

Vanessa had never thought she will be one of those that will be taken captive as slaves for the ministers but here she was, working her ass off in the house of one minister who was rumoured to be a powerful one. She was slowly beginning to get accustomed to her life as a slave when the unexpected happens. Lord Gabriel, the minister for whom she works comes home for the first time since she started working for him and showed sinful interest in her. He wants her even though she is married... She wants him too but is she ready to be the second person in his life forever? Read, review, powerstones, support the author and like!

Bossofboss3s_ · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

The Couple's Festival II

"Essa....l love your innocence and the fact that you care about me. l will take the lead. You don't have to do anything until you feel you are balanced enough to reciprocate. Alright?" Lord Quinn said after laughing to his heart content and l decided not to say a word. He seems to be appalled by my silence since his handsome face formed a frown but he drew me closer with his right hand that is possessively wrapped around my lower back and sinked his head into my neck. l thrusted my head to the side, giving him more access and he snuggled deeper. He began to lick and gently bite the flesh of my neck until he got to a particular spot that sent waves of pleasure in ticklish feelings to my body. l jerked my body away from him trying to escape the assault but he had me held firmly in his strong hands. l tried pushing him away but he wouldn't budge

"Alright?" He asked once again and l found myself supplying him answers immediately

"Yes.." l said breathlessly, trying to keep my body in check after getting assaulted by my assaulter

He kissed his way from my neck up to my cheek stopping at the corner of my lips. He took his time before slowly covering his lips with mine, sucking my soul through my mouth. He sucked, nibbled and tugged at my lips, his tongue exploring the insides of my mouth, his breath fanning my face and his hands exploring every part of my body. He finally pulled away when l was short of air and l greedily sucked in as much air as l can. Lord Quinn drew me into his warm embrace and whispered to my ears

"I had never and will never use you. Don't stop me the way you did the other time. Please..." He pulled back to stare into my eyes expecting an answer. l nodded my head in acknowledgement and he smiled brightly at me. He left after bidding me goodbye and my heart melted at the display of love from him


I had looked all around for Lord Quinn but l could not find him. Where could he have gone? l was about to go and tell lady Quinn my findings when l remembered l saw one of the treasures l steal from Lady Quinn on the floor. l picked it up immediately and dashed to the maid's quarters to add it to my sack of treasures when l found Lord Quinn and someone in the kitchen. l was shocked to the core at the sight before me but l made sure to make no sound so l won't be caught. Lord Quinn's huge frame is keeping the lady out of my view but l resolved within me to identify the lady. l hid behind the walls of the kitchen and watched them. l was beginning to get weary as l was still unable to identify the lady even after watching for quite sometime when Lord Quinn pulled the mystery lady into a hug and.....What?!?! Vanessa??? My body stilled in shock.

The couple's festival or whatever the humans call it is not what it is. It is a gathering of all the vampires of Fligul. The higher ups and the ministers that rule Fligul are vampires. Most humans are unaware of this but a good percentage of humans, especially the civilians knows about our existence. Humans and humans turned vampires work for us in the office and at other places like the blood market. The blood market is a market ruled directly by humans but indirectly by vampires of high position like my parents of course! Human blood that is either forcefully gotten or willing exchanged for coins and shekel is sold in the blood market. The market is where vampires trade blood for money since we survive on blood. Prices of blood varies depending on the purity of the blood. Blood of virgin male and female are sold at very high prices while the blood of random humans are sold at relatively lower prices. Most ministers and few higher ups consume only virgin blood. There are also humans turned vampires. They are the lowest rank of vampires but they are in the high position of 'the higher ups' and 'civilians' in the human world. There seems to be balance between the two worlds of vampires and humans but it is not so as there are vampires and humans that work to disturb and destabilise the balance between these worlds such that some vampires refuse to buy blood the normal way since they believe they are more powerful than humans and hence, have no reason to pay for their blood. These kinds of vampires go against the rule of the blood market by capturing and drinking directly from humans till they either die or become turned. Turned vampires then become ravage as they have insatiable and uncontrollable appetite hence, they go against the blood market rule to kill humans for food. However, there are certain humans who envy the longevity, strength, speed and influence of the vampires so they offer themselves to lawless vampires to drink directly from them and turn them into vampires. Whenever there is an increase in human death and turned vampires, a gathering is called by the highest rank of vampires which are the pure blooded vampires to discuss the problem and proffer solutions. During this kind of gatherings, punishment is also inflicted to defaulters that is, lawless vampires or ravage humans turned vampires that were caught in the act of disturbing the balance of the two world. l am a pure blooded vampire as both my parents are poor blooded and l have lived for two thousand years. Throughout my years, l have been the law abiding ministers. Careful not to go against my parents and the blood market rule until l met Vanessa. She is alluring physically but her scent is hell. She is a pure virgin making her have the virgin blood which every vampire desires. l have caught Isa looking hungrily at her several times but l know she dare not touch her for the fear of her parents and getting punished. l on the other hand can't seem to control myself. The day l got intimate with her in the office, l almost fell into temptation. My canines elongated and l was on the brink of sinking them deep into her neck or breast but thankfully, l was able to use every resistance in me to pull away from her. If a male drinks from a woman with whom he is sexually attracted or intimate, both parties would feel no pain but pleasure even if one of the two is human. However, the human would get turned by the vampire and that means the vampire has gone against the law of the blood market and would be punished if caught by chance.

"And why did you allow that girl to touch your work table in the name of looking for the conjugal rings? What if she sees the blood sacks?" Isabella asked, breaking the thick silence between us

"Work table?" Why will Vanessa tell Isabella that l asked her to search for the conjugal rings? Ohhh....she was probably asked why she took so long "I had kept the blood sacks away from the table"

"Huff...still! You shouldn't let lowlife humans touch your things" Isabella scoffed. Jealousy envy in her tone

"I will put that in mind. However, you should know that humans are everything but lowlife" l told her

"How? Of what use are they? If not a source of food for us! l don't know why there is the stupid blood market rule. We should be allowed to suck them dry anytime and anywhere. They are weak and fragile and are meant to be broken by us" Isabella said bitterly making me wonder what sort of a female is sitted beside me. The devil herself.

l did not mention the set of vampires that want to completely eradicate the balance between the two worlds. They want to take over and be in control. They want to kill humans like fishes not caring to know how we will survive if all humans are eventually killed. The wagon slowed down, signalling that we've arrived our destination. l alighted from the vehicle and walked away not bothering to await Isabella. I found my way to the alter where the high ranked ministers are to sit. I acknowledged my parents and my in-laws as well as some other highly ranked ministers before founding my sit. The female high ranked ministers sit on a different alter so l am free from the pestering of Isabella. The meeting commenced almost immediately with Minister Heug, my dad, declaring the meeting open. The pressing matters were listed and communicated, several opinion were voiced and discussed, fight broke out between certain opposers, punishment was alloted, ways by which blood can be made more available were discussed and the meeting was adjourned. l was tired after the meeting and all l wanted was to go home, drink some blood and sleep. Some vampires who could not endure their thirst after the long meeting decided to suck from each other to quench their thirst. Vampires do not feel pain from feeding from each other so it is quite normal to do that