
Majikoi Oh! Train Me Seriously!

Jack was always parentless. That's all he knew. Being raised in an orphanage the entirety of his life, one day, that all changed when a old man seemed to take a liking to him and adopted him, saying something along the lines of “I will train you to be my disciple and pass on my cultivation methods you will be one of the best cultivators I promise you” “Great, he also seems to be a raving lunatic”. Oh, well, how much harm can it do, I said… I do not own majikoi nor do I own picture I claim no ownership towards majikoi

AngelEgoTrip · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

The Beginning

Somewhere situated in New York, in a random orphanage.

Stood a young woman with a pretty face but one that looked exhausted and disappointed, looking at a young boy who had his head down, scolding him

"Jack, you can't keep doing this. You can't keep fighting the older kids, haven't you been hurt enough"

The Boy, after a long time of looking at the floor, finally said

"B-But they keep taking my stuff, they took my books and never let me play in the playground"

His shoulders shivering as he continued to find the wooden floor interesting

"Then why didn't you tell me."

She said softly as to not make him feel even worse

"I tried, but they said they would take more of my stuff and I didn't want that"

"Why did you try to fight the older kids then"

"Well, they were pushing Susie down and pulling her hair, so I told them to stop, but they told me to make them stop. Then I pushed kevin and they started to hit me"

"I see, well, I'll have to have a stern talking with the kids about fighting now. How about you show me your face so I can see how much they bruised you up"

The boy finally looking up with teary eyes and a bruised purple eye, and a scratched up face.

She sighed. "well it's not too bad but they should be old enough to know this type of thing is not okay and you should be smart enough to know to call me instead of running into a fight now give me a second to grab some ice for your eye and some bandages for your scratches"

"Okay, big sis," while she left for a moment. Jack on the inside, though, was a completely different story as he thought, why is she angry at me. It's not my fault. I was only helping Susie. It's not fair. Why am I the first one to get screamed at? As he bundled up his fist I was in the right here, I tried to help her. Like those books always said, you always have to help someone in need. So why am I getting in trouble for helping someone did those books lie to me. No, they couldn't have why would books lie they've always told me the truth before . Before jack could get more carried away into that line of thought, the caretaker came with his medicine

"Okay, here, hold this ice up to your eye and leave it there. Now hold still while I put this bandage on your scratches."

"Alright big sis."

As she put the bandages on jack, no words were shared, and a few seconds had past. But those few seconds felt suffocating for jack so he spoke up to clear the silence

"Was helping Susie wrong... miss lily?"

"No of course not! But it's the manner of how you tried to help her. Not everything should be solved with violence. You can also help people with words you could have told us caretakers and we would have come running to help."

"I guess, but can't you solve things easily if you are just stronger than the other person."

"But wouldn't it be nicer if you could solve things peacefully without anyone getting hurt"

"Yea-yeah I guess so. But I want to be strong so I don't have to use words, I can use my fist instead."

"Well, if that's how you want to live life, I suppose that's also fine, but first you have to get strong enough for that and for what I've seen, I'm not impressed."

"Hey, that's not nice, aren't you supposed to be nice to orphans!" I jokingly said. As we both looked at each other, I could see the relief on Lily's face as she smiled as she knew the bad mood I had surrounding this situation had disappeared. We both had a good chuckle after a little while lily had to leave to give a scolding to the other kids

I forgot how tired I was from talking. But I'm so tired, I feel like passing out. As I walked to bed and laid down on it, I thought about getting stronger so nothing like this could ever happen to me again so I could protect everyone around me!—- I had no idea how soon my dream of becoming strong was going to start.

Well here it is I think I did worse then I thought I would honestly speaking i feel like I kept switching POV for some reason and it took me a good amount of time to write this and i started writing this at 1:30 am it is now 5:01 am so I probably made some unnoticeable mistake that my sleep deprived head couldn’t see I’m very tired and going to sleep now thanks for readings this far if you have I hope you liked and constructive criticism is much appreciated

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