
Magic ring

As an ordinary person, Jake suddenly acquired a magical ring one day, which allowed him to travel to a game world. In this game world, he was not the only "player," and he could bring skills, techniques, divine pets, and even people from there into reality. You think heavenly-grade techniques are impressive? I can sell them by the pound here. You think an expert at the Transformation Realm is unrivaled? Sorry, in my presence, they can only be subordinates. You say there is no cure for this illness? Come, taste the elixir I concocted. I guarantee it will cure your ailment and bring you back to full vigor. With the ring in his possession, Jake manipulated various realms in reality, unified nations in the game world, and conquered the demonic realm.

DaoistyE5fv7 · Khoa huyễn
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200 Chs

Complete the task

When Jake approached the group of magic rabbits again, about two meters away, the two closest magic rabbits lunged at him once more, and the darkness in their eyes seemed to have intensified. Jake instinctively took two steps back, but he forced himself to stay calm, remembering the old man's contempt. He stared intently at the two magic rabbits.

When the two rabbits reached him, Jake swung the wooden stick forcefully, sending one of the rabbits flying. However, before Jake could feel relieved, the other rabbit had already pounced on him. Its sharp claws scratched Jake's body, tearing his clothes and leaving three distinct wounds on his arm.

"Ouch! That hurts!" Jake's face turned pale. He didn't know how painful it could be when a rabbit scratched a person, but this magic rabbit's claws were truly painful.

"You still dare to come? Do you think I'm an easy target?" The rabbit that had just scratched Jake pounced at him again. This time, Jake was provoked, thinking to himself, "Can't I defeat a rabbit?"

When the magic rabbit leaped towards Jake, he swung the stick once again, hitting the rabbit's head with a "bang." The rabbit was sent flying like a baseball, its four short legs struggling for a moment before it stopped moving.

Just as Jake was relieved, he suddenly widened his eyes because the rabbit he had just defeated disappeared into thin air after a few seconds. It was like a ghost!

Jake rubbed his eyes forcefully, but he still couldn't see the rabbit. It was as if the rabbit had never appeared. "Could all of this be a dream?" Jake muttered to himself, rubbing his eyes.

At that moment, the mechanical-like voice that had startled Jake several times before resounded again.

"Level up."

"Character attributes panel activated."

"Backpack system activated."

Several consecutive voices stunned Jake in place. And at that moment, Jake suddenly realized that he seemed to be in a game. He hadn't considered this before because everything felt too real, nothing like a game. But now, with quests, "monsters," levels, attribute panels, and so on, everything seemed too much like a game.

"Could it be that the so-called celestial being sent me to a game world?" Jake thought to himself. After a brief exploration, Jake summoned the character attributes panel, which appeared before his eyes like a projection.

Name: Jake

Level: Level 1

Class: None

Strength: 1

Agility: 1

Intelligence: 1

Constitution: 1

HP: 100

MP: 100

Equipment: Tattered Wooden Stick

Attack: 1

Jake's attributes were extremely basic, typical for a novice character. This further confirmed to Jake that he was indeed in a game world. As for the backpack, it had a total of ten slots, but currently, all of them were empty with nothing inside.

While Jake was examining his attributes, the magic rabbit that he had sent flying with his first strike staggered and ran towards him again. Even though its movements were unsteady, its killing intent in its eyes remained undiminished.

Now that Jake knew he was in a game world and that these rabbits were monsters, he became more straightforward. When the rabbit approached him, he struck it once again with the tattered wooden stick. This time, after it fell to the ground, it didn't get back up and completely lost its breath.

Similar to the previous rabbit, the body of this magic rabbit quickly disappeared. Having killed two rabbits in a row, Jake gained some experience in killing them. Since his quest required him to kill ten rabbits, he had to continue hunting them.

Although the magic rabbits would actively attack, there was a safe distance of about two meters. They would only attack when someone approached within that range. This allowed Jake to defeat them one by one without being surrounded. After all, even rabbits can bite when agitated, let alone these magic rabbits that actively attacked. Getting hit by them still hurt.

"Haha, weren't you fierce just now? Come at me again!" Jake, with a stick in hand, quickly dispatched the whole group of magic rabbits. He exceeded the task assigned by the old man. Jake's level also increased from 1 to 2, and all his attributes became 2, while his HP increased to 110.

"After leveling up, the increase in attributes is too little," Jake complained as he walked toward the village. "And the leveling speed is too slow. In other games, a single hit can instantly raise you to level 999. What a lousy game."

"Old man, I'm back!" After entering the village, Jake greeted the old man warmly, hoping to receive generous rewards for completing the task.

"Oh, it's you?" The old man showed no particular reaction upon seeing Jake. He didn't exhibit the same enthusiasm as the first time they met. "What brings you back? Did those magic rabbits kill you again? Ah, young people these days are so useless."

Jake sweated profusely and retorted, "Village Chief, who do you think you're looking down on? Who said I was afraid of magic rabbits? I've already killed all those rabbits. I've completed the task you assigned, and I even exceeded it. Hurry up and reward me. I want artifacts and divine pets." Fortunately, he had returned after killing those rabbits; otherwise, he couldn't imagine how the old man would have mocked him.

"Killed them all?" The old man was slightly taken aback. He looked at Jake closely, then a familiar smile appeared on his face. He excitedly grabbed Jake's hand and said, "I knew I didn't misjudge you. You actually managed to kill those rabbits so quickly. Our village's crops are saved. On behalf of everyone in our village, I thank you. "The old man held Jake's hand and showered him with compliments.

"Village Chief, let's not talk about these meaningless words. Give me my reward first. I'm not asking for much, just ten artifacts and eight divine pets will do. I'm not greedy." Jake quickly stopped the old man's gratitude. He still wanted something more substantial and practical.

"artifacts ? None," the old man shook his head.

"And divine pets?"

"None," the old man shook his head once again.

"Are you so poor, Village Chief, that you don't have any artifacts or divine pets?" Jake exclaimed angrily. "In other games, they give you artifacts and divine pets right from the start. What kind of lousy game is this?"

Hello everyone, I am the author of this work. If you find any mistakes or have any suggestions, please inform me. I hope you all will like this novel. Thank you for your support, and I will continue to update my works. I hope you can give the work a good rating. Thank you

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