

Vanessa had never thought she will be one of those that will be taken captive as slaves for the ministers but here she was, working her ass off in the house of one minister who was rumoured to be a powerful one. She was slowly beginning to get accustomed to her life as a slave when the unexpected happens. Lord Gabriel, the minister for whom she works comes home for the first time since she started working for him and showed sinful interest in her. He wants her even though she is married... She wants him too but is she ready to be the second person in his life forever? Read, review, powerstones, support the author and like!

Bossofboss3s_ · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

Higher Lady Quinn

"What!?" l asked, shocked at Grace' attitude

"I think you should both stop this now!" Danielle intervened "What the hell is wrong with you? Is this the time to fight over spilt milk or find solution to it?"

"What solutions can reverse this?"

"l will just have to ignore you at this point" Danielle told Grace before turning to face me "Vanessa, l am strongly behind you girl. You need to tell the Lord about this though before changes begin to occur"

"l will..." l said, feeling extremely down and dejected.

Our awfully prolonged meeting finally came to an end with Grace being as grumpy as she can be while Danielle on the other hand is a complete contrast to her. She is understanding and compassionate...


l keep trying to avoid the topic of becoming a vampire in my mind as l never wished for it to happen. What would become of me? What will be aunt Linda's reaction to this? She definitely won't be pleased you know...l sighed in frustration as l knead the dough energetically. My frustrations and confusion has been directed to it for the past hour now. It is still far from smoothness considering the large amount of dough it is. I have been living in fear, alarmed at every slight changes in my body. I wonder just how long it takes to fully develop into a vampire. It has been four days since the incidence yet nothing has changed. Grace had been keeping her distance as a precautionary measure incase l come at her to suck her blood as she will always say. She would silently inspect me from far and near looking for any change at all but she is getting tired herself. Danielle now think we both lied to her about the Lords being vampires

"A wagon just entered the mansion" Bruse announced

"It must be Lord Quinn" Lola said, looking healthier than ever with her already protruding tommy. No one told us how pregnancy makes you more beautiful. Lord Quinn had gone on a real official trip this time. l did not even get to tell him about the possibilities of me becoming his kind. Why did he not talk about it? It must have skipped his mind as it skipped mine too. Afterall, it was Danielle that was cautious enough to join the dots. I hope he is the one that is back because l have a lot to tell him. I am restless as Hell!

"Girls!!!" Dija screamed as she entered the kitchen

"And to what do we owe the honour of this deafening scream?" Gerl asked

"Higher Lady Quinn is here!!" Dija screeched

"What?" We all screamed in shock

"Where is she? How can she come without anyone notifying us? Breakfast is still being prepared and she is here already? What do we do?" Gerl ranted in fear

"Gerl, Lola, Bruse, Grace and myself will stay back to prepare something fast. Danielle and Dija should go usher her in" l instinctively dished out orders like l was the head maid and the girls all rushed to carry out my order. l am very sure they were compelled to do whatever l said because of the current situation if not, the girls l know would have questioned the authority l have to order them around. We split ourselves, each person working on the urgent meal they can make in such short time. The table needs to be filled with all sort of food variety if we don't want to be punished for slacking on our job. However, we underestimated the higher Lady. She totally caught us off guard by coming straight to the kitchen. It was like she knows we were not working vigorously as expected of us and she is here to punish us

"Welcome higher Lady Quinn" We all greeted uniformly on sighting the ever beautiful, never ageing Lady. This is my first time seeing her and her rare beauty is top notch

"I can see you were not prepared to receive me. You could have done better!" She scolded just as expected of her. "l will let this slide because l heard you have been without a head for quite sometimes now however, when next this happens, you will not be pleased to experience my style of punishment"

"Yes, Higher Lady Quinn"

"Now, l will be staying here for a couple of days. Do well to serve me because l hate tardiness!"

"Yes, Higher Lady Quinn"

"Good! Now hasten your preparation of breakfast. l am famished." She instructed before strolling out gracefully. l released my breath once she is out of the kitchen. The aura around her is oppressing and it is clear she is a woman of power. We all set to work immediately since no one wants to cross that stern woman.

"Why will Higher Lady Quinn come all the way just to stay especially when her son is on a trip" Lola asked insecured. The High Lady will notice her protruding belly in no time and this might put her in serious trouble. Lord Quinn and Lord Micael might not care about it but Lady Quinn and Higher Lady Quinn will definitely react negatively to it

"I am as confused as you are Lola. I hope she is not here to initiate trouble. l don't like her a bit" Danielle mummured, careful enough to lower her voice in case the High Lady is anywhere near

"I guess she is here on behalf of Lady Quinn. She has been gone for quite a while you know..." l reasoned

"Ohh that could be it! And that means only one thing....Lady Quinn is coming home!" Grace said, dramatically making faces that screamed 'We are done for!"

"I wish she never comes back. There had been peace since she left moreover, why is so she fond of leaving her matrimonial home for long periods of time" Bruse added

"And why will you wish your Lady such cruel thing?" Gerl asked

"If my Lady will stop being so wicked to me, l will definitely wish her well" Bruse replied

"Do not forget you live and eat under her roof. Your life outside this wall can never be as convenient as it is here" Gerl said, making all the girls turn to her in annoyance

"You seem to be enjoying your life as a slave Gerl" Grace questioned sarcastically

"Your freedom being snatched from you looks like an achievement for you right?" Lola continued, her eyes holding pure contempt towards the girl

"She must be happy she was separated from her family and friends but know this thing Bruse. If you think your life as a maid is exciting to you. Please keep your opinion to yourself and don't expect any of us to think dumbly like you do" Danielle replied angrily.

"l am merely being grateful to the hands that feed me. You don't expect me to be as ungrateful as you all" Gerl defended herself, scoffing angrily

"Will you all focus on what you are doing before we eventually get a taste of the punishment the Higher Lady spoke of" Dija reminded.

The long dining table was occupied with as much food as it could carry. We invested extra efforts into breakfast this morning since we are all bent on impressing the Higher Lady who has punished us punishment if she got anything other than our best. Different varieties of food were prepared ranging from grains, flour, cereal, proteins, fruits and vegetables....just name it! The Higher Lady sat at the end of the table looking graceful and powerful like the Queen she is. We all stood in a single line adjacent the dining table awaiting the result our unusual effort would yield except Lola though....The Higher Lady however did not seem to care about our effort as she only took was it two or three spoonful of food from the garnished pasta and kneaded bread. Who does that? My eyes almost popped out of their sockets at the realisation that she is fine eating. Does that mean the whole effort we put into this is a waste?

"Girls, clear the table" The Higher Lady said and we began clearing at her order. A lesson to never expect much from this Lady.

"Greetings mum" Lord Micael said out if nowhere taking us by surprise. I thought he went on a trip with Lord Quinn or did he not?

"Ohh my darling son" the Higher Lady said, showing a part of her we don't know existed. We never knew she could speak with love and even smile sheepishly. She must adore her son's friend so much "Come join me for breakfast son"