
mah little luv

She died and woke up on a strangers body

peculiarJohnson · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

chapter 2 little Dion

Eyes twitching ,

Throat sore,

Body weak,

  She woke up .

Where am I,

her Head ache,memories rushed in her her head 

Oh no this can't be happening 😱

I'm dead right???

  Is transmigration true

Who is the owner of this body🤔

"Lily you're awake. You scared me  it's my fault all this happened " Nelson hugged the  confused Lily

"Hey you're crying why are you crying 😢 ?"Lily asked

"I'm sorry " Nelson repeated 

Lily had always consoled her sister before she died so she simply hugged the cry baby singing  lullaby song's 🎵

Nelson 😟 "- - -"


" you mean im a popular pianist?" Lily asked wide eyed😯

"Yeah the only one who holds my heart ♥"

Lily blushes under his scrutinising gaze😊

Nelson inched closer to kiss her forehead .he helped her lay on the bed " be good I'll go get you lunch you could read those well wishing letters from your fans I'll be right back" he kissed her cheeks,gave her the get well soon letters and reluctantly left the room..

    Lily picked the letters she couldn't help but smile

However, she fell asleep


It was so dark and Eerie, the wind was chilly,  lily couldn't see herself however ,she spotted someone lying under a dim light

  "Who are you?"she found herself asking

"I'm lily you are in my body" she paused" I died however I gave you my body .you didn't live well previously, you should use this opportunity to enjoy yourself and help me fight those who Put us or Rather you in this situation."

"How is this possible?"

"I found myself in your body actually you didn't die you were rescued by some random villagers "

"Wait, I don't get it ,we swapped souls"

"Yeah lily and there's no way to bring everything back to normal actually im a little bit greedy i like it here you already have my memories so farewell lily"

"Wait !!!"the lights went out leaving lily in the creepy dark place..

       Nelson came back with lunch to find lily asleep drooling on the letters .A deep chuckle left his mouth

He took a pic and smiled mischievously

Inching closer to steal a kiss, he found a pair of inky black eyes staring curiously at him.  "I..you..you're awake"he managed to say scratching his head akwardly

  " Could you please help me with a cup of water?" Lily asked Sitting upright

"Here" Nelson gave hee the water

          "Nel I got back my memories" lily began

   "What??? That's good news " Nelson embraced her tears gushing out of his eyes

"You're crying again nel are you such a crybaby??"

Nelson chuckled pinching her waist

"Ouch what was that for"she yelled

           "I love you "

  "I know "she whispered back


        A lone tear rolled down her eyes landing on Nelson shoulder but he didn't notice

  After eating, they both lay side by side with different thoughts in mind

        "What are you thinking 🤔 "Nelson asked  wrapping his hands around her waist

    "How did this accident happen?" Lily asked out of the blue ,though she knew the truth, She wanted to know what he found out

     "I'm sorry it's my fault " he kept repeating

       "Your fault? ,but you weren't there" she queried sitting up

        "I... m...I'm sorry"he said

    "You still won't say it?  You're still covering up for them?" She scolded

      " I saw them that day, I saw everything, though its been half a year, I can still remember it clearly , is it because your mum is the one who tried to hmmmp....."

He kissed her stopping her from saying it all out

         He knows the truth and wanted to hide it but who would have known  that she saw everything

     "Get away from me you .....you...."she chocked on her words  moving away from him

          "Let's divorce ,just the day after the marriage, I spent half a year in the hospital,  what would happen, when I stay longer, huh?"she yelled throwing things at him

            "No  please listen to me ,....."

"Listen to you and tell lies to the public, listen to you and live with a person who wants to kill me?"

          "Dad, mum open the door" a childish voice sounded from the door

      "Dion  go sleep ,mum's in a bad mood" Nelson chided

      "No, I want to see my son ,open the door " Lily yelled pushing him to the door

       " Mum,dad,are you fighting?" Sniff sniff wuuuuu

     Dion flung into his mother's arms crying

" Mummy you are finally awake " the childlike smile reflected on his face

    " baby, mummy loves you" she whispered in his ears

        " Daddy hug , mummy you shouldn't fight okey" Dion said kissing his parents face

       " goodnight I'll go sleep now, I love you"

Nelson carried Dion to his room

        When Nelson got back, lily had already slept off . He smiled faintly and lay beside her