
Make A Wish.

A big warning to all the people who easily get hurt online. This is fanfic is the result of a bored student messing with AI to distract his mind . Well I will spoil a bit since I can't write Synopsis. This story follows Karna Maurya, a bastard born of The great Ashoka in Maurya dynasty during its prime in the world of Disney. Powers?Well, MC is a walking Jinny without any restrictions.As the title of the book said, make a wish. Though he takes time getting started. Does he remember the plot? No. Will he remember it? Soon. World hopping? In future. System? No system. Too much trouble. Harem? Of course! Even his father has it. Though me myself being a loyal person, I am unable to picture myself loving two people at on time so maybe not. For now it's just Jasmine. I wrote it for myself and after writing abot 15 chapters , found out it's pretty good so I thought I should share it with you all.

Shalini_Mishra_6542 · Kỳ huyễn
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Chapter 6: A New Beginning

The grandeur of Patliputra, the capital of the Maurya Empire, loomed large as Karna and Kunti arrived. The majestic palace, with its towering spires and intricate carvings, seemed to welcome them with open arms. The transition from the warm, sunlit desert of Agrabah to the cool, shaded courtyards of the Mauryan palace was like stepping into another world.

Ashoka, now the Emperor of the Maurya Empire, stood at the entrance of the palace, his face breaking into a wide smile as he saw Kunti approaching. His joy was evident; the reunion with his beloved and his son was a moment he had longed for. He embraced Kunti with the warmth of a man who had been reunited with his heart's true companion. His eyes then turned to Karna, who stood beside Kunti, a young boy of thirteen with an aura of quiet strength.

"Welcome home, Kunti," Ashoka said, his voice filled with affection. "And you, my son, Karna. I have heard so much about you."

Karna looked up at his father, taking in the regal bearing of the Emperor. Despite the grandeur of the moment, his gaze was calm and measured. "Thank you, Father," he replied, his voice steady. His eyes, a striking shade of orange-yellow, seemed to reflect the warmth of the sun.

As they made their way into the palace, Karna couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and curiosity. The palace was a labyrinth of opulent halls and serene gardens, each turn revealing new wonders. The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries depicting the victories of the Mauryan Empire, while the floors were paved with polished marble that gleamed in the soft light.

The first few days in the palace were filled with formalities and celebrations. Ashoka's court was a bustling place, with advisors, nobles, and courtiers all eager to meet the new arrivals. However, the excitement was not universal. The other queens, princes, and princesses of the Maurya dynasty viewed Kunti's return with less enthusiasm. Their eyes, filled with a mix of suspicion and disdain, followed her and Karna as they moved through the palace.

Among the courtiers, whispers and murmurs could be heard. Some spoke of Kunti's sudden return and the implications of her son being named as a legitimate heir. There were others who questioned the timing of her arrival and the potential threat it posed to their own positions and influence.

Karna, unfazed by the undercurrents of discontent, began exploring the palace. His first stop was the vast garden that surrounded the palace. The garden was a masterpiece of design, with lush greenery, vibrant flowers, and winding pathways that seemed to lead to hidden nooks and serene fountains. Karna walked with a sense of wonder, his fingers brushing against the delicate petals of the flowers. The garden felt like a living painting, its beauty enhanced by the gentle breeze that rustled the leaves.

As he wandered, Karna came across a small pond with crystal-clear water. He crouched beside it, watching the fish swim gracefully beneath the surface. The pond was surrounded by large stones that formed a natural seating area. Karna sat there for a while, reflecting on his life and the new chapter that had begun.

The palace also had a library, a place of great interest for Karna. He had always been curious about history and knowledge, and the library was a treasure trove of ancient texts and manuscripts. As he entered, he was greeted by rows upon rows of shelves filled with books, scrolls, and artifacts. Karna's eyes lit up with excitement as he began to explore the collection, pulling out volumes on the history of the Maurya Empire, the art of governance, and the tales of legendary heroes.

One book caught his attention—a detailed account of the Mauryan dynasty's military strategies and victories. Karna's fingers traced the ornate cover, and he felt a deep connection to the stories within. The book spoke of battles and conquests, strategies and alliances, and he found himself absorbed in the text, eager to learn more about his father's reign and the empire he was now a part of.

As the days passed, Karna continued to explore the palace, uncovering its many secrets. He discovered hidden passageways, ancient chambers, and even a small shrine dedicated to the gods of the Maurya Empire. Each discovery deepened his appreciation for the palace and its rich history.

Karna's presence in the palace began to attract attention. Despite the underlying tension from the other members of the court, he managed to win over some with his genuine curiosity and respectful demeanor. The servants and attendants, who had initially been wary, found themselves drawn to his charm and kindness. Karna treated them with the same respect and warmth he had always shown, and they responded in kind, offering him insights into the palace and its daily life.

Kunti, meanwhile, settled into her new role as one of Ashoka's queens with grace. She knew that navigating the complex dynamics of the court would take time, but she was determined to ensure that her son's future was secure. She often spoke with Ashoka about their plans and the challenges they faced, their conversations filled with a mix of hope and concern.

As Karna continued to explore and learn, he began to sense the subtle shifts in the palace atmosphere. The initial coldness from the other queens and princes slowly began to thaw as they observed his interactions and the way he conducted himself. It was clear that Karna's presence was a significant one, and his journey to win the favor of those around him was just beginning.

In the heart of the Maurya Empire, amidst the grandeur of Patliputra, Karna embarked on his new life. His exploration of the palace was not just a journey through its physical spaces, but also a step toward understanding the intricate world of politics, power, and family that awaited him. As he continued to settle into his new surroundings, he remained hopeful and determined, ready to face the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead.