
Magus of the Wizarding World

[A Harry Potter X Marvel Fanfic] After reincarnating into the body of a young Wizard on the Hogwarts Express. Matthew decided he wouldn't waste this second chance. He will explore the deepest secrets of the Universe on his path to power. Will he reach the peak with the help of his AI Chip or will he die trying. Follow Matthew on his next great Adventure. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For advanced Chapter consider supporting me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Arrowinmyknee ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ The Wizarding World and the Marvel Universe belong to their respective owners.]

Arrowinmyknee · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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143 Chs

Beating the Shit out of an Troll

There was an uproar. It took several purple firecrackers exploding from the end of Professor Dumbledore's wand to bring silence.

"Prefects," he rumbled, "lead your Houses back to the dormitories immediately!"

People hurried out of the Great Hall in direction of their Common Rooms.

'Well, Wizards really lack Common sense. Wouldn't it be safest for the Students to remain in the Great Hall where one or two teachers could protect them while the other look for the Troll? But no let's disperse the Students in Groups and hope none of them meets the Troll.' Thought Matthew with a deadpan expression on his face as he checked his mental Map and searched for Hermione.

He found her like in the Original on the first-floor Girls Bathroom. Three other dots were heading in that direction. Two were Harry and Ron who realized that she didn't know about the Troll. And another one had the name Kabu. This was most likely the Troll since Students also had the last name.

Matthew secretly also left the group of Ravenclaw Students, since he felt the need to make sure that nobody died. If something happened to one of them it would have been his fault because of the Butterfly effect through his existence.

Once he arrived on the first floor, he headed to the girl's Bathroom on his map he could see that the troll and both Boys were already there. The Troll was most likely already attacking them. As he came closer a foul stench reached his nostrils, a mixture of old socks and the kind of public toilet no one seems to clean.

From inside the bathroom, he could hear scared cries, shattering toilets and wooden stalls, fighting sounds, and loud roars. Matthew sprinted to the Door of the Girls Bathroom and quickly entered it.

He saw a chaotic scene, there was a Twelve feet tall troll, its skin was a dull, granite gray, its great lumpy body like a boulder with its small bald head perched on top like a coconut on the head hung a dark-haired boy who was trying to beat it to distract the creature but to no avail. It had short legs thick as tree trunks with flat, horny feet. The smell coming from it was incredible. It was holding a huge wooden club, in his long arms that he currently swung at a brown bushy-haired girl hiding under a sink who would turn in a few moments into meat paste. While both boys only could stare a the scene in shock and fear.

If he didn't complete the second stage of his occlumency training a few days ago he would have been too late. Thanks to his new superior reaction speed Matthew could react the instant he entered the Bathroom, with his wand already ready in his hand.

"Corpoaegis!" he cast instantly while pointing his wand at Hermione. A bright Green and thick Barrier appeared between the massive wooden club and the scared Girl. The Barrier blocked the Club and made it deflect backward, the Troll moved a few steps backward from the momentum while the Barrier shattered from the impact. It was only quickly cast and not very strong after all but gained enough time for Matthew to summon Hermione and Harry with the summoning Charm to him. He levitated both of them to Ron and said, "Stay behind me." While taking a serious look at the troll, who regained its balance and was about to run to them.

"You will regret that you ugly piece of shit!" cursed Matthew. First, he levitated some parts like pipes, wood, broken sinks, and toilets at the head of the Troll. It was enough to distract it so it wouldn't run at them which was even hard for Matthew to block. "Take this Pea Brain! Gigangus!" he cast and a massive ethereal red-colored fist appeared from his wand and punched the Troll into the face. It stumbled backward, but it was far from enough to knock it out since it was a massive creature with a thick and resistant hide.

"So you are still standing. Well, bad luck for you since I need to vent my frustration at someone." Said Matthew as he began to beat up the poor troll with one gigantic red fist after another. The three first-year students woke up from their stupor and fear as they began to watch a twelve feet tall troll getting beaten black and blue by gigantic fists. They even would have some pity with the creature if it hadn't almost killed them a few moments ago.

As the troll fell unconscious and completely beaten up to the floor Matthew bound it with his weakening cursed Chains so it couldn't escape until the Teachers took care of it. He turned to the three first years, "Are you ok?" he asked them.

"Yes, I've only got a few scratches. Thank you for saving us, Matthew." Replied Hermione as the other two nodded. "Is it — dead?" she asked after taking a look at the troll on the floor.

"No, just unconscious, I felt it deserved a good beating." Explained Matthew while chuckling awkwardly.

A sudden slamming and loud footsteps made the four of them lookup. They hadn't realized what a racket they had been making, but of course, someone downstairs must have heard the crashes and the troll's roars. A moment later, Professor McGonagall had come bursting into the room, closely followed by Snape, with Quirrell bringing up the rear. Quirrell took one look at the troll, let out a faint whimper, and sat quickly down on a toilet, clutching his heart.

'What an actor, he choose the wrong job.' Mused Matthew.

Snape bent over the chained troll and especially observed the Chains. Professor McGonagall was looking at Ron and Harry. Harry had never seen her look so angry. Her lips were white.

"What on earth were you thinking of?" said Professor McGonagall, with cold fury in her voice. As she stared like an enraged dragon at especially Harry and Ron, most likely thinking they did something stupid. "You're lucky you weren't killed. Why aren't you in your dormitory?"

Snape stared at Matthew and he felt a probing at his mental shields. Matthew gave the Potion Professor a grin and turned to Professor McGonagall.

"Professor you are misunderstanding the situation." Began Matthew to explain with a polite smile. "Harry and Ron are here for the same reason as me. All of us realized that Hermione who needed to visit the Bathroom before the feast didn't know about the Troll. Since the Troll was supposed to be in the Dungeons it would be not dangerous to quickly inform or like me fetch Hermione. But for some reason, the Troll wasn't in the Dungeon but here on the first floor." Explained Matthew as he gave Quirrell a quick look.

"If Harry and Ron didn't choose to inform Hermione, you would find a least one dead Student here. Because I would have been too late myself, I just arrived at the last moment to save her. Instead, you should reward them since none of them broke the rules including myself. There is no rule against visiting the Bathroom during the feast. Maybe we should have informed a perfect but there was no immediate known danger." Explained Matthew.

"Well — in that case..." said Professor McGonagall, staring at the four of them, "Next time you should still inform a teacher or perfect. But you are right under these circumstances you should be rewarded. Five Points for each Mr.Potter and Mr.Weasley for thinking about their classmates. And ten Points for Mr.Mason for looking after the younger students." Rewarded McGonagall. Only Snape looked a bit disappointed at Harry.

Afterward, Ron and Harry headed for the Gryffindor Tower but not before saying goodbye to Hermione. It seems they became friends again, so maybe the Canon timeline was still working? But who knows since Hermione wasn't supposed to die. Matthew would still need to keep a close eye on the events and manipulate them if necessary.

Now at least Snape and Dumbledore knew that he was a very capable student with the ability to create Spells himself since Snape without a doubt would have scanned the minds of the others as well. He also knew that Matthew practiced Occlumency but that was only a matter of time. It would have happened sooner or later since he learned the art. But he couldn't change what happened now, their learning of his magic capabilities was unplanned but since he didn't use dark spells it was not much to worry of. It was a heat of battle decision he would have to live with.

Voldemort most likely also knew some of his capabilities but would most likely underestimate him in his arrogance. Since some Chains and magical fists were nothing that would alarm him. After all, he wasn't logical thinking anymore with his Soul so damaged.

They arrived at the Ravenclaw tower and joined the rest of the House to the feast in their Common Rooms after Hermione thanked him presonally, soon the whole house knew Matthew took out a troll and stared at him in awe. The whole school would know by tomorrow. Matthew decided to lay low for a few weeks.


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