
Magic Concept Academy

Morgan Du Pryce is the sole son of the Marquis Pryce, on the eastern border of the country of Athelaya. Soon the attend the largest academy in the country, Morgan prepares as much as he can, but will it be enough? Suddenly thrust into a mess of socially inept noble children and magical mishaps, Morgan realizes his preparations would never have been enough for his new environment. He will need to navigate the figurative (and possibly literal) war-zone of the academy, while maintaining his grades and hopefully making friends along the way. All while getting stronger so that he can go home with enough strength to defend it from a coming storm. ======================================= Hi I'm Clam, and I'm new here. Please bear with me while I figure everything out. Hope you enjoy and stick around.

Claiomh · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

First Day p8

"See you tomorrow." I give Ana a smile before getting up and leaving. Never bad to leave a good impression on someone you're going to be stuck with for a while.

Though I'm not 100% sure we're going to be stuck together, we at least share multiple classes to being acquainted isn't bad.

She nods and gathers her things. I leave the classroom, this time in no hurry. Professor Adams wanted to see me after class, and I'm not very excited about meeting him one on one. If I don't show up he'll probably pester me more tomorrow so I guess I have to do this.

I slowly make my way towards the Magic Theory classroom, passing the multitudes of students rushing around the campus. Finally arriving, I head inside without hesitation. I just want to get this over with since I still need to check in at the dorm, and who knows how long that will take.

The professor is sitting at his desk looking over documents I can't read from this distance. He takes notice of me as I enter.

"Ah Mr. Pryce! I won't hold you for long, I just want to know one thing." He says cheerfully.

"Ask away."

"You said you had a method for awakening, as far as I know that's impossible. How or where did you discover this?"

Oh, I see, the unprecedented thing isn't that I awakened, but that I did it by my own will.

"I read a book and followed its instructions." He perks up at the mention of the book.

"Do you have it on you? Can I read it?" He slowly stands from his desk and begins walking towards me.

"No I don't have it on me." I answer quickly while subconsciously stepping back. He stops in his tracks, looking to the ground in disappointment.

"I see." He recovers quickly, smile back alive. "Well if you ever retrieve it, please do share with me. This could be a massive breakthrough."

For a 'massive breakthrough' he's certainly staying very calm. I hope he isn't planning something strange.

"I will keep that in mind. May I leave?" I don't like this atmosphere, the professor has an uncomfortable aura.

"Yes you may go. See you tomorrow!" He waves before returning to his desk.

I leave in a hurry with no set destination. I feel like I've done a lot of running away today. This place is going to drive me insane.

I exit the building and head out into the streets. They're filled with students going about their business. Some at restaurants with groups or out window shopping. This place really does feel like a city, albeit only inhabited by kids in uniforms.

My next destination should be... the dorms. My steps subconsciously become lighter, in anticipation for the hyped 'Ranker Rooms'.

I arrive at the dorm, but my mood has gone down. On the trip I somehow managed to snag three unwanted guests, two more unwanted than the third. Ana, Alex and the Princess were all apparently headed in the same direction at the same time, despite coming from different places.

I ran into Ana first and we walked together since we just happened to be going in the same direction. I'm surprised she didn't try to get away since she doesn't seem to like anyone's company very much, but I'm not complaining.

Alex appeared next, and Ana was clearly uncomfortable with his overbearing energy. Luckily for her, he was entirely focused on me. We hadn't seen each other since the first class of the day, and honestly I forgot he existed for a while. Today has just been that taxing on my brain.

Finally, the Princess appeared. She arrived silently and we didn't notice her until she responded to a question Alex asked me. He had a panic attack and has been quiet ever since. I don't understand why he's so weird around the Princess. I get that her title is big, but otherwise she's just quiet. Maybe they have some sort of history? Ana seems fine with the Princess, or she might have just fainted while walking.

That brings us back to now, standing inside the reception area in the dormitory. This building is certainly large, but given that every student that attends the Academy lives here I feel like it should be bigger.

The lobby is a nice mix of black, white, gray, and red that makes me feel warm on the inside. It's a cozy area, and it gives me even higher hopes for the rooms.

It seems like we got here before most of the other students, as there are only a few in the room, and none are waiting at the receptionist's desk. The receptionist smiles at us as we approach.

"Welcome students. What can I do for you?"

I answer for the group, as the only person here who seems capable and willing to speak.

"Yes. We'd like to check in." Everyone nods at my words.

"Okay then! Please one by one place a hand on this." The receptionist gestures to a clear crystal tablet to our right.

"This will let me confirm your identities and create your ID cards at the same time, so please begin whenever you're ready." She smiles again.

Since it seems like no one else is going to go first, I reach out and place my hand on the tablet.

"Please stay like that for a moment."

"Okay." This feels weird, like something is being drained out of me.

"You may remove your hand." The receptionist finally says, and I quickly pull back.

"Here, this is your ID card, don't lose this as it acts as identification, the key to your room, and a point bank. To access any of these functions just hold it and think of what you want. The card should change according to your will." The receptionist hands me a card made of the same crystal as the tablet.

She pulled it from somewhere just out of sight, so I still don't understand what just happened. Receiving the card, I inspect it closely. The card is incredibly thin and looks like it would snap with just a small amount of pressure, but it feels unnaturally sturdy in my hand.

I try to get it to show my information in the way the receptionist said, and the card's surface shifts. The card now shows a small portrait of me in the top left corner, along with a bunch of text about me including my full name, birth date, year of school, and other miscellaneous bits of info.

I look up to the receptionist in bewilderment while everyone behind me leans over to get a peek at my card.

"I don't remember taking this." I point to the portrait on the card, showing it to the receptionist.

"The tablet constructed it just now, it also read all that information from your mana imprint." She answers matter-of-factly, as if this kind of thing is common knowledge and not weird at all.

"From my what?"

"You'll learn that in your Magic Theory class." She speaks as if she knows everything about me and it makes me uncomfortable. I back away and let the others behind me move up to the tablet. Alex is the next to place his hand on the tablet, and I look back down at the card.

So this will let me in to my room? I think for a bit, while the others get their IDs. Once they're done, the receptionist ushers us back over for one last thing.

"Please keep in mind that you are the only ones capable of using your card, and thus the only ones able to go in and out of your dorm rooms at will. You can invite others in, but they will need your assistance to enter." She says.

"This also means you cannot use your card to enter any other room in the dormitory, so don't even try it. Lastly, please do not tamper with the magic cast on the cards, they're put together with a lot of care and it would be a shame if they broke because you messed with them."

"That's all! You may go find your dorms and settle in. Welcome to the Academy!" She smiles waves us away. We walk over to the side, and belatedly notice that a line was slowly forming behind us.

"Well I'll head off to my room, I have some stuff I need to get done. See you tomorrow Morgan!" Alex excuses himself, quickly scurrying off to who knows where.

"See you." I wave then look down at my card. The surface changes to directions to my dorm room.

"I'll also get going." I bid farewell to the last two, and they briefly nod. Walking towards an elevator, I feel two familiar presences behind me.

"Do you two also need to take the elevator?" I turn back to Ana and the Princess.

"Yes." The Princess answers for both of them, and I realize something. They're both top ranks, so they should also have Ranker Rooms.

I guess I won't get to be alone until a little later.

Instead of giving more excuses I'm just going to keep putting out chapters when I can.

Hope you stick around. :)

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