
Arc 1: The Beginning - Chapter 7

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1: The Beginning - Chapter 7

The next day*

Zheng frown, thinking about what went wrong with the Universal Travel Spell. For one thing, he has managed to create a gateway to the Dimensional Gaps, which many could do already. Yet, he still hasn't figured out the chain of Magic Words to complete the Universal Travel Spell. Maybe he needs to spam using the Magic Words: Insight and Enlightenment until he gets what he needs.

Letting out a sigh, Zheng leans back in his chair and stare at the ceiling. Ignoring the two people patrolling around inside the local library. Still trying to find Rias, and man, Sirzechs must really want to fuck Rias badly. He can't blame the guy really since having sex with Rias is amazing. Though, he wonders why he would ignore the sexy Grayfia. Damn, she is one hot MILF. Too bad, he rather not cause Rias to go apeshit on him the moment Grayfia is nearby.

Anyway, using the Magic Words of Insight and Enlightenment is very draining on his Magic Power. Maybe he should just pause on his research into the Universal Travel Spell and increase his Magic Power's maximum capacity. Would make it easier for him to use Magic Words he had to avoid using due to the extra cost in using them. Even more so, when chaining them with other Magic Words.

Letting out a sigh, that it seems like I have to go find the best way to deal with Sirzechs. Where the first step is to increase his Magic Power reserve to help him finish engraving all his bones before moving onto the rest of his body.

To think he has to switch his main fighting style of a classic Mage to a Fighter Mage hybrid. Luckily, he recalls about Mantra Enchant from the series Trinity Seven is a good way to work with. After all, he already got his hands covered. While making a permanent version while stacking up many similar Magic Words with each other to bring greater effects. As well as the ability to be turned off and on at will. Without the need to rewrite all the Magic Words again. No idea if that is the case with Mantra Enchant in Trinity Seven, but at least for him. He doesn't have to worry about that other than powering the words of the Dragon Language.

Actually, he might have to think about looking into learning Martial Art too. If he is planning to use hand-to-hand combat with Letter Magic as support. Hell, he is very tempted to use the Magic Word: Destruction or even Erasure to push him on the same level of Sirzechs's Power of Destruction through cheating with Letter Magic. Sadly, those two Magic Words cost a lot too. Barely being able to use those two for longer than a few minutes before running out of Magic Power.

Zheng got up from his seat and head back home quickly. No idea if Rias is going stir crazy without him there to distract her from doing some things online or just outright do something crazy that would draw people's attention to the apartment.

Yeah, he better hurry.

30 minutes later*

"Rias, I'm home from the library and got us some food." Zheng said to Rias, as he closes the door behind him and locking it before moving to the kitchen area.

"Welcome back, darling!" Rias welcome Zheng, then heads over to eat whatever he brought from the local store. Save her the time in making food today; well, for lunch at least. "Did you find anything you couldn't find online?" She still wonders why her darling didn't just do his research online. There are two laptops for both of them to use without the need to share.

"Not really." Zheng said to Rias, then groan a bit. "By the way, most of the Devils and those that are searching for you, excluding Sona, are now leaving town. I guess the Shinto Faction are getting a bit pissed at the suddenly increased number of Devils appearing so close to their territory that made them uncomfortable."

"Truly?!" Rias look at Zheng in disbelief and with hope. "How long do you think until everyone leaves?!" She can't wait to go outside more often. She has no idea how Gasper lasts this long. Okay, maybe she can, but she has sex to rely on and training, but she still wants to do things outside too. Mainly doing many schoolgirl-related activities.

"No idea. But, if I had to guess. By the end of the month, a week if we're lucky, there shouldn't be any other Devils around in Kuoh Town besides the Gremory and Sitri." Zheng said to Rias. "You got any plans for them or are you still on the whole sex slave thing? Because if so, no sex for you tonight." He still can't believe Rias, who is always going on about caring for her family aka her peerage in the canon would willing to turn all the females in her former peerage into sex slaves. Well, he knows the reason, but why sex slave?

Any time anything related to Rias's former peerage. It sex slave this, a sex slave that. It likes it in her nature to give him a bunch of sex slaves for him to have his way with. He ain't no Devil, nor does he want a harem of sex slaves. His hips are still a bit sore even with all the Healing Spells he used to prevent any need of going to the hospital. And this is just from having sex with Rias alone.

"Just one time? I kinda want to have the experience of sex with a sex slave and with you the one taking us both at the same time for a few rounds before messing with the sex slave." Rias look at Zheng with puppy eyes, pleading for just to have a sex slave to have a threesome once.

"One time and no more." Zheng knew he was going to hell if he dies in this second life of his. But, even he kind of wants to experience a threesome. Hopefully, Rias didn't grab Koneko. He was no lolicon.

"Great! Love you so much!" Rias move in to give her darling a deep and long kiss with tongue involves for a few seconds before rushing to the bedroom, much to Zheng's confusion and suspicion at this action of hers.

Great. He is going to have to prepare to use up all his Magic Power today unless he doesn't want to walk again tomorrow.

Soon, Rias returns from the bedroom and she wasn't alone.

"Is that Grayfia?" Zheng asks in disbelief, to think the Strongest Queen is in such a shameful appearance.

Right now, Grayfia is completely naked, but with ropes tied around all over her body, including having her arms tied behind her back, with a ball gag attached to her mouth and a large dildo shoved straight into her ass. This made it a bit awkward for Grayfia to walk while her pussy is out in the open, leaking for everyone to see.

"Hey, isn't that the collar you got me to make for you, in order to temporarily steal away your Demonic Power?" Zheng notices the black collar around Grayfia's neck, which has invisible Magic Words engraved from both sides. And he realizes how easily it for Rias to forcibly move Grayfia around and without Demonic Power has made Grayfia weaker, nearly above the average human adult female.

"Yup! Thanks to the Devil's Luck. I manage to place it onto Grayfia while she had her guard down, then knock her out and bring her here. You have no idea how lucky I was to find her pretty much alone." Rias give Zheng a sweet smile before it turns into a sinister one. "Now, pull out your dick and fuck her like the whore she is."

That got a reaction out of Grayfia. As she tried to struggle for freedom, only to moan through her ball gag as Rias directly grab the dildo to pull out roughly, then shove it back in with great force, causing Grayfia to drop to her knees. Well, she would have if Rias didn't keep her standing by holding her by the back of her tied arms with just a single hand. Just to show how strong Rias is with Demonic Power compared to Grayfia who doesn't.

"This is technically an NTR and I'm not into that kind of thing." Zheng knew how many would love to be the one that steals the girl from others. But, they have to prepare for having their girls stolen in return or worst. Having the other guy go batshit crazy and willing to kill, even at the cost of their life in exchange for revenge.

"Oh, don't worry. Grayfia here is technically not married to Sirzechs. Isn't that right, slut? You and Sirzechs wanted to get married, but the Clan Heads won't allow it. Not when you were part of the Old Satan Faction, no matter how much you helped later on in the Devil Civil War. It doesn't remove the hidden, buried rage of those that still have a grudge against you for killing their loved ones. All you good was to breed the next generation of Devils. If anything, Sirzechs don't even love you at all and wanted to fuck you after seeing how much of a whore you are. No wonder he wanted me instead and hasn't touched you after giving birth. Such a shame really." Rias lean in to look directly into Grayfia's raging eyes. "Not."

"Man, this is just getting weird and weirder." Zheng mumbles quietly, for he thought Grayfia would be Sirzechs's wife in this universe. Look like different things happen again.

"What's weird is that you're not fucking this slut here right now." Rias said to Zheng, very eager to see the look on Grayfia's face of being fucked by someone other than Sirzechs. Especially when she will upload this scene to the Devil Net, allowing those that know about Grayfia that she is no longer someone to be respected for being the Strongest Queen and just another slut who would spread her legs for a dick inside her. But, of course, she won't allow Grayfia to be free. Oh, no. She has plans for Grayfia.

"I know I'm going to regret this someway or another." Zheng let out a sigh, as he let Rias pull out his hard dick, where it has already become this hard from seeing Grayfia's naked body and being tied up with a dildo in her ass too.

"The only regret you would have is not getting to have this slutty wet pussy of the Strongest Queen sooner." Rias said to her darling, before pushing him by his hip and directly insert his hot, hard rod directly into Grayfia's waiting wet pussy. "Oh, I forgot you haven't had a dick in such a long time. Grayfia." Rias grin down at Grayfia, where her body is shaking and her eyes nearly roll to the back of her head. "Just having this dick inside you after so long has made you reach your climax immediately. My, oh my. Someone can't wait, huh?" She notices how Grayfia is already moving her hips on her own with no one forcing her.

This change everything for both Rias and her darling.

"I swear Grayfia better not be a nympho like you, Rias." Zheng looks at Rias with a deadpan while Grayfia is quickly moving her hips by the seconds. Showing how eager she is to have sex.

This is going to be one long night. He just knows it.