
Make A Man Sin

The sudden attack on the Santos Clan that lead to the death of Yonda's father, Tyson; who was a mafia leader made Yonda run to another city with a changed identity, living a low life. He even met a strange girl he fell in love with and was living his life but things took a twist when his father's assailants were back on his trail to finish him off and there he found out that there was more to the girl he was in love with than he knows about her. But Yonda was in for more surprises as the dead Bruno, his father’s head of security mysteriously came back to life and he revealed the identities of those who killed his father. But that was not all Bruno had to tell him, the mystery behind his supposed mother, Susan, was also unraveled and that left Yonda broken, taking away all his strength. Was he going to just let his father's murderers get away even though they are still bent on taking his own life? What truth did he learn about his mother and how did he handle it? All questions will be answered in this action and suspense-packed novel.

OlaRouffhy · Võ hiệp
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11 Chs


It is very well possible for a son not to want to follow in the footsteps of his father, no matter how hard the father might try. This was the case with Yonda Bruce. The one and only son of Tyson Bruce, the leader of the most powerful Mafia gang in the city; the Santos Clan.

Tyson has a chain of illegal businesses as expected; illegal casinos, drug trafficking deals, and illegal clubhouses amongst others. But with all these chains of illegal businesses, he made sure not to involve himself in any deal related to human trafficking because according to him, "Life is precious".

He had a fashion house he used as a cover-up for his mafia dealings and that worked out in masking his operations except for the occasional hints that will lead the cops to him but even those investigations will die down as soon as they are brought up.

Though he wasn't as ruthless as one will have expected a man of his position to be, the people around him and other mafia clans members knew him well enough that he doesn't joke with his family or with his business and so they were really careful not to mess with step on his toes.

His plan was to hand over the line of his business to Yonda, his son but Yonda had a different plan. He wasn't big on taking over from his father, rather he wants a normal life free from these gang activities. He preferred spending his time on video games and other trivial things than learning how the business was done. His mother, Susan Bruce, also tried to shield him from his father's plan but Tyson was bent on making a tough man out of Yonda.

He took him along on many business meetings, gave him unrestricted access to the clubhouses, and when he was old enough, he got Bruno, the head of his security and his right-hand man to start training him on weapons and hand combat but all of these efforts only made Yonda's heart longed for the ordinary life he wanted.

Yonda grew up to be a handsome young man with a well-built body that any girl will die for. His fluffy golden hair which he styled to the side added to his dashing fine appearance. He attended the best college in the city and as expected, he was treated with many references based on his father's personality; most know his father as a successful fashion house owner and they accorded him much respect based on that account.

On a day during the holidays, Yonda and his father went to one of the clubhouses, though he went reluctantly, Bruno went along with them too. As the driver drove the black Mercedes with Bruno sitting in the front seat while Tyson and Yonda both sat in the back, both smartly dressed in expensive designer black suits. There were about four jeeps following them in a convoy; all were black with the windows tinted.

"You aren't so excited to go, right?". Tyson broke the silence. Yonda who has been staring at the window all this while looked at his father with a forced smile, "Of course, I am, looking forward to getting there". He smiled with all his teeth showing. Tyson chuckled, "You are very bad at lying. It is glaring on your face that you don't want to. We can just turn around if you don't want to". He finished his statement and looked at him from the corner of his eyes.

Yonda jerked up on hearing that, "Can we?". The words came faster out of his mouth than he could think and when he saw his father smile, he knew he was just been teased. "Listen, son, you can't keep running from all these. Sooner or later, you will have to take over from me and I want you to be prepared for that moment. You have to be tougher than I was".

Yonda kept quiet for a moment before responding, "But you can take care of the business and you have people to help you with the running of the business, why do I need to get involved?". Tyson let out a sigh, "You are my son, taking over the business is your right, not anyone's else. I will be at peace wherever I am knowing that my son continued my legacy".

He placed his hand affectionately on Yonda's shoulder. Yonda was short of words and just sat there thinking if he could ever be the kind of person his father wanted him to be. The driver pulled up at the entrance of the clubhouse and Bruno alighted to open the door for Tyson while another guard opened Yonda's door. Tyson buttoned up his blazer and walked up to the door with Yonda beside him and Bruno with the other guards following closely behind.

The guards at the door bowed to him as they held the door open for them to go in. There was heavy metal music being played in the club and lights of different colors flashed around. There were waiters and waitresses walking around and serving drinks to the clubbers. Everyone they came across bowed to Tyson and his son and won't dare raise their head until they are gone.

As they walked on, the guards following them took positions at various places until only Bruno was with them. They made their way to the VIP section, which was located a little bit above the others and it was filled with fairly thick smoke with girls dancing while the men sprayed their money. On getting there, Yonda suddenly felt sick, the smell of drugs, alcohol, and smoke didn't go well with him but he had to endure; wouldn't want to annoy his father by doing anything embarrassing.

All the men and ladies stood up when they saw Tyson and bowed their heads, except one. Tyson sat down in front of the man who didn't stand up to greet him and waved his hand for the people standing to sit down. Yonda sat down beside him while Bruno stood at attention at his back looking sharp in his black suit and all alert. The man turned out to be a leader of another mafia gang and he had come for a business deal.

He spoke first, "I must say, you have a nice place here". He said looking around. Tyson didn't say a word and the man continued, "It could use a little bit of red though". He took a sip out of the martini he had before him. Still, Tyson didn't say a word and Yonda began to feel uneasy wondering why his father didn't say anything. "The sample?". Tyson finally spoke. "Straight to business, I like it".

The man snapped his fingers and one of his men brought out a teddy bear and placed it on the table. Yonda wondered what was happening until his father whipped out a pen knife and cut open the bear, taking out a tightly sealed package. He put a small cut on it and took a little out of the contents with the tip of his pinky finger and massaged his gum with it, nodding in satisfaction. "Bruno?". He called. "Yes, boss". "Wire him the money". He said while looking at the man sternly. "Done". Bruno affirmed.

The man checked his phone and nodded then stood up to leave. On his way, he stopped, looked at Yonda, and said, "Hey kid". Showing a smile that made Yonda feel uncomfortable. The man made his way out, Tyson stood and made for the elevator on the right, Bruno quickly grabbed the package Tyson had opened earlier and went ahead to get the elevator opened for him.

They both entered and Yonda who had not the slightest idea what was happening nor where the elevator led to joined them in it. They took the elevator down and when they stepped out, a door came into view and they were given gas masks to put on. When they entered, Yonda was wowed by what he saw...