumped over the pews to avoid it. Then the fire spread rapidly, destroying the benches and the people still alive.

The people were instantly reduced to ashes, causing instant chaos.

The angels returned and fought back. Malron unleashed a gust of wind to blow the people away from him and Kieran. Then Malron grabbed Kieran's hand.

"Move!!" Malron yelled.

Reflexively, Kieran pulled Mrs. Guasch's arm, and the three of them ran toward the podium, then through another door. They ran down the narrow corridor, looking for a way out of the chapel. Malron could hear the sounds of agonized screams and the howling of panicked people.

Indeed, these people would not survive; they would be roasted and turned to ashes instantly.

Malron reached the side exit door and slammed his palm against it, causing it to fly open and shatter in the alley.

"What on earth?!" Mrs. Guasch exclaimed in shock.

Malron's legs ran down the alley until they finally reached the road. Mrs. Guasch sat down on the sidewalk and cried uncontrollably. Meanwhile, Kieran controlled his breathing, though his face was visibly pale.

"What actually happened, Lord?" Kieran asked.

"I told you, you're in danger! And we have to get out of here!" Malron insisted.

Malron scanned the area; other dangers were approaching, even if they weren't visible yet. They couldn't stay there a minute longer. Kieran hugged Mrs. Guasch immediately.

"Come on, Mrs. Guasch... let's go," Kieran whispered.

"We have to call the police," Mrs. Guasch sobbed, shaking with shock. "Or call someone, Kieran. The people in the chapel are being massacred!"

"Leave them!" Malron ordered.

Of course, Kieran was startled to hear this. "What?"

"They want you, Kieran! Leave Mrs. Guasch!" Malron repeated.

"How could you say that! I can't do that!" Kieran replied angrily.

Malron shook his head. "Mrs. Guasch, save yourself. The police won't be able to handle a situation like this!"


Before Mrs. Guasch could continue, a rope suddenly wrapped around the middle-aged woman's waist. Mrs. Guasch's body was pulled backward, and Kieran reflexively grabbed both hands. Their bodies soared into the air and then were pulled back into the narrow alley.

Malron was disoriented and hadn't had time to prepare a defense. "Hell no!"

[Your master is in danger. Rescue him or fail]

The message came out of nowhere, a warning echoing in Malron's ears. It was a highly disruptive system, putting Malron in a desperate situation. It should have given information from the beginning if something dangerous was coming.

Or at least give a hint!

How was Malron supposed to know if Kieran was being chased by many demons? Why was Kieran being hunted by both the High Priest and the demons? It was truly puzzling.

"Shit! Damn it!" Malron cursed in frustration.

Malron hurried to follow to save Kieran and Mrs. Guasch. His steps stopped when he saw several figures in black robes standing in a line, blocking his way. It reminded Malron of his return to this world.

These people wore the same robes.

"High Priests," Malron muttered.

Suddenly, the line of people moved aside, making the figure step forward. A figure engulfed in flames, then the whip around Mrs. Guasch's waist was released, and her body fell to the ground. Malron's eyes glanced briefly at Mrs. Guasch and Kieran, both unconscious on the dirty floor.

"Well, well, well..." A deep female voice chuckled.

Malron sighed heavily and said, "Oh, damn. Turns out you were the culprit all along."

The flames covering the figure vanished instantly, revealing the demon's true form. A tall woman with reddish skin and long, shiny black hair. A pair of black horns adorned her head, with a sharp tail protruding from behind. Her face was grim, with sharp teeth.

The demon laughed again, irritating Malron. "Do not laugh. Your laughter is very annoying," Malron said, annoyed.

"Malron the Great, what a—"

"Surprise. I know," Malron interrupted.

"In human form."

"What did you expect? A giraffe?"

The demon woman grinned at Malron and stared sharply. "It feels like a reunion..."