
Magic 1 : Fundamentals of Ambient Mana Manipulation

Magic 1: Fundamentals of Ambient Energy Gathering and Manipulation is a textbook that serves as a pre-requisite for the more advanced volumes of the complete textbook. This book will aid the practitioner in the theories regarding Ambient Energy and the most bare and basic method of its manipulation and cultivation. This book contains the amalgamation of the basic magical research performed by Vulgarious Dogez Ph.D of Aurelius Institute of Occult Arts and Sciences (AuIns - OccuArs) reviewed by the Department of Mysticism and International Occultic Standards Organization.

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Properties of Ambient Energy

As previously discussed, Ambient Energy is an energy that exists in CW (Celestial World) Particles called Primaterions. CW Particles never collides and intertwines with PW (Physical World) Particles. The only way to utilize the energy from Primaterions is by Manifestation Method called Magic.

Ambient Energy has many properties to be listed and mist be familiarized by a practitioner. Although Primaterions are something that practicioners of Physical World could detect and perceive, it is important to know the properties of the energy it contains.

1. Ambient Energy is the most versatile energy that exists. It could be converted in different variants and forms. (e.g. Mana, Qi, Bioelectricity, Physical Energy (energies known and verified by science and many more derivatives)

Such energy upon converion and agitation in CW still adheres to its own conservation law, bit when manifested as a PW the efficiency is 100% therefore there is no losses within CW to PW energy conversion and vice versa. That is only the case given that these energies were the energy Losses of the different constrained worlds.

When energy is contained in a world (example: Physical World), the Total Input Energy is equivalent to equivalent to the Output Energy and Losses. The Losses though does not stay and moves to the other world (example Celestial World). In a contained world, Losses is Losses, but the two worlds in the picture Losses is called Perpetual Energy. This theory is the reason why, Magic is deemed absurd by the scientific community, where as the magic practitioners deem science as inadequate.

Perpetual Energy is something that is always disproven by Law of Conservation, because scientists do not believe the existence of AE (Ambient Energy).

2. Ambient Energy is physically massless. Figuratively, it is like a ghost in the metaphorical eyes of energy. Making it physically non-existent. This is also the reason why it is not detectable.

3. Ambient Energy is celestially massedal and the mass is variable. It is believed that the concept of Primaterion is the generalization of all the particles existing in the Celestial World. This explains why the manifested energy signatures are fluctuating erratically albeit having the same volume. Upon research, the conjured physical particles are dependent on the amount of Ambient energy manifested and converted. For example: Photons are massless and has no energy. This allows a practitioner to emit light without any expenditure. What they expend is the energy used as a catalyst in casting. The catalyst is called mana or qi in which is scientifically called bioelectricity.

4. Ambient Energy does not affect Physical Entropy. Upon manifestation of Ambient Energy in PW, the Physical Energy Losses is also manifested to the CW. It also means that, the maximum amount of Energy allowed to be conjured is only equivalent to the amount of energy Loss of the CW. This concept is reversible.

With this, it could also be said, that one could only buy with the money one could spare and the currency is the Perpetual Energy which is locally called Losses.