
Malice of Truth

As time continuously diverts through and our era has been consistently changing with progressive summation and division of cultural development covering the entire grasp of this world. Ones and foremost remains a mystery in the circulation of genuine time for the peak conclusion no one posses. Holding never-ending capabilities of answers pointing directions to uncountable measures of enhanced educated assertion in the revolution of limited seconds. One must hold and conclude the title of "Malice of truth" inheriting divine prowess that upholds heavenly miracles production of information that corroded and forgotten during the genuine time in comparison even Greater king of the world (one that has the backing of the authority of all living beings) couldn't surpass in every aspect. Krezo took the voyage on land to gather hints, clues, to decode the mystery of his past and to gain the truth keeping his mental restraint on hand, slowly eradicating a portion of memories of misery and devoured happiness on an adventure of comradeship together breaking the chain and setting on each other behind equal freedom of achieving their dreams, ambitions, and intentions. As they pick up all the puzzle piece creating a lead, the massive amount of truth embedded into their mind with twists they never expect with midway developments on their selves and as each other's comrade propagating a story of morality, truth, nature, embracement, and dreams propelling their decisions derive to their destiny.

Reiju_Eclipse0307 · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Chapter 14:Untruthful Written Poem On A Never-Ending Love Train [Part ||]

Sprinting and rushing towards a certain room and mansion of someone in the upper ranking, a duke who attained something valuable in specific, having an intention of stealing "that" object or a treasure from his point of view. Vincento De Vairrere, who at that time is a 9yr-old prince, infiltrated deviously into the duke's room being controlled by the half-truth statement of the duke.

"A sword that could destroy the earth? It's unbelievable. The previous wielder of the sword might be some sort of God's guardian... or maybe not HAHAHA." childish yet seriously taken, Vincento, the flow of rumors of neither truthful nor suspicious old man.

Having no witnesses that might bring calamity to his plan before his excavation proceeding to search for the sword with the similar description as the duke's dictation while on the royal family heads gathering, that occurs once a year of the De Vairrere led by the Alincesula, a wooden sword with D.C. symbol on its blade written poorly as it has a cryptic mood around due to abstract exaggerated tinting.

"So this is...A wooden sword. A sword of average size, similar to that sword I liked when I'm still 5 yrs old. Can this really cut gigantic lands? Maybe there's something that creates this shady thing to be that huge of a feat. Raw strength? Divine ability? I must seek training for now." said Vincento, Not trashing the idea of a common sword becoming a legendary item, assuming factors and outside influence of how can a wooden sword achieve such metamorphosis.

Heeding back to his room to store the item, he got unauthorized, hiding it on a glorious treasury made out of high-quality silvers with an origin of Mabdusah City in the country of Donasah. Sculptured professionally by the best swordsmith of Conqes City and even one of the best in Lamques, with unique symmetry of six circles in the middle creating a big circle as all connect like a chain loop.

"The worth in this sword is enormous, I need to properly secure it in a place with the same worth. I saw the duke's eye, it has the glimmering hope, scorched by the heavenly lights, no stenches of lie are in the area because the eyes of the believer are seeing the present." excitedly dictate Vincento inferring the truthfulness of the duke, who got stabbed in the neck by this falling sword, storing it carefully.

Remembering the exact phrases of the duke in the gathering, which Vincento eavesdropped due to curiosity, asserted his next step.

"I'm the 3rd Duke of the De Vairrere royal family hereby to express my contribution. I have seen beyond the logic, your truth is a massive stretch of mankind. Striving infinite and non-stop questions that answer less genuine useless things, thus leading to becoming skeptical monsters. I fathom seeking reasons but, reasons led society to crumble a stray." said the duke, who incidentally discovered the sword while praying in his mansion, manipulated the vibe in the meeting as he expressed broad near-irrelevant topic suggesting his experience of a miraculous event that is out-of-this-world even the age of discovery cannot compare.

"I'm Marccious, the 6th Duke of the De Vairrere royal family, what a deep intriguing topic you brought. Sir If you blissfully continue this fascinating 'assumption', we all here will be ordinarily glad" a duke replies.

"Sir, My name is Milfiller. What will I tell you now is a story, perhaps an experience, In exactly one week ago I saw the gates of beyond. While I'm praying for the 'Anitos', who allies our leader Alincesula in my mansion near the balcony, a stroke of a sword drops from the above of the sky directly on my neck securing heavy blood-loss. Slowly perishing under the sun lights not knowing when to thoroughly pass out and rest with a soul having absolute freedom. A sudden person appears with a blurred complexion, some sort of realistic dream, my eyes fully blinded by the rays of his brightness. Backing away with a showing back towards me, I stand up. And ask 'who are you?' repetitively, wanting an answer to this question. After I gave up on asking and turns the action into walking near the figure, the distance seemingly stretches. After and after of runs seemingly not reaching the goal, and thus. 'What do you seek? Truth? Heavenly Position? or Eternal Happiness?' he dictates such unexpected phrases, And I couldn't answer. Quietly froze beyond beliefs, even I attempt to word it, ... it's just nerve-wracking. After some hours of hours inside the dream realm, the space distorted. This figure slowly eradicates into small dust deleting itself into the void, after that, I woke up. With a headache, I started to wonder what is that thing. Keeping the question on hand slowly stood up seeing the sword, that stabbed me to the neck, on the ground clean with no evidence of the stab occurrence such as bloodstains. As I try to touch the handle, as I get nearer, surrounding changes. It becomes like the outer space above at night. Lifting the sword, feeling light, this figure talks to me again.'Stop seeking the truth, Thou shall not be skeptical, It will only lead to suffering. Do you believe in the greater being that created this complex universe? God perhaps. Who possesses infinite numbers of knowledge on each segment of reality, who is always present on every individual, Do you believe in it?'. Upon hearing those melodramatic words, I stop my prayer and heed own the wooden sword. 'As time continues to pursue the future, destiny is unchangeable, thus leading to irremovable erasure of the dominoes of possibilities. Utopia remains on constant changes of meaning as the chase is still going. You must not be careless in equipping such a weapon, It might destroy your own world'. Dictating those words vanishing within thin air." said 3rd Duke, Milfiller, histrionically expressing his contribution and found. Changing his ideals from praying to the Anitos, who support the Alincesula, and believing the world has constructed into natural means into believing that there is someone above anything else, who creates where he lives, debunking someone's opinion on being skeptical and encourage them into having faith to the creator above.

"What he experienced is so intriguing," said Vincento fascinated by the story of the figure of the void that created this world, according to the duke's statement.

After his infiltration, blooming successfully,

he then concluded the next step.

"Fortune teller, they might have a sketchy background but I'll try my fortune to be replenished into its genuine form. I'll travel on my own to the east part of this city, in meeting the 'rumored best fortune teller' of the country. In my own perception, fortune tellers are the outcast fallen angels rejected by the sole creator that's why they might have a clue as to what will happen to the future. I wish my fortune is a trillion"

Conspiring to travel in the east part of the city, with few gold coins in his pocket that he got on his treasury, aims for a way on how to personally meet the figure of the light. Heavily assumes that a fortune teller has an associate with this unusual person.

Leaving the front entrance of his house, walking towards the direction of a guarding knight of an iron armor attire and a spear on his hand, asking where might the fortune teller is exactly located in the eastern part.

"Hey! Mr. Knight. shhhhh. Please don't tell my Mama that I'll travel on my own." quietly request Vincento.

'Uhh' nodds by the guard.

"Where does the famous fortune-teller located? I need to ask my fortune and some other things"

As Vincento hands a few gold coins to the guard, solidifying his promise that he will not snitch, the guard then hands Vincento a map and pointed its exact location.

"This is where it is, be careful on traveling cos there might be lurking spies around, this area is out of the royal guards to reach." whispery alarm Vincento by the guard on a possible contact to an outsider.

" Okay thanks, don't forget our promise"

As he is leaving the entrance, the commotion has exploded as many people murmur around. It's a scenery of royal teenagers, from the same blood-rooted family as Vincento's, ganging a merchant who sells various items from the source outside of the capital.

"Damn you peasant! You ruin our observation, the three of us are walking here then your unmannered eyes piss me off. What's your problem, huh? You're just a beggar who's begging for a job in the capital. You have no right to show your prideful personality here. You hear that!!!" the royal brats continued as Vincento ignores them.

Vincento then hikes across one mountain and walks into three forests into the fortune teller's locale. After several hours, exhausted yet having a blazing will from his eyes, entered the mysterious place where his intent is igniting to its core.

"So this is the place, as expected of the greatest fortune-teller. Greatest amongst the fallen angels."

Medium tent, full of voodoo items and fung sui related equipment, full of a shady band of clothes and a circular ball on a table of red.

" Who are you? Of one might have interest on my prowess? Ho? So that's it... HAHAHA.

Did you come here to test your luck?" deviously hidden fortune teller.

"Old woman? They say the oldies are the wisest, this seems legitimate" gratefully said on his mind Vincento.

"I want you to see the paths of my future. If it is rebelled by the road of limitless ignition, or covered with heavenly lights on the path of colorful ashes. I...I want to meet him. My dream." said Vincento wanting a phosphorous genuine life in the future, asking for such a heavy task, leaving a burden to the fortune teller.

The old woman smirks at his statement and accepts his request, in exchange for a gold coin, they proceed to the table to search for the fortune of Vincento on the magical balls

" As withered away by own luck, catastrophe strikes back, engaging calamity thou gives light to the meaningless blight." throwing figurative meaningful phrases resulting in the changes of color of the magic ball.

"I...I see it. Your light amongst the aftershock of the storm."

" One day... You will see a person who will be the one to recognize your dream, a woman, assisting you into arriving at your Utopia. You must not ignore this vision as this person seems to experienced such bad luck. The catalyst for achieving your dream is to kill this person. Not by your own hand but by letting this person die naturally. Pour your most devotion in taking care of this figure, and someday you will arrive at the truth." phrased successfully in accordance to the magic ball, said the old fortune-teller, reason out the details.

As steady as the boulders of the eastern plateau and the eyes of the merciful believer, his consciousness is devoured into the plane of these phrases. In addition to his steadfast conclusion, he quietly assumes possible life points in his life connecting all forming the line traveling infinitely as it represents all thinkable results of action and reaction, scenarios, etc.

"Tha-thank you, Mrs. Fortune teller. Oh I didn't ask your name, was I?" said Vincento

" Nevermind my name. Nameless peasants such as I don't deserve such experience" said the fortune teller, delivering confusing words, leading Vincento not to comprehend.

"Huh? I didn't understand that but thank you, grandma." thanking as saying goodbye with his hands waving upwards, Vincento leaves the tent.

" It's already 4 pm, I need to go to my room quick," said Vincento.

Carefree and wide open, not expecting anything, devilish laughter infiltrates the breezy wind from someone.

"HAHAHAHAHA. Dumb spoiled brat, you deserve this indirect destined punishment."


Nearing the end of this volume, I'm so excited about finishing this arc. I hope that I'll not give up on this novel cos this is such a great way to express my imagination. Converting my thoughts into a medium of fiction. Plot holes and plot forgetness might be included in chance as a prediction, I hope I'll not forget a single mystery/foreshadowing instance to enhance the greatness of this novel. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it.

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