
Magical Eve: Legend

Terris and Eodor is training to become a Magister of the Magistra Order. One fateful day their master took in another student by the name of Sylva from Vyskriegg. The three must discover a conspiracy that plague within the Magistra Order, and their part within the Second Intergalactic War.

BrianNorwynn · Khoa huyễn
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10 Chs

Book One: Chapter 3

Two years had painted the landscape in hues of autumn as Terris shouldered his pack, a nervous excitement buzzing in his veins. Today was the day. He and Eodor, his best friend and practically brother in all but blood, were embarking on their trial for their solarblades.

Eodor, ever the picture of calm efficiency, double-checked the straps on his own pack before turning to Terris with a wry smile. "Ready to face the fangtooth rabbits and sentient pine cones, little brother?"

Terris scoffed, puffing out his chest in mock offense. "Please, Eodor. You may have gotten your head stuck in a training manual for two years, but I've been sparring with actual live… Well, mostly live training droids."

Eodor chuckled, the sound warm and familiar. "Just don't come crying to me when your impulsiveness lands you face-first in a mud puddle."

Terris grinned. "Speaking of impulsiveness, why exactly did you wait for me? You could've gone for your Magistra much sooner."

Eodor's smile softened. "The Solar Forge only accepts pairs," he explained. "Besides, who else would keep you out of trouble… most of the time?"

Terris's grin widened. Their playful banter settled into a comfortable silence as they made their way out of the Magistra Temple grounds, the weight of their packs an unfamiliar burden on their backs but a familiar camaraderie warming their hearts.

The forest floor crunched under their boots as they entered the dense woods. Sunlight, filtered through a canopy of vibrant orange and yellow leaves, dappled the path ahead. The air hummed with the chirping of unseen birds, a peaceful melody that belied the potential challenges that awaited them.

"Alright, Terris," Eodor said, his voice low. "Remember what Master Yuna taught us. Stay alert, trust your senses, and don't engage in unnecessary conflict."

Terris nodded seriously. He may goof around with Eodor, but he respected his friend's wisdom and his master's teachings.

Sylva stood beside Master Yuna, a bundle of smoked pork jerky clutched tightly in her hands. Two years of training had transformed her. Her once nervous demeanor had settled into a quiet confidence, her movements sure and fluid. Though a hint of shyness still lingered in her smile as she approached Terris and Eodor.

"For the journey," Sylva mumbled, extending the jerky towards Terris.

Terris' eyes widened in delight. "Smoked pork? Sylva, you shouldn't have! This is a Vyskriegggan delicacy, isn't it?"

Sylva nodded, a faint blush creeping up her cheeks. "My mother used to make it for my brothers. I... I thought you might like the taste of home."

Terris grinned, plucking a few slices from the bundle and offering one to Eodor. "Don't mind if I do," he said, popping the jerky into his mouth. "This is amazing, Sylva! Thanks."

Eodor chuckled, accepting a slice and nodding in agreement. "Truly a taste of home, alright." He turned to Master Yuna, his gaze serious. "Thank you, Master, for your guidance and patience."

Master Yuna placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "You have both grown much in these past months," she said, her voice soft yet firm. "Remember, Eodor, you are Terris' anchor, his voice of reason. Terris, you are Eodor's spark, his reminder to never lose sight of the joy in the journey."

A flicker of understanding passed between the two friends. They shared a silent nod, the message clear. Terris, the impulsive one, would need Eodor's calm to ground him. Eodor, at times prone to overthinking, would benefit from Terris' enthusiasm.

"Flow with the Qi, and let it guide you," Master Yuna continued. "And don't forget the basics - stay hydrated, and eat whenever you can. You'll never know when you'll need the energy."

Both Terris and Eodor gave their masters a thumbs up, a gesture they had adopted from Terris' more informal communication style. A comfortable silence settled upon the group, a shared sense of anticipation hanging in the air.

"Well then," Terris finally declared, wiping a stray bit of jerky from his chin, "shall we embark on this grand adventure?"

Eodor smiled, a genuine warmth radiating from his eyes. "Lead the way, brother."

With a final farewell wave to Sylva and Master Yuna, Terris and Eodor disappeared into the verdant embrace of the forest. The weight of their packs felt almost insignificant compared to the weight of purpose and camaraderie that they carried within them. Their journey to find the solar crystals had begun, a journey that would not only forge their solarblades but also solidify the bond of friendship that had blossomed within the walls of the Magistra Temple.

Four days into their trek, the forest unfolded before them in a tapestry of dappled sunlight and emerald shadows. The constant murmur of unseen creatures provided a rhythmic backdrop to their journey. They'd encountered their fair share of challenges - territorial squirrels with surprisingly sharp claws, and a particularly prickly patch of cacti that left Eodor's backside adorned with several tiny needles. But they persevered, fueled by brotherhood, Sylva's delicious jerky, and Master Yuna's sage advice.

They reached a meandering river, its surface shimmering like a silver ribbon. Eodor, ever the practical one, knelt down to scoop some water into his canteen. As he cupped his hand, the surrounding air crackled with sudden tension. Eodor hissed, a silent signal for Terris. A low growl, guttural and primal, ripped through the serenity.

They both drew their iron sabers, adrenaline coursing through their veins. Through the trees, a magnificent Emerald Tiger emerged, its coat a tapestry of emerald and jade, its muscular form radiating raw power. But something was off. Its normally proud gait faltered, and it dragged a hind leg, licking at a wound on its flank.

"That thing has been shot," Eodor whispered, his voice tight. Unlike the bites or slashes a wild animal might inflict, this wound was a series of charred holes, a telltale sign of an energy blaster. 

"By who?" Terris pondered, fear battling with confusion in his eyes.

"That's the least of our concerns right now," Eodor replied, his brow furrowed. "We either back away slowly, or..."

But before he could finish, the tiger turned, its gaze locking on them. Its eyes, usually a vibrant blue, were clouded with pain and fear. Rather than the ferocious roar they expected, it let out a low, mournful hiss.

Terris, ever the impulsive one, lunged forward, unsheathing his sword with a flourish. "We don't want trouble, beast!" he yelled, his voice shaky.

Eodor grabbed his arm, forcing him back. "Terris, wait!" he hissed. "It's injured, not attacking." He took a cautious step forward, extending a palm towards the tiger. "Easy now, big guy. We mean you no harm."

Terris sputtered in protest, but Eodor's calm demeanor had a way of grounding him. After a tense ten minutes, the tiger seemed to cave under the weight of its injury. It crumpled to the ground, a deep, ragged pant escaping its throat.

Eodor knelt beside it, his face grim as he examined the wounds. Confirmation washed over him - the burns were definitely from a plasma blaster. "This is strange," he muttered. "Who would hunt these tigers? They've never bothered us before."

"Maybe food's scarce due to the war," Terris offered, a hint of unease in his voice. "Come on, Eodor, maybe we should put it out of its misery."

Eodor locked eyes with Terris, his gaze firm. "No. We heal it. That's the way of the Magister."

Terris let out a frustrated groan, then rolled his eyes. "Fine, fine, bossy boots. But this better be quick."

And so, side-by-side, they worked. Eodor guided Terris in channeling their Qi, focusing it on the tiger's wounds. For two agonizing hours, they sat there, their combined energy slowly mending the damage. Finally, a sigh of relief escaped Eodor's lips. The shallow gasps of the tiger had morphed into deep, steady breaths. They had pulled it back from the brink.

The magnificent creature remained motionless for a while longer, then with a powerful heave, it pushed itself up. It looked at Terris and Eodor, its blue eyes filled with a flicker of gratitude. Then, with a majestic roar that seemed to echo through the very trees, it turned and disappeared into the dense foliage.

Terris stared after it, a mixture of awe and wonder washing over him. "What was that all about, Eodor?" he finally asked.

Eodor grinned, a rare sight that crinkled the corners of his eyes. "Maybe, Terris," he said, "just maybe, we've stumbled upon something bigger than just finding solar crystals. Let us be on our way."

Terris nodded, and for another two days of relentless trekking, they finally reached the entrance of the crystal cave. But their arrival was met with a chilling sight. Scattered around the entrance lay a grisly tableau – corpses of fallen Magisters, their once proud blue garb stained crimson, and a few others clad in unfamiliar armor patterns.

"What in the crystal balls happened here?" Terris gasped, his voice choked with a mix of horror and morbid curiosity.

Eodor took a moment to absorb the scene. The stench of burned flesh and the sight of mutilated bodies sent a wave of nausea washing over him. He had never witnessed such a violent scene firsthand. But despite the churning in his stomach, he steeled himself. "I... I believe this is where that tiger came from," he said, his voice tight.

He knelt beside one of the fallen Magisters, his gaze scanning the body for clues. Then, he examined the unfamiliar armor of another corpse. "I've never seen this pattern before," he muttered. "It doesn't appear to be anything from the Commonwealth either."

Terris, ever the smart aleck, chimed in, "Well, you know, the last time I checked we've been at war for the past century, in case you've forgotten. I doubt it's uncommon for Miraea to be invaded at some point."

Eodor rolled his eyes. "Yes, that is true," he conceded. "However, if that's the case, then the entire planet would be up in arms. This isn't just some random skirmish. Something clandestine happened here, and we need to figure out what."

Terris, despite his initial bravado, couldn't help but feel a shiver crawl down his spine. He nodded silently. "Right. That's what we'll be doing anyway once we become official Magisters," he said, a hint of determination creeping into his voice. "Might as well start early… I guess."

With a deep breath, Terris followed Eodor into the cave, the weight of the grim discovery settling heavily upon them. They had come seeking crystals to forge their solarblades, but instead, they had stumbled upon a mystery far more dangerous than they could have ever imagined. The air inside the cave hung heavy with an unsettling silence, broken only by the echo of their footsteps and the unsettling pounding of Terris's heart.

As they traveled deeper inside the cave, the corpses became less frequent, a grim tally that nonetheless weighed heavily on them. However, the trend held true - more fallen Magisters than the unidentified soldiers. Terris couldn't help but mutter a silent prayer for their departed comrades.

Wasting no time, they focused on their mission. Eodor, meticulous and drawn to order, meticulously harvested jade fragments, selecting only the purest with the keen eye of a scholar. Terris, ever the pragmatist, went for practicality, gathering a mix of vibrant green and sapphire hues. They then channeled their Qi, patiently aligning the fragmented crystals into cohesive forms. Eodor chose a flawless emerald, symbolizing his unwavering devotion to the Magistra Order and his pursuit of mastering Qi. Terris, meanwhile, crafted a crystal that resembled a brilliant sapphire, a reflection of his martial prowess and burgeoning wisdom.

"Next step, climbing," Terris announced, a determined glint in his eyes. They emerged from the cavern, a heavy silence hanging in the air. With a silent reverence, they bowed their heads to the fallen Magisters and students scattered around the entrance. Some faces were familiar, young trainees they had known, their promising journeys cut tragically short. Grief threatened to overwhelm them, but Terris and Eodor knew they had to carry the weight of this discovery and honor their memory.

The trek to the mountain peak took another arduous day. Reaching the summit, they were met with an unexpected sight: the Solar Forge lay empty. The forgemaster, a wizened old man with a beard like spun silver, was nowhere to be found. A jolt of unease ran through Eodor. Was he involved in the massacre at the cave? Had he fled the encroaching danger?

Eodor sprang into action, his years of training kicking in. He explained the situation to Terris and laid out a plan. Drawing on his memory of the forgemaster's manual, Eodor meticulously started crafting the base of the solarblade hilts. Terris, ever the quick learner, followed suit. For three grueling days, they worked tirelessly, shaping the metal using their newfound control over Qi.

Finally, the moment of truth arrived. They channeled their Qi once more, the energy swirling around their hands and engulfing the hilt guards. With a burst of light, the condensed Qi crystallized, forming into the blades of their solarblades. Eodor glowed with an emerald hue, mirroring his chosen crystal. Terris' took on the brilliant blue of sapphire. A wave of accomplishment washed over them, mingled with a sense of unease. The solarblades hummed with power, a testament to their dedication and a symbol of the heavy burden they now bore.

With a shared laugh of relief, they embraced, the weight of their trials momentarily forgotten. They had forged not just their solarblades, but also a bond that would see them through the darkness that lay ahead. The mystery of the cave and the fate of the missing forgemaster hung heavy in the air, but for now, they had taken their first steps as true Magisters.

Their celebration, however, was short-lived. A figure, clad in strange steel armor that gleamed faintly under the setting sun, materialized from the shadows. A blaster rifle, crackling with blue energy, roared to life in its hands. Terris and Eodor, years of training kicking in, dove for cover behind separate rocky outcrops. The searing beams of energy vaporized the rock where they had just been standing.

"Show yourselves, cowards!" the figure boomed, its voice distorted by a modulated filter.

Terris, ever the impulsive one, was the first to rise. He swung his sapphire solarblade in a defensive arc, deflecting a volley of blaster fire. Eodor, more cautious, materialized a wall of blue flames, absorbing another barrage of energy blasts.

The figure, undeterred, charged forward. It wielded a massive spear and round shield, a combination designed for both offense and defense. Eodor and Terris fought back-to-back, their movements honed from years of training at the Magistra Temple. Terris danced around the shield, searching for an opening, while Eodor launched a series of blue fire blasts.

His attacks seemed to have little effect. The figure's shield effortlessly deflected the flames, and Terris' solarblade, though biting deep upon glancing blows, seemed to flicker and dull upon contact with the strange armor. With a roar of frustration, Terris lunged, but was met with a crushing blow from the figure's shield, sending him sprawling.

Eodor gritted his teeth. "Attack the seams! The armor has gaps!" he shouted over the clang of steel. He unleashed a torrent of blue flames, creating a smokescreen. Terris, seizing the opportunity, sprang from behind a rock, his solarblade flashing blue in the fading light.

The figure, momentarily blinded by the smoke, didn't react in time. Terris' blade found its mark, severing the tendons in the back of one of the figure's legs. The Vyskriegg warrior, for it was undeniably one, let out a roar of pain and fury.

Capitalizing on its vulnerability, Eodor materialized a flaming blade in his hand and slashed across the warrior's neck. The Vyskriegg warrior stumbled back, a look of disbelief on his face. Then, a chilling laugh escaped its helmet.

"A worthy death," it rasped, its voice devoid of the modulation filter. "But you won't escape my punishment!"

A horrifying realization dawned on Eodor and Terris. Strapped to the Vyskriegg warrior's belt were several glowing red spheres - solar grenades. With a final, defiant laugh, the warrior triggered the explosives.

Eodor, without hesitation, summoned a swirling wall of Qi, absorbing the brunt of the blast. Terris, thrown back by the shockwave, watched in stunned silence as the explosion engulfed the Vyskriegg warrior, leaving nothing but a smoking crater in its wake.

Eodor lowered his guard, his face streaked with soot. He looked at Terris, his eyes wide with shock. "We... we survived," he whispered.

Terris nodded numbly. The adrenaline was slowly draining away, replaced by a cold wave of fear. What had they just encountered? A Vyskriegg warrior, here, on Miraea? The implications were staggering. Their quest for solar crystals had taken a dangerous turn, and they were no longer just fledgling Magisters. They were thrust into a conflict far greater than they could have imagined.

As the last rays of the setting sun dipped below the horizon, they stood in the aftermath of the battle, the silence broken only by the rasping of their own breath. The weight of their discovery settled heavily upon them. Their days of training were over. Now, the true test began.