
Mages of War

Sorasia, a land of many gods and a home to many kingdoms. Is embroiled in war, some united while some chose to fight and dominate for themselves. However, in this world, a select few were gifted with the power to harness power from the very gods themselves.

Razedealer · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs


The mages arrived at the entrance to the kingdom capital. The sun was now close to setting from their travel.

Multiple guards approached the mages, carrying kite shields and clad in stronger armor compared to the army earlier.

"Walter, mages of King Cross and his army." Walter explained. The soldier shouted for the large metal portcullis to open, following the order, the gate was raised upwards, allowing entry.

The team entered inside, passing the capital's inhabitants of varying statuses and wealth, all living their daily lives. At this time of the day, many began packing up, some shops began closing for the night and many started returning to their homes, patrols started wandering around and lamps being lit while the team rode to the capital's castle. A second walled off area of the kingdom, where the nobles, royalty, dukes, royal guard and most importantly, the king live in.

Walter with his team reached the gates of the capital castle. The guards patrolling around it were more armed than the ones before, with better equipment.

"Walter, mages of King Cross and his army." Walter repeated, the guards who approached didn't speak.

After his explanation, the gates opened for them. Inside, trainees of both sides of the roadway entered their barracks, dukes and barons chatted while walking on the sides, the stables for horses were being closed. In front of us though was the castle of the capital. A large doorway of engravings and gold blocked the outside. Tall towers on each corner looked over the kingdom and beyond.

"Isaac, bring these to the stables will you?" Walter dismounted his steed, the rest followed suit, soon walking to the large door. Isaac led the horses to the stables, not even needing a rope or guide for them. Walter opened the large door, behind it was a large hall. Beautiful art and artifacts littered the walls of the hallway while a carpet of blue lined the floor. The faint smell of lavender was in the air as they entered. At the end of the hallway was a window, and halls that split to both directions. The mages continued on, turning right.

"That battle was rather difficult to handle with tactics." Walter complained.

"Why so? You handled it well." Avice asked. Curious.

"Beforehand, little preparation, ill equipped. Almost a miracle we survived, we all did our part though and it came out successful. If we did not arrive in time, i would assume they will not even survived the first attack." Walter answered. The team kept walking, now going up a flight of stairs.

Isaac ran behind them already finished.

"6 new steeds for the stables." He said. The mages continued walking, now heading up to the third floor of the massive building. There were rooms along the halls, each door adorned with a different symbol. Soon the team stopped on one door, the symbol of a lion's head with a sword above it.

Walter pushed open the door with both hands, inside were 6 beds, all split by thin glass windows between them, in the middle of the room was a large long table with chairs accommodating them all, all adorned with beautiful metals. The mages entered, Walter closing the door behind them. Exhausted from their battle and used up energy, they threw off their robes and lied down on their beds. Slumber quickly consumed each of them as the day came to a close.

Hope you enjoy!

Razedealercreators' thoughts