
Making Modern Weapons in a Fantasy World

In the continent of Dark a group of dirty and bloody individuals commit a forsaken summoning of a demon. While on earth a man named Fred reading in a library gets flashed out of existence. Given knowledge on making weapons Fred will have to live in a new world filled with magic.

Rellik0 · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

The Kings Test?

After killing the child Fred felt empty, just empty. Staring down at the corpse he created he was unsure of what to do. The King smile at this sight, with a gleam in his eyes as he stared at Fred he burst into laughter. Fred turned toward him anger in his eyes, blood rushing through his veins. Without care for the fear of death Fred rushed at the King throwing his sword. Pulling his gun out he fired while closing in. The king knocked the sword away with his hand, the sword turned to dust in a instant. The bullets fired were stopped two inches before the King, an invisible force crushed the bullets into compact pellets and fired back into Fred's limbs crippling him on the spot.

"It takes more than that to kill me boy, I have been alive for thousands of years for a reason. I am not going to die to a child just because a god sent you here."

The King took a long look at Fred who was trembling on the ground in rage and fear. Crouching down to Fred the King looked at him with pity and excitement. Fred struggled opening his mouth to speak.

"Why, what did they do to be killed?"

"Exactly as I said before, her mother stole a loaf of bread breaking a law. So by that she deserves death yes? Since she is the daughter of a thief she will grow up to be a thief, so she deserves death too."

"No, that's not how that works at all."

"It is how it works because I say it works like that. That's royalty what I say goes, your words matter little to me. Just like all their lives, look at them Fred the corpses of those you slain. I'm sure if I took those bags off those kids they would be sitting in fear right now."

At the Kings words Fred's eyes wandered the room looking at what he did. Minutes passed in silence as Fred laid in a puddle of blood unsure of whos blood it was.

'System, why was I chosen to be transported?'

'host, you were chosen out of random probability.'

'I see, so does that mean I am free to use you as I wish?'

'We systems are designed to be used by hosts.'

'What is the purpose of your use?'

'To make hosts stronger and smarter.'

'No what's your end goal purpose?'

'To raise strong beings so they may wage war against gods.'

'I see, does your creator have any morals?'

'No host, my creators have no morals.'

'I see, who are your creators?'

'The gods host, they have made me.'

'So, in other words I have free reign.'

Silence consumed Fred's mind, he looked one last time at the corpses and blood than at the children still chained and bagged. Rage filled him briefly as a sense of understanding came to him.

'System use a spell to detect lies and detect if any other spells are being used.'

"King Alexander right? Are these people real?"

"Yes they are real as they can get boy."

'No lies were detected host.'

"These people I killed are they real?"

The King looked at Fred in a dead stare before his mouth formed a small grin.

"No they ain't, you figured me out didn't you?"

Fred didn't answer but a smiled formed as an answer to the King. Finding the whole situation amusing they laughed loudly. Alexander praised the boy before waving his hand causing the whole room to brighten again. The bodies disappeared Fred's injuries were healed in a instant, around the room the people that were once corpses stood upright and alive once more. Alexander looked at Fred before announcing out loud.

"Congrats! You passed my test of wisdom!"

Before Alexander could finish his speech a woman on the side spoke up.

"Um your majesty, I thought you said you wanted to scare the kid?"

"What? Oh yes it was a test to you as well. I was obviously testing your wisdom too."

Alexander coughed to cover up his scheme changing the topic he looked to Fred and continued talking.

"Well truth is if your going to do anything on this continent you need to be brutal, smart, and most importantly handsome. No wait you also need to be strong."

The people standing around shook their head in disappointment before a man stood out. Wearing a black suit with no symbols or patterns on it, going into a bow the man spoke to Fred.

"What his majesty means is that this is another test of nobility, while also trying to teach you to not show emotions to anyone even your own people. Though his majesty tends to show his emotions quite openly."

The man looked to Alexander hoping he would agree to this explanation. With a gleam shining in his eyes the king nodded at the butler pleased with himself as if he came up with the explanation and not the butler before him. The man continued speaking ignoring the selfish King.

"As to who we are, well we are the servants of this house-"

"Palace! This place is a palace!" Alexander interrupted the man.

"Ahem, Palace we are the servants of this palace. My name is Luther I am in charge of all butlers here. As for the maids well, Sylvie here is in charge of them all."

A maid in bright red stood out and nodded towards Fred standing next to Luther, who continued to speak.

"Right Sylvie here does not speak, but I assure you she is the best at her job. You will get to know everyone else here after staying for a couple days. We shall now leave you two."

After the servants left Alexander stood there in a daze staring at Fred trying to figure him out.

"Say boy, no wait Fredrick right? Are you still curious what I teach?"

"Yes, what is you teach your majesty?"

"Haha Don't call me your majesty again, seriously otherwise I'll cut your tongue. Just call me Alexander, more importantly what is it you want to do on this world?"

"I wish for strength maybe even a kingdom, oh not your kingdom I want one to build from scratch."

"hm I see, well this is the perfect world for your dream to come true. This world produces new continents every three years, leading to all people fighting for territory. The last one just produced was a couple months ago."

"Wait how big is this world to produce continents every three years?"

'Host to answer that this worlds size is the same size as the milky way galaxy.'

"This world is big Fredrick that's all I can tell you."

"Oh right what is it you teach Alexander?"

"War, I teach war and I love teaching war just as much as I love starting it."

With those words Alexander looked at Fred with hungry eyes. Like a dog who just got a new toy Alexander couldn't wait to put Fredrick in the middle of a war.