
Making Modern Weapons in a Fantasy World

In the continent of Dark a group of dirty and bloody individuals commit a forsaken summoning of a demon. While on earth a man named Fred reading in a library gets flashed out of existence. Given knowledge on making weapons Fred will have to live in a new world filled with magic.

Rellik0 · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

First Battle and new name

Fred took a look at the individuals in front of him before lifting his hand up. A ball of fire formed in his hand before throwing it like a ball. The fireball flew to the closest person before blowing up, but a blue barrier appeared and stopped it from causing harm. The group of thirty people all looked at Fred who threw the fireball before mocking him.

"Ha kid we have been killing people before you were born you really think such a weak spell would work on us?"

"Our mages aren't just for show, it will take a lot more than that surprise attack to kill us!"

The thirty people mocked and jeered at Fred one man stood up from the ground and started approaching Fred pulling a sword off his back as he approached.

"I don't know who you are but I will kill you with a single strike of my sword."

Fred looked at the man with his sword and looked at his mana seeing that 80 mana was used up for the fireball. Then Fred realized he did not need to make motions with his hand to cast a spell he just needed to think about what he wanted to do. 'System how much mana would it cost to summon a dragon'

'Host your too poor to do such a thing.'

'What if it was a illusion?'

'Still too poor host try something in your class.'

'Skeletal dragon than?'

'10,000 mana host, your still too poor.'

'How about a army of undead about 500 strong?'

'3000 mana host they would all be 10 levels under you.'

'Okay but what about an army of 300 20 levels above me but only summoned for five minutes?'

'2000 mana host, be careful summoning creatures levels above you they have a chance of going rogue.'

Fred looked at the group of thirty before smirking to himself and summoning a army of 300 minutes went by and nothing happened.

'System why is nothing happening?'

'Host did you collect 300 corpses?'

'Fuck you, why didn't you say I need corpses first?'

'Host you picked necromancer are you sure you didn't get the classes mixed up?'

Fred cursed the system with all his heart, while he cursed the man walking to him with the sword started teasing him.

"What are you a coward? Come at me!"

Fred looked at the man before lifting the glock and pointing it at him.

"No just thinking to myself, you can die now."

A loud BANG sounded and the man fell to the ground silently as blood spilled from his head onto the ground. The rest of the people looked over to Fred before charging at him. Fred fired into the crowd of people dropping another five people before running out of bullets.

'System I was promised extra bullets with this where are they?' Fred backed away while casting a storm of fireballs and a wall of fire to keep distance from the enemy. The enemy mages were split to two groups one group was putting out the wall of fire with water and blocking Fred's fireballs. While the other group was casting spells at Fred sending icicles, firebolts, and wind blades at Fred. While trying to keep his distance and dodge spells Fred got his left hand pinky figure cut off by a wind blade.

'Host you have a inventory just think of what you want and will it to happen.'

'Then will those bullets into my magazine please!'

After a second Fred's gun flashed, than he started opening fire again this time aiming at the mages in the back. Bangs started sounding out before three mages dropped to the ground dead. Now that Fred had a faster method of reloading and getting a feel for battle the fight dragged on until only Fred was left standing. Fred was missing two fingers and had deep gashes on parts of his body with a couple of burn marks on his thighs and a icicle piercing straight through his left shoulder. Of course Fred was still naked, only after he pulled the icicle out of his shoulder did he remember. He walked to the corpses taking clothes off them and trying to fit into them, only to discover only a black cloak fit him. Only with a battered black cloak and a damaged body Fred looked to the cavern entrance before walking into it.

"Sir demon you are back this is great! As promised these slaves are yours."

"Thank you Fredrick but ill be taking one more thing too."

"Of course sir demon if its something I can do I will offer it."

"Your name Fredrick I'll be taking that too."

Before realizing what he meant Fred fired the gun and killed Fredrick before opening fire on the rest of the cloaked figures. He spared the four slaves, after things quieted down the cloaked figure fell down to the ground, but only Fredrick had a corpse the rest were just cloaks with holes laying on the ground. Fred had a frown on his face after seeing this. Checking Fredricks corpse there was pouch and nothing else worth grabbing however after Fred stuck his hand in the pouch he realized the inside of it was much bigger than he expected. Keeping the pouch hidden inside his cloak he looked at the four slaves before he said anything text popped in front of his eyes.

'Host please choose a secondary class.'

'Can I make my own class system?'

'Host may make up a class of his own but be warned, making a new class will mean you will be the first walking this path.'

'I still don't understand the benefits of classes if I have enough mana cant I do anything?'

'Yes if host has enough mana he can cast any spell, but classes allow for a 'discount' of mana for spells relating to the casters class. For you a fireball is 80 mana but for a mage class its only 10.'

'I see so this lets me cast powerful spells for cheap.'

'Not only that but gives you increased proficiency to things related to your class, if you chose being a noble as a class you would naturally be better at managing affairs and such.'

'I see, well I wish to make a new class system.' Fred looked to the four slaves ahead of him before saying aloud.

"I wish to be a slave king."

'Understood host making new class, I wish you luck on discovering new things about this class host.'