
Mage Of The Apocalyptic Era

After Doomsday , humans were blessed by Cosmic Power . With great power , they were also given great challenges . In the world where monsters and supernatural phenomena have started to appear, Sagar is an ordinary Nepali who fights for survival . Awakened himself with the Cosmic Profession of a Mage , he is destined to walk on the path of Magic . While some became the king of new nations , some rebuilt their former country , some became a lone wolf who works alone and fights alone . On the other hand , Sagar somehow became the leader of an organization that controls everything and everyone , he became the founder of a legendary powerhouse to whom even the future descendants worshiped and took him for their role model . He became the master of Dark World , King of Magic World , Guardian of Spirits and the Immortal who is said to be undying and invincible . Let's follow the journey of Sagar who struggles to survive in a cruel and ruthless world but one way or another, he became the most important entity of all time . [ Note ; Mc is selfish , villainous and only cares about himself ]

Villain_Rai · Võ hiệp
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15 Chs


The city that has now become remnants of the past was unprepossessing to the eyes , causing heartache for humans that used to live here .

Kathmandu was the capital of Nepal but now , after the Doomsday it has become a den of monsters .

Sagar continues to walk around , searching for new shelter .

He has been staying only once in every shelter he has taken until now because he does not want to take the risk of getting involved in Raid or Dungeon.

According to what he has learned from rumors , Dungeon is a Zone where monsters seem to inhabit .

As for Raid , it is more dangerous than the Dungeon since Raid is a large-scale battle against a group of monsters and their Boss .

Dungeon can be completed even with a single individual but Raid needs a group to be clear .

He neither has manpower nor strength to accomplish any of those mentioned above , so the wise decision for him is to just stay far away from those dangers .

He continues to travel by foot , sometimes he would enter buildings and take temporary shelter or sometimes he would enter those demolished vehicles .

After walking for a long time , Sagar arrives at Falldown Territory, unlike other territories , this territory has hundreds of buildings constructed very close to each other . Tens of buildings can even be found together .

There was a narrow alley buried by collapsed buildings. One can find a gap between those fallen buildings in an alley but hardly anyone can walk through them .

Sagar looks around while venturing through each building , after memorizing the map in his mind , he decides to enter one of those buildings.

He didn't find any monster on his journey from Ruin Territory to Falldown Territory , it must be his luck or it is just that this is just the calm before the storm .

There was still a tall building with five floors with cracks all over the walls , this lucky building was supported by its neighboring buildings that were joined on both sides .

On the left was a three floor building which was of course destroyed , it originally used to be five or even much taller buildings.

On the right was a four floor building that had lost half of its upper body .

Behind this five floor building was a three floor building , supporting the backbone .

Just like that , the building behind also was supported by two buildings on both the left and right side .

Sagar cautiously scrutinizes the room and the floors , taking his precious time .

There were five rooms on each floor , this building was more like an apartment .

Strangely enough , he found no life in this abandoned building.

If it was another individual , seeing that there was no sign of life in the whole area would have surely made them relax and excited .

After all , not having any sign of life in an area means there is no threat , such an area is not less than those so-called Safe Zone mentioned in the game .

"Something is fishy "

Sagar frowns , although he has been a lone wolf since the inception of the Apocalyptic Era but that does not mean he is ignorant of his current situation and environment.

The current era is an era of supernatural phenomena , also known as the Apocalyptic Era where common sense does not work .

"The territory does not have any sign of life and there are no evidence that indicates a monster sheltering around here "

He rests his right hand on his chin , rubbing his skins , he becomes engrossed in his thought , trying to solve the mystery .

He scratches his head and decides to leave this area since he has been feeling ominous premonition in his heart after feeling fishy about this area .

But soon he realizes that the sky has become dark and the night has already conquered the world , although it is summer but because of this supernatural phenomenon , even the weather is getting affected .

"I don't know what is going on but I need to leave now "

He turns to leave , descending from the second floor to the ground floor , since he has already memorized the map of this area , he knows exactly where he needs to leave .

The moon tonight seems to be very beautiful , as if millions of million stars have suddenly broken and condensed into the most dazzling light up in the sky , the light falls from the sky while connecting the moon and the land together .

Sagar witnesses this terrifying celestial phenomenon , causing his heart to palpitate .

Cold bead of sweat starts to condense on his forehead , anxiety overtakes his heart and causes him to become wary of his environment.

"What — is going on ?"

He frowns and tightens the grip on his steel rod , ready to fight against all the oddities .

The whole area was soon starting to get covered by those expanding divine moonlight from the sky , the moonlight expanded at a visible speed and soon the moonlight completely imprisoned the whole area .

Even Sagar was bathed in that divine moonlight , he felt as if his body was growing weak while a mysterious yet evil energy was growing stronger and stronger because of this moonlight.

"Shit !!"

When the moonlight descends on the mortal world , the undead rise .

Back when he was still part of a survivor party , he had heard this phrase .

"Zombie "

Although there are Zombies walking around the city , they are just the dead corpses of the victims that died because of Doomsday.

While the type of Zombies that crawls out of the land because of moonlight are special compared to those ordinary Zombies , they are blessed with superior strength and ability .

Just like Sagar predicted , through the ground , arms of buried corpses began to dig out , followed by their head and body .

Soon , the whole body walked out of the ground while making some unconscious groans .

Although Zombies have no sense of vision , their hearing ability and sensory abilities are much superior than a human's .

Even if they can't perceive the breathing of a living being and low noises , they are quick to sounds .

One after another , there were Zombies crawling out of the ground without any limitations.

As if there are hundreds of corpses buried underground , those Zombies kept on crawling outside .

Without an exact sense like a human or living organisms , they lackadaisical walking around without a bit of consciousness .

Although they look aimless and languid , one should still remember that they are as terrifying as Goblin .

Or more like they are much more dangerous than Goblins because of their undying body .

Sagar slowly moves around , leaving the area without making any noises .

He tries to avoid conflict , distance and any accident that may attract their attention.

There are more than a hundred Zombies , if even a single one of them was alerted about his presence , the whole horde will run on him .

He slowly starts to understand that he has gotten himself trapped in the territory of Zombies .

His heart was beating slow as it can , his breath was also doing its best not to make noises .

His every step was full of motionless sound , even if he took his steps , there was hardly any sound of footsteps .

Just when he was close to leaving the area , he halts his steps and hurriedly hides himself behind a building .

Taking a peek from behind the building , he sees two young men standing not far away from him .

While one is fat and has a large belly , his weight ranges over eighty kilograms. He was around 5 '5 feet and had thick arms with fats stored .

Even his cheeks were falling down and seemed to be barely hanging , his eyes were almost buried by his muscles on eyebrows .

He has short black hair with below average appearance , wearing white leather jacket and a stylish half pant reaching over his knees . Paired with sports shoes , he seems to be someone from a rich family.

While the other young man is just like the former , the only difference is this young man has reading glasses and a tattoo of a hummingbird on his right arm .

"Who are these two ?"

Sagar frowns and observes those two strangers .

"Oe Fatty Akash , now that we have also awakened our almighty super-duper invincible power , don't you think it is time for us to rule over the world ?"

The fat young man without reading glasses sneers while crossing his arms around his chest , looking overbearing and lofty .

His name is Akash Karki , before Doomsday , his father used to be a millionaire with his own property and building .

Usually his time would pass by indulging in drugs and medicines with his friends but after Doomsday , it has been hard for them to suppress their addiction to drugs .

But after Awakening as Cosmic Awakeners , they have taken everything for granted , doing whatever they want because there is no one to restrict or stop them .

The youth of Kathmandu were already trapped in the world of drug addiction , similar to those youth from Dharan and other big cities .

But during 2025 , the addiction reached a height where even the crime rate began to soar and skyrocket in Nepal , causing the law and order established by the government to collapse.

The victims of such addiction , Akash Karki and his friend Manoj Limbu , have already fallen into depravity and corruption .

"Hahaha , we are the king of this world !! We are the master of humankind , everyone are just an insignificant trash born to become slave and serve us for eternity "

Manoj yells out loud , his fancy-pants announcement echoes in each corner of the void in the nighttime , causing those loud voices to reach the ears of all those Zombies walking aimlessly without any proper destination .


Sagar truly wanted to crush those two right now but he just cursed them in his heart and decided to escape as fast as he could .


He does not care for anything after witnessing that fat pig yelling out loud , exerting all his strength , he runs toward those two pigs .

"Who are you ?"

"Reveal you identify , otherwise you shall die stupid —"

Akash and Mahoj sees Sagar running toward them , Akash frowns and haughtily points his finger at Sagar before yelling and demanding for an answer .

But Sagar just ignores them and runs for his life , ignoring both of those fools .

Although Sagar managed to escape the area , he does not know if those Zombies will chase after him or not .


"What was that ?"

Manoj turns to look straight , the moment he turns around , his eyes reflect a horde of Zombies running to them with their disgusting appearance and unsightly voices .

"Bunch of Zombies , hahaha "

"This stupid Zombies , it will only take me a single attack to kill them "

Manoj sneers , fearlessly stepping forward he stretches his right arm and opens his palm .

"I am a Fire Mage , I am the God of Flame "

"Fear me , you stupid low intelligent organisms "

"You all will burn by my flame "

He widens his smile while Akash also stretches his left arm forward , opening his fist he pretends to be a very powerful deity who oversees the Heaven .

"And fear me too you insignificant creature of night , on this filthy land , I shall slaughter you all "

When they were bragging in dramatic dialogue to those hordes of Zombies , those Zombies had already closed lots of distance , not far from them .

While Manoj is a Fire Mage , Akash is a Wind Mage , these two are a duo with Mage Cosmic Profession .

," In the name of land and the sky , heed my call and listen to my prayer , oh great spirit of wind / flame , grant me the power of divine law of the world "

"Oh almighty god of heaven , slay / burn my target and accept the sacrifice "



An arc of invisible power leaves the palm of Akash , splitting half of the body of a single Zombie and rendering his target helpless .

Since the Zombies are undead creatures , they don't die in a sense .

As for Manoj , a fireball burning with flames shoots out of his hand , landing on the body of a single target , burning the said target till the target became black and was starting to smell burned . That's all .

Out of those hundred Zombies , only two were injured after those two Mages took their time on summoning their magic spells .

The Zombies kept on darting on them , while those two , instead of escaping, started to chant spells for the next attack .

" In the name of land and the sky , heed my call and listen to my pray—"

This time before their chant was finished , those Zombies arrived close to them and began to hunt them .

"Leave me , you filthy trash "

"Your breath stinks , no your whole body stinks "

"I said leave me , do you even know who I am ?"

"You dare touch me !! I will tell my father about this and let's see if you still dare to touch me with those dirty hands of yours !!"

"Let me g— ah !!"

"Ah !!"

At first , those two were still struggling to survive but slowly , the Zombies began to feast on their bodies .

First those Zombies tore their arms from their shoulders , causing them to become handicap.

Like a chicken who has their head decapitated while the body struggles for the last time , Manoj and Akash constantly did their best to struggle .

Their fresh blood sprayed everywhere , their tears falling crazily .

Their shriek and wailing were soul-tearing and soon , they felt their body getting eaten by those Zombies .

Hatred and resentment surfaced in their eyes , even right now , arrogance was toppling over their nose .

Those Zombies took their time eating them and devouring every bit of their body organs .

Only after those Zombies finished digesting Manoj and Akash in their stomach , they slowly returned back to their position .



While on the other hand , Sagar somehow managed to escape the tragic fate of getting devoured by those Zombies .

"On my way here , I saw a few humans around that area , were those friends of those two ignorant pigs ?"

He frowned while panting , his breath was heavy and his body was exhausted.

On his way while escaping, he saw a Mahindra Jeep M2 Turbo where few human survivors were seen close to the jeep .

They were all a bunch of young men and ladies but since Sagar doesn't want to associate himself with other survivors , he didn't go to meet them .

"And more than that , are those two pigs a by-product of stupidity ?"