
Maid is Mine

Gerica Naomi Kiandra must fall in love with the annoying Young Master. The Young Master who always ruled over Gerica, and thought that Gerica was hers. Even though Gerica knew, the Young Master's family refused and did not like Gerica. How is Gerica's love story, can she maintain her love for her Young Master, or even go and bury her feelings?

AgathaQuiin20 · Thành thị
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18 Chs


As usual, Gerica got up early only to wake Elnathan. This morning he had a morning class around nine in the morning. And the man hasn't woken up at all, it's already half past eight in the morning. And Gerica even finished cooking breakfast.

With wide strides, Gerica went straight up the stairs and headed to Elnathan's room. The house had three floors, and luckily Elnathan's room was on the second floor. Just try the third floor, where Gerica's calf will grow, and can be used to beat thieves or not rats that enter the house.

"Young Master Elnathan, wake up it's already morning," Gerica said as she knocked on the boy's door. Hoping that Elnathan could hear her screams.

"He can't possibly wake up. If he wakes up he goes into his room." someone said from the side. Who else, if not Ella Mommy Elnathan?

"Good morning Madam," Greica said politely.

"Morning too. Come in and wake up El, don't let him be late to go to campus."

"Yes, madam."

Gerica immediately entered, she immediately looked at this room which was still tidy. That's a sign that the man is not acting. When he wanted to wake up Elnathan, Gerica didn't find Elnathan at all. She just stared at the blanket that had fallen off her bed. Gerica immediately cleaned the blanket and arranged it neatly.

"Heh .... get my clothes and my college bag ready," said Elnathan.

Gerica nodded, she opened a large white cupboard and looked at its contents. And yes, it's only black. Shirts, pants, jackets, and whatever is even dominant in black. And finally, Gerica took a black shirt, black pants, and a black jacket. Want to take it, especially if it's not black, while white only has a shirt. And in the end, Gerica returned the black jacket and replaced it with a white shirt. Don't forget white sneakers, a white watch, and a white headband too.

"Finished," shouted Gerica while clapping her hands.

"What's done?" someone said and made Gerica turn around, then turn around again.

How could she not, if she had to see Elnathan who was only bare-chested? With a towel wrapped around his waist. Moreover, the man brought a towel to wipe his hair which was still wet.

"I have the clothes ready. You can take them." Gerica said, covering her face with her hands. However, if she left this room, at least Gerica wouldn't come back to see the bare-chested Elnathan.

"Put your hand down, and take my shirt." Elnathan's orders.

"No way!! Take it yourself."

Elnathan raised his eyebrows. He also examined Gerica's clothes which made no difference at all. Black and white shirt, with a white bandana. But what made Elnathan interested was, the woman was different from her Mommy. If he saw Elnathan bare-chested, his Mommy would be excited to take his cell phone. Meanwhile, Gerica, who was there, covered her face with both hands.

"Okay. Go on, I want to change clothes. Want to change too?"

Gerica shook her head. "No. Thank you," said Gerica and left.

Elnathan shook his head slightly and took the clothes that Gerica had prepared. If you think about it, it's not a bad choice for Gerica this time. Styles, Elnathan, likes black the most and is even dominant in all-black. Meanwhile, Gerica, even added white as a shirt and shoes.

Feeling finished, Elnathan immediately went downstairs. She also looked at Gerica who returned to prepare her breakfast. Immediately Elnathan sat in his place and sipped his chocolate milk.

"What jam?" asked Elnathan.

"Chocolate," Gerica answered quickly. More precisely, so that the man does not talk much and ask questions. Because Gerica doesn't like it when so many questions come out of the man's lips.

Elnathan himself also just nodded his head slightly. The woman was probably too lazy to talk to Elnathan. Likewise, with him, he is lazy if he has to talk to that woman.

"Go!!" Elnathan ordered, and made the woman look away impolitely.


"Gerica… please deliver Elnathan's lunch. Now you take care of him, and whatever he needs. And whatever he wants you must fulfill it." said Ella suddenly. "And now I'm assigning you to deliver lunch to El now," Ella said again.

Gerica was eager to refuse on the grounds of a lot of work. She was the laziest when it came to dealing with Elnathan. What's more, the guy was annoying.

"But … "

"Remember your assignment!!" cut Ella quickly.

Inevitably, Gerica nodded. He walked unsteadily to the kitchen and immediately prepared lunch for Elnathan.

With a clear grunt, Gerica took a few pieces of meat and spices. Ignoring the strange look from Rose, who had been staring at her in surprise.

"What's wrong? Why is Rose looking at me like that?" said Gerica, annoyed.

Rose chuckled. "What's wrong with you? You've been in the kitchen nagging all the time."

How not to grumble, if she has to deal with Elnathan? The man who was considered annoying for Gerica. If only the meeting had gone well, maybe this wouldn't have happened. Plus, Ella asked Gerica to deliver lunch. Could it be before Gerita worked in this house? The other maids are also treated like this? Delivering lunch for Young Master Elnathan?

"No. I only found out if Mrs. Ella asked you to deliver lunch for Young Master El," said Rose in surprise.

"Huh… so it wasn't there then?"

Rose shook her head first. Anita had never done that before. And Ella also never asked Anita to deliver lunch to Elnathan. And this was the first time Rose had heard that Ella had asked Gerica to deliver lunch.

Gerica herself did not want to bother. Whether it's the first time or not, Geria doesn't care. Her job is taking care of a big baby like Elnathan. Prepare stir-fried meat and also some vegetables. Gerica immediately changed her clothes to the nice clothes she had. At least when she went to college she didn't embarrass Elnathan.

"Are you ready to go?" asked Rose and made Gerica nod wearily. "Smile.. don't frown." giggled Rose.

And Gerica has no enthusiasm at all to smile. She didn't want to smile at all. Especially if you have to deal with Elnathan. The annoying man who made Gerica's high blood pressure rise continuously. But how else can this work be very profitable?

Gerica chose to leave after saying goodbye to Rose. She also took the blue lunch box and her small bag. To save a cell phone and also a few bills for taking taxis and buses. But there is, Gerica's hand hasn't touched the doorknob of this house yet. A shout from behind made Gerica stop in her tracks.

"Mr. Geo... is there anything I can help you with?' said Gerica looking down reluctantly.

"Where are you going? Why did you bring the lunch box?"

Gerica explained that Mrs. Ella asked Gerica to go to campus. To deliver Elnathan's lunch, because Mrs. Ella doesn't want Elnathan to have a snack. That's why Mrs. Ella asked Gerica to go to campus.

Hearing those words Geo was a little suspicious. It was unusual for his wife to ask for something that had never been done in the past. And somehow Ella even asked Gerica to deliver lunch? Doesn't this sound weird?

"Sir … "

"I will go to the office. And it looks like we're going the same way, if you don't mind maybe we can go together," said Geo.

"No sir, I can take a bus or a taxi."

"No need!! You go with me. And I don't want to be rejected." Geo said firmly and made Gerica sigh heavily.

What a pain this is!!

-To Be Continued-