

The ravens crow a brand new day, they scream in synchrony. Where will we go? Will we live to sing again? The world is sprialing down! Fly Higher and Away to a brand new world So we can live in peace. A Bullet Here and a Bullet There the pain will keep us awake. Kicking for another day. Don't worry it's temporary in this game of hate. And They Scream, Sing Your Hatred to me. _Spinner Of Tales, White Rabbit

Sh1ro1Usag1 · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Power's Greed

"That's for you to find out." Aries says with a wave of his hand as he pops out of existence.

"I see..." I mumbled to myself while strolling away. He could have given me more information, like which gods required the assistance of someone lesser like me. However that is not Aries way, Cryptic Jerk is his way.

Snapping my fingers thousands of Ravens Took to the skies. While the Crows listened to me, Ravens by far were my favorite. A laugh bubbled up in my throat as they flew around me and like there ever changing feathers my clothes glittered with oil like colors.

My leather skin tight pants glowed softly as constellations dotted all over it. The Chest of my outfit was adorned with soft Black feathers as we're the shoulders. The skulls in the feathers were so white they looked delicate, The raven features on them were gorgeous.

My arms in there silky see through sleeves were beautiful to look at as ravens landed on my arms gripping the material softly. Unbuttoning the suit that the chest feathers tucked into, I let loose my Black wings matching that of my fellow ravens. All was quiet as they took to the clouds me following behind.

A sense of giddiness filled me, The breathtaking moment of flying would always be part of me and imprinted in my mind forever.

As we flew in the skies I kept my eyes on them. Ravens knew all and they Knew the gods habits. No one worried about the birds though simply because no one could commune with them. The darker of us, Like Chronos, Hades, and Loki enjoyed the company Of them and kept them close by.

We Flew for Hours, My wings aches and burned from the strenuous activity having not used them much. But finally, Finally we arrived to the place I have no doubt Aries spoke off. The night air chilled my bones as The Desert and Pyramids of Egypt came into view.

A crack sound filled the air as my body went flying to the left. I couldn't comprehend what was happening. My head smacked against the side of a pyramid as a groan slipped past my lips. A giant dog jumped out of nowhere and landed on my wing. I felt something warm against my head as I grabbed the dog's fur and threw him to the side.

Unfazed the dog stalked closer, but oh he wasn't a ordinary dog and that was evident in the very unlike dog way it looked. It almost Resembled a Lion but looking closer I realized what it was...Ammit, The Devourer of Hearts, His Size was nearly 3 times my small 5'4 Stature.

His Body was that of a Lion, Hippo, and Dare I say, Crocodile? Yet it wasn't as simply as that, Think of the most frightening thing you've seen Super sized, Sharp teeth and murderous as fuck and you've got Ammit. Blood coated his muzzle as I wobbled up and to the side never breaking eye contact.

My ravens left as soon as he appeared and I honestly couldn't blame them. With a heavy sigh and a determined gaze I Bit into my arm ripping off the flesh and swallowed it. "Est enim ad mortem et carnem Illusion." I said in a loud voice as the power of the latin words overtook me. My body slumped forward for a moment and that's when it happened.

I leaned back up as my back cracked. A Crazy laugh resounded in the space I had created, A Glass box Distortion. My mind retreated along with my sanity as the other me consumed our body, taking control.

(My Precious Readers, What Do you Think of the God of Distortion? If you think he's boring your sorely Mistaken, Cazoron is More then he appears. Tell me, What do you think Cazoron is truly? I will never understand how you Mortals think of these things but let me tell you the way the gods view them. Everything is in your head, So open your eyes and see through my mind to The Real world