
Magical World:Extraordinary Life

Waking up from his dream in the middle of the night, Lu Fei came to a different world and became an elf! The world is filled with races and chaotic forces, including knights, adventurers, elves, dragons, demons, and gods. The roar of the beast frightened and overwhelmed him. He is just an ordinary high school student. Survival in the wilderness is truly impossible. Fortunately, a "kind" caravan found him and not only gave him food. He also brought him to the city and gave him a legal status: slave! Because she was so good-looking, she was bribed by a powerful lolita. Sure enough, even Loli couldn't resist his charm. Lu Fei thought he was guilty... Originally, I planned to be stubborn and eat soft food. But he awakened the talent [Nature's Beloved] (all elemental attributes, full level elemental affinity) [Analytical Eye] (analyze all things, go straight to the root, reproduce, gain insight, break illusions, detect...) Lu Fei: I want to stand up and call the shots!

Frozensnow · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Irlyan Grelinria

After everyone left, the place became quiet.

Listening carefully, one could hear the breathing and faint heartbeat of the two.

The scene seemed to take on a warm tone, exuding a subtle romantic atmosphere.

Irlyan's gaze remained on Lu Fei's face, as if he were her most cherished treasure.

Lu Fei had been looking at Irlyan too, but under her affectionate gaze, he felt too shy to maintain eye contact and averted his gaze.

"Are you shy?" Irlyan's question was asked with a certain certainty.

Just as Lu Fei was about to reply, his lips were covered by Irlyan's slender, snow-white fingers.

"No need to speak, I understand what you want to say. You're still weak now, just listen to me."

The soft touch, the elegant fragrance, tempted Lu Fei to even want to lick her fingers.

"In fact, you don't need to feel shy, because I've been taking care of you all these days."

"Including changing your clothes, and..."

At this point, Irlyan paused, causing Lu Fei to feel uneasy.


Like a thunderbolt, Lu Fei was stunned in place.

Wide-eyed, he stared at Irlyan, unable to believe what he just heard.

In his mind, he wondered, 'Why would she say this? What does she mean, or did I misunderstand?'

"You didn't misunderstand. I mean exactly what you're thinking. Yes, I'm talking about bathing without any clothes on. Although cleaning magic can achieve the same result, I prefer to do it myself and help you bathe."

"So, Lu Fei, I've seen every inch of your body."

With that, Irlyan chuckled softly, transforming from a noble and pure saint into a seductive enchantress.

With her slightly arched brows and curved lips, she exuded an indescribable charm, making her perfectly delicate face radiate unparalleled beauty at that moment.

It was as if all the light in the world had converged here temporarily, leaving other places dim, with only her smile emitting a bright radiance.

Lu Fei was puzzled. How could she say such suggestive words when they had just met?

"I can see you're confused. It's alright, as long as you know that I like you."

"Or perhaps, I can say, 'love'."

Then, Irlyan cupped Lu Fei's face in her hands and pressed her rosy and soft lips against him.

The sweet fragrance and the soft sensation, like pudding, flowed from Lu Fei's mouth into his brain.

His mind couldn't handle such a strong stimulus and went blank.

His body felt as if it were being traversed by tiny currents, causing a tingling sensation.

'My first kiss is gone just like that?'

Amidst the confusion, this thought emerged.

"This is also my first kiss."

Irlyan's voice sounded seductive, as she even extended her delicate tongue to lick her lips.

She looked joyful yet satisfied.

It was as if she were thanking Lu Fei for his hospitality.

Lu Fei felt uneasy; this was too inexplicable. He feared he had encountered a seductress.

Struggling to get up, he was held tightly by Irlyan.

"Could you please let me go? I'm feeling much better now, and I have things to attend to."

Although Irlyan's embrace was comfortable, with her softness pressing against him, making him experience an indescribable pleasure, he was afraid of this strange seductress, fearing she might devour him.

"Please, just let me hold you for a while longer. I'm about to leave soon."

Irlyan rested her snowy white chin on Lu Fei's shoulder, rubbing her cheek gently against him, her tone gentle with a hint of pleading and a touch of reluctance.

It was as if they were long-time lovers about to face a parting.

Perhaps her tone made Lu Fei feel pity.

His ceased struggling.

"After all, I knew it, Lu Fei, you're a gentle person."

Irlyan's voice carried praise.

Then, changing the subject, she lectured, "However, you're going to be deceived and used by others if you continue like this. This world is much darker and dirtier than you imagine. It's easy to be taken advantage of by other girls , so you must learn to refuse and not show warmth to everyone..."

Her tone was sincere, devoid of any falseness, like a caring mother's heartfelt advice, making Lu Fei feel completely genuine.

Now, Lu Fei was even more confused.

Irlyan released her arms, freeing Lu Fei, and looked at his puzzled expression.

There was a playful smile on her face.

"In fact, you don't need to think so complicatedly. I simply like you. And for your safety, this is for you."

Slightly revealing a curve of snow-white, Irlyan took out a golden-white necklace from her exquisite and fair collarbone.

The sparkling golden gemstone, set in delicate platinum wings, resembled angel wings guarding a divine throne.

In Irlyan's hands, it emitted a brilliant light, allowing one to clearly feel the sacred power contained within.

Without waiting for Lu Fei's refusal, the necklace was already placed around his neck by Irlyan.

In an instant, he felt as though he were bathed in the holy light of the gods, his soul cleansed and purified of all impurities.

The necklace on his chest also established a connection with Lu Fei, allowing him to use it.

"If you encounter danger, activate it."

"Alright, I have to go now. Goodbye, Lu Fei."

As if suddenly remembering something, Irlyan continued.

"Oh, by the way, I'm Irlyan, Irlyan Grelinria."

Irlyan's words made Lu Fei suddenly look at her.

Irlyan, who had just been beside him, had disappeared.

Like a breeze brushing against your cheek, she vanished in an instant.

If it weren't for the necklace hanging on his chest, he might have considered everything that had just happened a hallucination from his headache.

An indescribable sense of melancholy welled up in Lu Fei's heart.

Irlyan didn't say where she was going, but Lu Fei had a feeling they wouldn't see each other for a long time.

She had just taken his first kiss and left like this. Even though Lu Fei was a man, he felt indignant.

"Shameless woman!"


With the help of others, Lu Fei finally arrived at the study.

However, he wasn't in the best condition right now.

Lori sat in a chair, her face dark as she looked at Lu Fei.

"Why did it take you so long to come? I've been waiting for you for an hour. If you don't have a good reason, believe me, you won't like the consequences."

She smiled and said chilling words, the icy air pressing down on Lu Fei continuously.

"I got lost," Lu Fei said cautiously.


A cold laugh escaped from Lorelei's mouth, and her anger seemed to be on the verge of erupting at any moment.

Seeing this, Lu Fei hurriedly continued to explain.

"I got dressed, and the maid disappeared, so I..."

He quickly recounted what had just happened.

Lu Fei understood that to extinguish a girl's anger, he not only needed evidence but also needed to apologize sincerely.

"Sorry, Lori. I'm just too clumsy to find the study. In the end, I had to ask someone else to help me."

With his head hanging low, he looked remorseful.

Midway through, Lori stopped being angry, her mind focusing elsewhere.

"You just said a woman named Irlyan saved you at the training ground?"

"Yeah." Lu Fei nodded, wondering why Lori was asking this.

Getting the answer, Lori furrowed her brows slightly, contemplating Irlyan's actions.

This woman was one of the few people she couldn't fully understand, shrouded in a mist that made her true nature elusive.

Initially, Lori had invited her over completely by accident.

She had intended to invite a high-ranking priest from the Temple to heal Lu Fei.

Coincidentally, Irlyan was also present, and the Archbishop of the Radiant Church introduced her to Lori.

According to him, she was a priest from the Holy City of Pavendun, favored by the gods and possessed powerful light magic.

Of course, they wouldn't choose a weak person if they had the ability, so they brought her back to their estate.

Who knew that after she healed Lu Fei, she took charge of all his affairs, claiming it was to better monitor his health.

If she hadn't been taking care of Lu Fei meticulously, Lori would have doubted the authenticity of her identity.

This morning, Irlyan had come to bid farewell and said she was leaving.

Lori agreed.

Who would have thought that before leaving, she would want to leave a lasting impression on Lu Fei.

Getting off her seat, Lori came to Lu Fei's side, reaching towards his collarbone.

Lu Fei instinctively wanted to dodge, but Lori stopped him with a single glance.

The platinum necklace was taken out from Lu Fei's clothes by Lori.

Seeing the necklace, Lori's pupils dilated slightly.

Although she didn't know its grade, the holy power emanating from it indicated that it was at least an epic treasure.

'How can she give such a precious thing to someone she just met? What does she want to achieve by letting the aura of this necklace leak out so blatantly, as if afraid that I wouldn't notice it?'

Lori's expression turned somewhat unpleasant.

It felt like her own possession had been targeted by someone.

"Did she give this to you?" Lori asked knowingly.

Seeing Lori's displeased expression, Lu Fei answered with some hesitation, "Um, Irlyan gave it to me. She said it could save me in danger. Is there something wrong with this necklace? Or Lori, if you don't like it, I can take it off."

It was a diplomatic lie. He believed there was nothing wrong with the necklace, but at this point, saying the wrong thing might mean that the gift from the seductress would be confiscated.

He had to retreat and say things that Lori would like to hear. As for what would happen next, it depended on her mood.

Fortunately, his words made Lori happy.

Although her surface expression didn't change, the less severe atmosphere told him that he had said the right thing.

"There's nothing wrong with it. This necklace is quite good; it's a lifesaving item. It's just that the leaked aura was too strong and easily caught the attention of unscrupulous people. I've already hidden it for you."

Lori said casually, as if her previous actions were just for this purpose.

Lu Fei picked up the necklace again and examined it. There was no change in appearance, but he indeed couldn't feel the holy aura anymore.

He could still activate it as he wished.

It seemed that, as Lori had said, she had concealed the aura of the necklace.

Concealing one's wealth suited Lu Fei's thinking.

Seeing Lu Fei's curious inspection, Lori sneered inwardly, 'So what if you give him a precious treasure? In his heart, he trusts me the most. I am his master. This is a fact that will not change.'

'Thank you for the necklace. Now I don't have to worry about finding defensive items for him.'

Pleased, Lori brushed this matter aside as a trivial episode and began to tell Lu Fei the real purpose of asking him to come here.

Sitting on the sofa, her slender legs wrapped in white silk crossed elegantly, her magnificent and elaborate skirt scattered on the cushion like a fan.

A noble and elegant atmosphere pervaded the air, and at this moment, Lu Fei fully experienced what it meant to be a noble.

It was a kind of elegance engraved in the bone.

"Lu Fei, do you remember what happened in the Hall of Spiritual Testing that day?"

Lu Fei nodded.

"It was the Awakening and Talent Test. The result is that you, like me, possess all elemental attributes. But that's not important for now. What I want to know is, what is the other talent you awakened?"

Her crimson pupils flickered with blood-red light as she scrutinized Lu Fei, sending shivers down his spine.