
mah little luv

She died and woke up on a strangers body

peculiarJohnson · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

chapter 1 painful death

Eyes glistening with tears,😥

Jaws clenched

Sorrow deeply encarved in those pretty eyes

She refused to cry out

Despite the pain in her bones

She watched

      Is this truly the end??

She wasted her twenty one years caring for her so called family , trying her possible best to raise the family's name ...

    All her efforts was practically in vain ,because they poisoned her

Took away everything from her

Her fiancē, her home ,her job, all she worked for 👩‍💻

She was heartbroken💔💔💔

    Currently, she watched her step sister making out with her fiancē in front of her

  She couldn't do anything cause, her limbs refused to move

The poison is already spreading in her system.....

        Slowly, she closed her eyes    her life gone 

She died.🥺🥺🥺.....


          Feeling down and curious to find out she  could move Her limbs, she slowly opened her eyes

"Ha what a wishful thinking

This is just a dream"she whispered to herself closing her eyes

Tears flooded her eyes  🥺😭 she found herself crying curled in a ball..o(╥﹏╥)o

       "Greetings Young master "

  "Is she awake??"

" I_Sir_ I I haven't checked ,  first Young  mistress  Kim sent me on an errand"

"So who's been with my wife "

'" I apologise  Young master"

"Keep your apologises to yourself "

   Still crying,  she slowly  got  up the place is strange  she made way to the bathroom 

😌  Relieved, she  looked at the  mirror and  screamed  in horror .

      😱😱😱'what the heck happened to me??'     'Wait isn't  this a dream'   her breath  hitched panicking

      The door  🚪 flung  open

A breath taking handsome  young man rushed in

     " Lily u okay " came his majestic voice putting her in a daze

The guy wrapped her in his arms ,his head on her shoulder

"Thank God you're alright " he repeated kissing her waist length raven black hair

   Coming out of her daze,she pushed him away

"Who _who are u??,

why am I here??,

Where  am I??" She blurted out confused

The guy was  shocked he carried her back to the bedroom

"Lily you don't remember me?"he wished  for a negative reply

"I I I don't know you I I'm confused "

"Shhhh I'm Nelson your husband and ur'e Lily my wife "

His words  shocked  her


It was now she recognised the 💍 ring in her ring finger


She was dumbfounded


Wasn't undergo transmigration?

Her head ache

Dark circles clouding  her senses as she sank into the endless  abayss of  unconsciousness

"Hurry call the doctor "Nelson  commanded afraid

"Yes Young master " the maid ran 🏃‍♀️ out to get the doctor

Whearas, Nelson is  afraid of the  clear truth

She lost her memories 😞😞😞