
Magic? Swords? Nah, I have Guns

Noah, just a "normal" university student found himself in a crossfire between his fathers illegal black market business and his competitors that resulted in gun wars. As a supportive son, as well as the young master and the successor of the "business", he joyously involved himself. Equipped with guns and a wicked grin, he proceeded to do what was needed to be done with his title as the "Gun Manic" Ohhh shit, I died! Being backstabbed by his fathers trusted comrades, he found himself with a knife at his chest. He bleed, spatting out curses and blood. At least that was what was supposed to happen. Noah found himself waking up to an unknown world with magic and swords. As if those didn't shock him enough, he was bestowed a system. And in that system, the specifics of his unique ability was displayed. [Exclusive Ability: Armament Creation] With a big and wicked grin, Noah uttered, "Magic? Swords? Nah. I have Guns."

AlienSen · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs


Jacob was a commoner orphan who was taken in by the head of the Venis household after taking pity of the young man. He was raised and was even taken care of properly physically and mentally.

As he grew, he showed talents, he was smart, intelligent, and showed potential when it came to magic.

The time he aged 14, he received the class: Mage, even though not an uncommon class — was one of the most impactful and one of the most powerful classes known.

The head of the family, despite Jacob being technically an outsider, allowed for the child to receive an abundance of skills and resources and was treated like a child of the house.

He grew powerful with many skills in his arsenal, moreover with the resources fed to him, he also widened his mana pool.

As the house continued to give and provide for Jacob, he managed to grow as a mage. He became powerful and coupled up with his intelligence, he transformed to a formidable foe that not just everyone can face.

However, slowly but surely, as Jacob continued to receive, a point came where he wanted more. A seed of greed had started to sprout within.

As Jacob was an outsider and did not have any Venis blood in him, envy and hate was being directed at him from the other members of the house.

It was a given since he was indeed just an outsider, no one — much less an outsider, should be given so much resources and skills without ample reasons that can benefit the whole house — this was bias.

The kid was but a mere commoner, he might have talent and skills but he was an outsider, he was not of noble blood.

Jacob was often met with discrimination and disdain due to this. He was pushed aside, belittled, and looked down on because of his origin.

The seed of greed that had began to sprout in him grew and was followed up by anger and vengeance.

He wanted to grow more powerful, he wanted to achieve more and prove to the people that discrimanated and looked down on him that they weren't anything special, that at the end of the day, they were all humans.

Yet what started out as just a goal to prove that they were wrong to look down him because of his origin, slowly got tainted by greed and temptation.

When the day came that the house started to decline and the day where they couldn't provide him what he needed, he abandoned them without a second thought.

The head of the house might have given him everything he needed to be an elite in the house but his commoner blood will never and can never be taken away in the eyes of the other nobles — other members of the house.

In their eyes, his origins defined who he was no matter his present state.

Jacob soon realized that he had been raised only to be under the members of the house. He became powerful not because of his own benefit but the whole house.

Jacob was the type of person who didn't want to be under anyone's control, he had mich more grander goal than to be someone's dog.

Living as a commoner and an orphan, Jacob kvew how corrupt and self-centered nobles were, he would never bow his head to these kinds of people.

Still, he could not deny that the house helped him to become who he was now.

Jacob was thankful indeed — not to the Venis household but to the Venis head, to him, he was the only one who really didn't discriminate against him and treated him equally, but at the end of the day, the head had a duty. He wanted Jacob to be a part of house's military power but he didn't want to, he had a much more wider goal than to be a mere soldier.

Jacob stayed in the house with the intention of repaying his debt to the head still, but didn't want to devote his life to the house, it was that simple.

However, as the head's health declined, he was faced with the choice of abandoning his goal or abandoning his debt. At the end, Jacob picked the latter choice — many factors leaned to this decision of his but the major ones were definitely because of greed, convenience, and hatred. The head of the house was dying and he could not do anything about it, it meant that he could not repay his debt with the circumstances.

Yes, Jacob indeed wanted to repay the head but only the head, hate still coursed through his veins for the Venis house.

With the head's health deteriorating, the Venis house would soon follow suit — and Jacob could not careless for the house.

A third party offered him a much bigger chance of ataining his goal and he was determined to do so. He wanted to rise to status and become a noble himself, he did not care if he would called a hypocrite, he wanted to achieve what he wanted and prove to the nobles who were crumbling down that a commoner could rise.

This was his form of vengeance as his strength was still far from rivaling a noble house — even if it is one on the verge of collapsing.

He had already switched to the third party's side and had even helped them as a spy, he had no qualms in hastening the collapse of the Venis house at all.

He was given a mission — to capture the daughter of the Venis house without harming her, he thought that would be simple enough as the daughter of the house head placed a lot of trust in him.

Jacob thought that everything would go as he planned but some meager outsider dared to interfere. If he was successful with his mission, the house that he was now working with would handsomely reward him.

Yet somehow, some meager outsider was thwarting his plans.