
Magik : Elemental Frenzy

There are no skill books magic world with 7 elements earth, fire, water, wind, lightening, light and darkness. Anyone can create magic skills with their imagination and talent their affinity however they want, which gives our mc a golden advantage due to his otherworldly knowledge.

InfiniteReviveCopy · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 5: Hammerhand

While exiting the guild i saw a peculiar shop with a signboard 'BlackSmith' and the symbol of a fist in the shape of a hammer.

I was interested in how these weapons that are embedded with mana cores are created

so i instructed ren to lead me to the smithy, and boy oh boy, it was HOT, the moment we entered we felt the heat in the smithy.

While looking athe weapons in the racks a short man with big beard appeared infront of me with a hammer in his hand, and sir ren stood infront of me with his hand on the hilt of his sword, the atmosphere became tense all of a sudden.

"Ho ho ho hoho, who do we have here. Ah! dont be wary, it is a tool for creation."

then he put the hamner on an anvil, with that ren loosened the grip on his sword and stepped to the side.

"Seeing that emblem on your sword, this must be the young master of the County."

With his right hand foreward, he approached me

"I am Krag Hammerhand, dwarven blacksmith"

Ren tried to come infront of me again but i stopped him and shook hands with the dwarve infront of me"

'So handshakes are a thing here ?'

"Lucius Emberfall, aspiring mage"

"HoHo, thats good, thats good"

'Wow, his hand really look like a hammer!'

perhaps seeing my astonished look, he spoke,

"Its a trait of the hammerhand family, we are generation of blacksmiths"

"Ah, pardon my impoliteness"

'The royal family has a trait of silvery hair, so i shouldnt be too surprised'

"Its fine, so what brings an aspiring mage like you here?"

"haha, i was just curious how these mana core embeded swords are made, if its no trouble can you entertain me for a bit"

"A curious brat aren't you?, well, i dont mind"

'Whats with these old farts calling me a brat?, i am the young lord for fugs sake'

"...Hm to answer you, ...it's a little tricky to explain, mana is everywhere, everywhere around us, inside us and even inanimate objects contains mana, now, this mana core when embedded into this metal sword with the help of some other materials guides the mana inside it and around it according to the will of the weilder."

'So its like an electro magnet that alignes the magnetic field according to the applied power.'

"... thats the gist of it, well you'll understand it in time"

"..Hmm, no, i get it, its like the intent of the weilder is conveyed to the embedded manacore of higher concentrated mana with the help of the small amout of mana of the weilder, right ?"

The dwarf looked at me and blinked with mouth open,

"W,Wha.. Y,Yeah thats right."

'Hmm, now i am more interested in it, there's a lot of ways we could use it.'

"Brat, you have good understanding of it, you should become an Arcane Blacksmith, no, the human's call it Arcane Craftsman"

"Arcane craftsman, that new"

"New ??, what, are you some five year old?"

"No i am four this year."

"Huh ? Oh, for a moment i thought you were a dwarf"


"Take that back you old fart, how dare you say that to young master"

Before i could retort aliya lashed out at the old dwarf, well calling this handsome me a dwarf is a sin.

"Ahem, ahem, its was genuine mistake , i was blinded by his knowledge."

"Its fine aliya, i'm fine."

"Ahem, so, to clarify, an arcane craftsman treads on the path of creating and improving new ways of using mana cores, it is well suited for someone like you."

"Hmm that seems interesting, i have not heared about it, do have any books i can read on that?"

"I dont any books on that, but , ...here this book contains knowledge about various materials, i scribbled some of my thoughts on it too, its all, my head now, here you can take this."

The old dwarf handed me a ragged book, aliyas face contorted, but i felt happy, an old mans book might contain some old secrets.

After talking a few more words, we left the smithy and headded back to the mansion.

Back at the old smithy

"What an interesting lad, Durin, give me my letterpad"

"...Master, you dont have a letterpad."
