
Magus Of Elodon

A legendary magus in disguise that are tired of the constant fight that happens in his life tried to run away to find his ideal peaceful life by opening a physicians clinics in the faraway new towns.

RokuN · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

A Living Legend

"W....what did you do to us...!!!? Argh.....Aaargh!!! Blueggh...!!!" Said a buff man wearing leather lamellar that puke his guts out.

"Nothing much. Just killing you slowly." said the hooded man.

"It was self defense thought. Isn't it fair if i use this much if there is only me when there are 12 of you." Said the hooded man before chanting his spells again.

"Arrgh...!!! H..hot...Hoot....P...Please...Stop...Argh...Akh..!!!" Begs the buff man that roared in pain to the hooded man.

"Why should i? you're the one that try to ambush a lone travelers like me and said that you will take everything after you've enough playing hit the sack with my bodies." Said the hooded man refusing his plea.

"Just when i thought my journeys to that town went without any troubles" The hooded man speaks to himself.

*A Fire To Burn Fire. Hell Fire.* The hooded man chant his last spells and turn all the 12 bandits bodies into unrecognized pile of ashes that fastly blown away by the night winds. The night becomes quiet again after that.

*The Next Days

"Can i sit next to you young man? This tavern is pretty crowded tonight." Said an old man toward a young looking fellow that sit on the couple tables at the corner.

"Sure." Said the young man shortly. The old man then began to sits when he said that.

"Oy, Two mugs of the usual colds one for me!" Shout the old man to the barmaids.

"Though i called you young man, it most likely that you're 3 or 4 times older than me, huh. But you're still young by your kin standart right? so i'll call you young man anyways hahaha." The old man started blabbering to get friendly.

"You might be right, hehehe." Said the young fellow friendlily before sipping his drinks.

"My name is Rob. I used to be the head weaponsmith in this town. Now i let my sons and grandkids to took my places. So come visit us if you need a good weapons. Not like there is any other weaponsmith in this town anyways hahaha." The man still blabbering as he wait his drinks to come.

"Getting old is kinda suck,heh. But the life still funs anyways." He gulp down his first mugs after he said that.

"So, you're a traveler eh?" Ask the old man to the young fellow.

"Yeah, this town is beautiful." Praise the young fellow.

"Yeah right, this small town has nothing more to offer other than that hehehe." Said old man Rob as he grab his second mugs, ready to gulp it down again.

"So you're a herbalist? a physicians? or a magicians adventurers like almost every elf that become one?" Ask the old man before drinking from his mugs. This time he didn't finish it in one go.

"Oh right how rude of me for not introducing myself. My name is Sol, I am physicians who can also use some magics." Said the young fellow introducing himself.

"A physicians..!? Good then, it's been 5 month that this town didn't have one. The last one passed away and all his goddamn sons didn't want to learn the trades from his father and leaving this town." Said old man Rob as he start blabbering about the story of the former physicians and so on.

Sol happily listen about the story that old man Rob tolds. He always fond to listens on every stories from the local folks in every towns that he visits.

"Oh, it's empty already? Oy..! get me one more mug and Grilled sausages with cheese." Said old man Rob when he notices his empty mug.

"So this old man get thirsty after talking a whole lot. Now it's your turn young looking elf. Where did you come from? What happens to you lately,hehe." Said old man Rob while looking at Sol. His face are a little bit red from the ale that he drinks.

"Alright then, But an elf story are mostly boring as we love to spends our time that are pretty long by humans standart to just do whatever we feels like." Said Sol.

"Aint we all just do what we feels like in our life?, Hahaha!" Ask old man Rob as he laugh loudly.

He seems to be the cheerful kind of man thought Sol. He then started to tell the story about himself.

"So i am an elf that grow up in Elodon empires." Said Sol.

"Elodon Empire...!!!?" Shout old man Rob while asking in disbelief. The whole tavern turned their attentions to them.

"That was very far, like far,far in the northeast..!!! And the empires are already collapsing anyways." Said old man Rob.

"So you definitely lived more than 200 years then?" Ask the man from the next table.

"Yeah, I am 267 years old right now." Answer Sol to him.

"So you also live in the epoch times where the hero and demon lords fight..?" Ask Mr.Rob.

"Yeah i've lived in that era." Answer Sol again.

"D... did you meets the hero Gunnar with his famous holy hammer and the legendary magus Sehrli?" Ask a young man that seems to be adventurers from his equipment. His stories caught more attentions than Sol thought.

"Yes, i have the chance to see them from afar." Said Sol. The crowds at the tavern becomes more excited when he said that. He never expected this kind of reactions from a places as far away from Elodon as this places.

If he knows it caught this much attentions, he would not utter a word about the Elodon Empire. Now that the tinder has been lit, he might as well adds some woods. So he start to talk about the epoch and stories that he heards and sometime experiences himself in the past 200 years.

The stories continues until midnight when Sol decides to excuse himself to rest at his rooms upstairs. He got free snacks and drinks from the people who happily listens to his story.

The suns already pretty high as Sol get up in the midday. It's summer time right now and the heat get pretty rough around this time. He pack his bags and grab his cane as he check out from the tavern rooms todays.

He plan to visits the mayor house in this town todays. The reasons that he come to this town is none other than becoming the Physician for this town. He get the informations about a small town that needs a physician from the traders.

It took Sol a seasons long journeys to get to this places. He is very glad when he heard that there are still no physicians in this town the first day he spend the night in the town tavern.

"Hmm....Mr.Sol was it? a 267 years old elf, with the approvals of legitimations parchment from 5 big kingdoms and even an old parchment from the long gone Elodon Empire." Said the mayor while inspecting Sol parchment.

"Yes my lords." Sol nods his head as he answers.

His name is Frietz Hordalans. He is the mayor of this town called Denburg. He is a baron at Fastheil kingdoms, the kingdom that rule this town. It's a pretty small kingdom at the far south of the continent.

The town are also pretty small. Located at the top of the cliff with the endless oceans that lead to nowheres and known by it's ferocious sea dwellers, the towns are only known for it beautiful scenary.

"So let get this straight. A physicians that are approved by 5 big kingdoms, coming to a this small town on this *lord i never meant to disrespect* this small kingdom? What did you want...?" Mayor Frietz ask Sol with a serious tone while suspicious of him.

"Or, without any disrespect. Did you did some kind of crimes from those kingdom? If so, let me tell you that we wont help you nor want to be a part that helping you." He continues with a tone a notch higher.

"No, no my lords. I comes here on my own will. You can even ask informations from those 5 big kingdoms about my status there." Said Sol to calm him down.

"I get some informations from a merchants that he cant get treated at this town when he get hurt in here as there are no physicians." Sol stated his reasons with clear tone and voices. After all, none of what he said are lies.

"Alright then. i didn't sense any lies from you. I am actually very grateful for having a physicians moving on this small town. But someone as good as you isn't something that i expected." Said Mayor Frietz with his deep and dignified voices.

"Thank you very much for your kindness mayor. All i wanted is helping the wounded and the persons in needs with my skills." Said Sol humbly.

After that mayor Frietz give Sol permission to use the former physician building on his town. He thanks the mayor for giving him the chance to be a physician on this town. It will be a new start again on his 267 years of life.

A small beautiful towns, a peaceful lands and a friendly peoples. Sol doesnt want anything else on his life. He will try his best to enjoys his new life.