
Magic is my friend: The Witcher

A powerful soul is reborn in the witcher. .... i will be messing around with the universe to spice things up. im not a big romance writer so don't expect much of that. please leave positive feedback/ improvements ( grammar and capital letters r in the story i promise dont worry haha ) there will be some swearing where, ironically, appropriate. I'm doing my best to flesh out character and sometimes a swear word is just what they'd say!

gumballs6 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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12 Chs

Chapter 12

I surveyed the inn warily.

Yesterday's events had shattered the trust I held in my abilities.

Taking a deep breath I pushed open the door.

"I knew you would return! Come quickly, come, let me introduce you to your companion!" Bouncing towards me the boot-licker delightedly grabbed my arm and dragged me to a quiet corner of the inn.

I chose not to resist.

"Honorable Knight, it is my pleasure to introduce you to Madame Pamella. Her profound thirst for knowledge has lead her to this humble village and she will accompany you on this quest." The boot-licker announced in his usual flattering tone.

Pamella was a young woman with curious blue eyes and a gentle disposition. Her charm was not small and her face would have suitors lining up at her door.

Rising from her seat she performed a small yet elegant curtsy, "It is a delight to make your acquaintance sir Knight."

"Likewise." I replied, unaffected by the beautiful woman in front of me.

The boot-licker broke character for a brief moment as his narrowed and inspected me more closely. Wandering swordsmen, especially when as young as myself, were supposed to fall in love faster than lightning fell from the sky.

Returning to his farce the boot-licker cried out, "I cannot help but feel ashamed to stand so close to two such mighty presences! You must away at once before I can hold back my heart no longer!"

After saying his piece the boot-licker turned on his heel and dashed out the door, leaving my newest acquaintance and I standing somewhat awkwardly at the table.

"What say we leave now Sir Knight? From what I know of these arachnids they prefer to hunt when the moon is high, perhaps they will be more approachable while the sun still shines?" Pamella suggested, craning her neck to see the few sunbeams that peaked through from the ceiling above.

"A good idea. Do you require any time to gather your tools?" I answered.

Pamella smiled and brushed her grey cloak to one side. This revealed a complex pattern of leather belts that held countless vials, materials and tools to her body. I also noted the two long curved daggers at her hips.

Though she was clearly a scholar she appeared adequately capable of defending herself.

Evidently proud she replied, "An Oxenfurt graduate is never without their equipment, I could not possibly shame the reputation of my school."

The name of this prestigious school of learning held great weight in this world. Oxenfurt graduates were well known as some of the most intelligent individuals in this world. The school had numerous exceedingly powerful alumni in all fields of life. It was a force that's roots stretched incomparably deep. Only the schools of magic could rival its glory.

Not feigning my interest I asked, "Perhaps you could give me a tour in the future?"

Pamella appeared taken aback at my enthusiasm but recovered swiftly and beamed, "Most certainly sir Knight! I am sure my professor would love to meet someone like yourself!"

"I will hold you to that." I said, pleased to have gained a link to such a powerful school.

Approaching them as a sorcerer would naturally also allow me to build a connection but Oxenfurt did not like the arrogance of sorcerers. Regardless of how good I behaved they would not truly trust me.

Sorcerers held a well-deserved reputation for their cunning. They knew the greed of man's heart and were excellent manipulators. When their words alone could not achieve their goals they immediately resorted to magic.

They had created a whole new race of superior humans, putting young children through unimaginable suffering to achieve their goals. Then, when they were no longer needed, they had tossed them away.

Only a monster could kill another monster. Sorcerers simply created tools to do it for them.

"You should follow me Sir Knight, I know the path to the creature's caves." Pamella said and looked to the door.

Pleased to avoid another interaction with the boot-licker I agreed, "Of course, lead the way."

We left the village with little trouble. The guards who had opened the gate exhibited clear displeasure but they didn't dare disobey the lord's orders.

Pamella and I gradually grew familiar with each other as we walked and the conversation soon flowed.

I observed with some interest that she never consulted any form of map. The trails to our destination were long and winding, even experienced travelers could easily lose their way. Her navigational skills were evidently not simple and I was starting to understand that nothing about her was.

"So, sir Knight-"

I interrupted her, "Call me Albert. The only person who addresses me as a Knight is that shameless old servant."

Pamella snorted loudly at my humor. The undignified sound echoed in the chasm like valley and her a blush quickly spread across her face.

I could not deny that she was cute.

When she had recovered enough to speak clearly, she continued, "So, Albert, tell me, have you killed many monsters with your sword? Perhaps a wyvern or a noonwraith? Or perhaps a Kikimore or giant centipede!"

Oxenfurt produced countless scholars of different branches and I had the good fortune to meet one captivated by the monsters of this world.

Ordinarily meeting much more than a few wolves or lost ghoul should've been impossible on the well-established routes I followed, however the ongoing changes to this world had caused a surge in monster population. New breeds of beast were appearing with each day that passed. Merchants no longer dared traverse the wilderness without a large convoy and there was plentiful work to be had for any man who could lift a sword.

For the moment the mages remained mute on the matter, hiding in their towers and only appearing to soothe restless Kings and Queens.

But the truth could not be hidden forever.

Pamella's question repeated in my thoughts. Her wide and impassioned eyes dominated most of her face and the sparkle within them tickled my emotions.

Reaching into a pocket on my trousers I pulled out an item and held it on my palm for the scholar to see.

Scarcely had she laid eyes on it when her breathing became shaky, "Is-is that, did-did that come from a-a-a-"

I found her overwhelmed state rather cute and helpfully filled the missing word, "A griffon. A rather large one too."

"C-c-can I have it? I-I'll pay!" Her hands shook violently as she attempted to retrieve a purse from her belt.

Coins tumbled to the ground with melodious ringing noises. The blush had returned to her face as she desperately tried to stop her hands from shaking.

"Consider it a gift." I said, taking her hand and closing her slender fingers around the ginormous feather, still stained with the griffin's blue blood.

Crouching down I collected the scattered coins and returned them to the enraptured scholar.

She seemed to have entirely forgotten where we were and was mumbling incoherently to herself while her feet moved automatically in the right direction.

The silence was comical and I found myself enjoying the presence of the cute scholar. It was by no means love and in truth I held little interest towards the opposite sex. I simply considered her a friend.

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by the magical stench of something foul.

My perception had sensed a significant issue that I had been hoping to never see again.

That purple crystal was no longer the only one of its kind.

And this time things wouldn't be so simple.