


MC name is Alexander living in Australia in 2020

and a big otaku. he is read almost every light novel watch anime and TV shows and movies and now living a boring life in collage. He almost every night pray to God to give him some wishes and transmigrate to another world.

Today is the day his wishes are going to heard and he is unknown to him. At night when he is in sleep his soul is called by an unknown being


MC: where am this ,it is not my room. all white walls hmmm. it looks like I m called by god. he is going to give me wishes and transmigrate to another world .

UNKNOWN BEING: Arghhh.( coughs ) hello there it looks like you are awake .

MC: MC looks to where this sound came from and he notices a figure standing but can't see his face

so he asks to figure. Who are you, and you called me here to give me wishes. and are you god asks the figure with his hopeful eyes in a single breath

UNKNOWN BEING: hmm you can call me god because I can do every thing you have heard about god and many more thing. and for your second question i was board so i picked a random person who has great imagination and like to leave his old world and for third question yes you will have three wishes and no limit.

MC : when Alexander heard all this he became super excited but he has many novels where wishes has limitation, so he asks god if there are any limits to his wishes

UNKNOWN BEING: he answer in a haughty and authority voice that yes you can have any wish it's up to your imagination and i m not some small god who has limits to his power even god's upto creator level are born after me so no limits but a advice to you , you should not wish to become creater as you don't know how things work how to use energy. so work your way up it will be good.

MC : Alexander was happy as he can wish anything but when he heard god's last line he became sober as he wanted to be a created level god. so he asks for some time to God for thinking his wishes.

UNKNOWN BEING: You can have your time just speak when you are ready.

after 5 hr. of thinking

MC: God I m ready with my wishes

UNKNOWN BEING: he come out of nowhere and speaks to MC. Tell me your wishes

MC: My first wish is to have my own universe and please make it custom so i can change anything with the help of system and place a very big planet in middle which have 100:1 energy ratio to outside and in which ever world i go that type of energy is automatically added and I can control time ratio also in my own universe and please add another this that in which world I go from that point and that timeline is automatically added to my universe and no body can come in my universe unless I allow them and hide my universe so no can find it except myself even a creater level god

My second wish is to have a system please make this also custom with no ai or assistant. simple i asks questions and it answer no other thing and make it like I can add other things in future in there

my third wish is to have my own dragon ball and make it super power , please use your max power to make it, so it can grant many wishes and make it like I can use at every 24 Hr gap with no side effects and that dragon balls should only grant my wishes and always comes back to me and make the size of dragon ball and dragon very small so I can use it in a room.

UNKNOWN BEING: ...(just stare at MC)

MC: ....

some time later

UNKNOWN BEING: I can say your wishes are really upto my level before you i have watched many god's give wishes that time those souls have no imagination to there wish, just asks give me immortality, make me god etc no imagination

but your wishes I can say you have selected good

As for you first wish is simple make universe. and transfer that timeline to your universe whichever you visit and energy ratio for that I will make energy converter so it can covert void energy into respective energy and it is unlimited so it's easy, for time control I will add to that to your system

for second wish for custom system. it's very very simple

for third wish is difficult it is going to take some time and energy to make but it is possible ,so when you wake up in your own planet your dragon balls will be there

so for your body and looks and where you want to transmigrate

MC : Alexander hears his third wish is granted he smiles evily and thinks he going to have a harem of hundreds of women and going to have a wonderful life.

Alex tells the god that for body he wants to have a body which can make every women blush and have a good size down here and for world I want to go to gate of multiverse when there MC car accidents.

UNKNOWN BEING: ok every thing is granted next when you wake up you will be in your planet and when you exit your universe you will be in that novel gate of multiverse

MC : Alex speaks hurriedly. wait wait wait I have a question when I go to another world, can there world will or heavens will cause problem for me because I do not belong there

UNKOWN BEING : No they will not interfere or any god's because at that time you will move that timeline into your universe so no one can say anything to whatever you do because you own the goddam universe

Now of you go and give me some entertainment

UNKOWN BEING snaps his fingers like thanos and Alex vanishes

after Alex gone Unknown being speaks. lets see what he does , till the future I can see for that person he will be very op and have a very interesting universe in future....