
Magical Cube Controler

This story is about a boy named Leon, who suddenly entered a new world decorated with various Magic powers and unique creatures. He was destined to control the magic called is Magic Cube, which is one of the strongest types of magic in this world. With that powerful magic cube, now Leon must go on an adventure to explore a new world filled with enemies who are ready to confront him.

Rizki_akbar · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

Commander Raeley

Village Chief Morgan and several of his remaining warriors eventually made it to the Wesley Kingdom's border on a gloomy, chilly night.

He went straight to the southern guard station after getting there to meet with Commander Raeley.

Some of the guards were utterly astonished when they encountered the Morgan Village troops, who appeared to be in a panic and were dressed like slaves.

"What happened to you guys?" asked a guard with a confused look on his face.

The already weak village head couldn't stand up, then said breathlessly.

"Now that we've taken Morgan Village,"

The village chief was trying to be awakened when a guard slapped his cheek and asked, "Hey-hey, what do you mean by that?"

Soon after, some medical personnel showed up there, and they transported the patients right away to the treatment tent.

One of the bodyguards did not immediately remain silent, he immediately ran to Commander Rael's camp to be able to convey the news of the defeat of the Morgan Village Troops.

--Commander Raeley's Private Office--

Commander Raeley was relaxing in his camp while engrossed in sharpening his favorite ax on an iron plate.

Raeley besides being a leader in this camp was also in charge of the borders of the Wesley Kingdom to the south.

"Commanders-Commanders..." the dim voice of someone shouted.

Raeley was already feeling very fed up because many troops were always bothering him in his spare time.

Raeley then immediately opened his camp door very loudly, "Can you not shout like that..!!"

"Sorry sir but there is important information that you must hear," said the guard with a frightened face.

"Until the message doesn't matter, I'll chop off your head right now..!" said the Commander, while carrying the ax he had just sharpened.

"So, the people of Morgan Village suffered defeat and currently Morgan Village is under enemy control. other than that, the average survivors suffered quite severe injuries." The guard said it with his body shaking with fear.

the commander immediately lowered his axe, "Who can make Morgan Village lose!"

"I don't know sir, but most likely all the slaves are still not far from Morgan Village." replied the team.

Raeley is very worried about losing to Morgan Village because this way the proceeds of the black money source will just disappear.

he was still confused as to who was behind all this because all the sights and great knights had been imprisoned in the isolated camp.

"What do I need to convey this message on the royal side immediately? because this seems to be a very serious situation." offered the guard.

"No need, just meet me with those people from Morgan Village right now," Raeley ordered in a firm tone.

--Camp Medication--

When Commander Raeley arrived at the place, he and his guards just kept on barging in.

Whereas there, several doctors tried to restore the condition of the residents.

Neither of them dared go against Commander Rael, as he had complete control over all the places in the Wesley Kingdom's outpost.

"Show me where the conscious Morgan Villagers are...!" Commander Raeley ordered sternly.

One of the doctors who was doing treatment immediately took Raeley to the village head's bed.

"I hope you don't talk to him too long, because I need full concentration to be able to treat the wound." said the doctor boldly.

Raeley then immediately encouraged the doctor to speak freely with the half-conscious village head.

"Who could do this to you?"

"Can you see how stupid I am, I'm in so much pain," replied the village head with tears in his eyes because of the pain of the wounds he had suffered after the war.

Commander Rael's hand then prevented the doctor from moving, "Answer my question first, or I will let me die in agony like this!"

"Ahh... The knight from Gobuta defeated us with the help of the slave army" The village head endured the pain as if one by one his skin was about to tear.

"Then how can they be free?" Rael's hand was still blocking the doctor who was trying to reach the patient.

"Leon.. someone named Leon did it." after receiving the information, he then let the doctor handle it.

He then walked out of the treatment camp with his bodyguards.

"What is your current move, sir?" asked the guard.

"I want to know who Leon is, and I know who I should call for this mission," said Commander Rael who immediately smiled.

"Shouldn't we ask the kingdom for help, since I don't think they're random opponents?"

"No..! don't say anything to the government. Don't you want to increase your salary allowance?"

--Morgan Village--

Meanwhile, in Morgan Village, the young people who had finished the party couldn't just go straight to rest and fall asleep.

they all get a special task from Leon to be able to maintain the security of this village in turns, they will take turns in a vulnerable 2-3 hours.

And of course, the team in charge of the young people are Jansen and Barrow, they will make sure that none of the guards let their guard down or fall asleep.

On the other hand, Leon along with Eris and Marukawa were busy preparing the right concept to be able to secure this village from enemy attacks, as long as they were still staring at Morgan Village.

"The way you said earlier is still very risky, especially since I just found out that the enemy we are facing is the royal side. If this is the case, our business can get very complicated." Leon complained as if he didn't want to think anymore.

"The only way that is most effective is to make a trench, although it's not very effective because the place is too large," Eris said while scratching her head.

"Shall we try to put up a seal of fog pegs?" said the Marukawa which made Leon and Eris refreshed.

"What is a fog peg seal, I haven't heard of it before?" Leon then looked at Marukawa as if ready to hear Marukawa's opinion.

Marukawa then explained the use of a seal called a fog peg, the seal serves to cover a place with a very thick fog so that the enemy will have difficulty and hesitate to penetrate the village's defenses.

But even so, the seal had its biggest weakness. This is where the seal makes it possible to enjoy high power.

"But I think this step is the fastest, although it has a fairly strong weakness. Instead of having to make a trench that doesn't necessarily make us protected from enemy attacks." Leon looks very supportive and appreciates Marukawa's innovation.

the three of them finally agreed to be able to do this plan the next day.