
Magic and System

Rei Delford is an ordinary child who has powers that are slightly different from other people in the magical world, he has a power called a system called Ruins. With this power he can learn all magic and analyze things and then study them. Ruins is a system that only takes the form of sound and can only be heard by Rei in his head. His life changed after he registered to become an adventurer in the city of Forest, and from here his story began.

ZeeshID · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Prologue

In the magical world of Aeron, where the sky sparkled with the glow of enchanted stars and the air was thick with the hum of ancient spells, there lived an ordinary child named Rei Delford. Or so it seemed.

Rei was different from the other children in the small village of Eldoria. While they reveled in their simple magic tricks and minor enchantments, Rei harbored a secret that set him apart. He possessed a power that no one else had—a system called Ruins.

Ruins was no ordinary magic. It was an intricate and ancient force that lived within Rei, speaking to him in a voice only he could hear. This voice, calm and wise, guided him through the mysteries of magic and the complexities of the world. With Ruins, Rei could learn any magic, analyze the unknown, and understand the intricacies of anything he encountered. It was a gift and a burden, for such power came with great responsibility.

For years, Rei lived a quiet life, hiding his abilities from those around him. He studied diligently, training himself to control the vast knowledge Ruins provided. But he knew that he could not remain in the shadows forever. The world beyond Eldoria called to him, promising adventure and the chance to discover the true extent of his powers.

The turning point came on a bright morning when Rei decided to leave his village and venture into the city of Fonreest. It was there, amidst the bustling streets and towering spires, that he registered to become an adventurer. With Ruins as his guide and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and adventure, Rei's journey began.

Little did he know, this decision would set him on a path filled with wonder, danger, and the realization of his destiny. For within the heart of Aeron, ancient forces stirred, waiting for the one who could harness the power of Ruins and change the fate of the world.

And thus, the tale of Rei Delford and his extraordinary journey into the unknown began.