
Magic Chronicles : Fallen Race

--Warning: This story contains graphic scenes of violence and bloodshed. No one under 18 is allowed-- -To not get confused by the end chapters, read Fallen Chronicles first- ---0--- Have you ever pondered the mechanisms behind the Demon King's power system? Wondered how they attain such strength at the game's outset, or why they seem to advance in levels more swiftly and efficiently than the heroes? Well... this is what our MC will discover very soon. ---0---

Hail_The_loli · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
322 Chs

Chapter 226: Unstoppable Force



Boom boom!

The hooves of the demons trampled the earth, each step seeming to shake the soul.

The Great Demon Legion, the first to complete the anchor teleportation, faced the forbidden monsters charging towards the Blood Race town not far away. Without any hesitation or cowardice, they let out a muffled roar and directly rushed to the front.

Among the spawn monsters, the fastest sprinting and moving were those winding and twisting blood-flesh crawlers.

Their appearance was like a human with the head chopped off, keeping only the torso, but with many extra arms and legs for crawling.

With such a bizarre appearance, ordinary soldiers might tremble just from seeing them.