
Mage Of The Apocalyptic Era

After Doomsday , humans were blessed by Cosmic Power . With great power , they were also given great challenges . In the world where monsters and supernatural phenomena have started to appear, Sagar is an ordinary Nepali who fights for survival . Awakened himself with the Cosmic Profession of a Mage , he is destined to walk on the path of Magic . While some became the king of new nations , some rebuilt their former country , some became a lone wolf who works alone and fights alone . On the other hand , Sagar somehow became the leader of an organization that controls everything and everyone , he became the founder of a legendary powerhouse to whom even the future descendants worshiped and took him for their role model . He became the master of Dark World , King of Magic World , Guardian of Spirits and the Immortal who is said to be undying and invincible . Let's follow the journey of Sagar who struggles to survive in a cruel and ruthless world but one way or another, he became the most important entity of all time . [ Note ; Mc is selfish , villainous and only cares about himself ]

Villain_Rai · Võ hiệp
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Mage Of The Apocalyptic Era

2025 was a disastrous year , without any warning , cosmic force began to descend on Earth , completely wiping everything that used to exist on Earth .

Of course , the cosmic force wasn't destructive enough to extinct the Earth itself but after the destruction , the world was welcomed by a new type of power called Cosmic Awakening .

Those that were lucky enough to be a Cosmic Awakener would be blessed by magic , supernatural strength , mythical abilities...

Just like that , monsters known as Goblin , Kobold , Orc , Zombie began to appear .

With the new era , humanity also began to adapt with their environment .

Those Cosmic Awakeners started to rule over the world , proclaiming themselves to be the King .

So with time , instead of calling them Awakener , everyone were forced to call them as King .

[ Ding !! Level 1 Raid has been cleared ]

[ Cosmic Awakeners can now leave the Raid — Crimson Street ]

"Hahaha , even today it was no big deal , as if crushing bunch of ants , it took less than half an hours to clear Crimson Street Raid "

A middle aged man wearing light steel armor laughs and comments , his short black hairs sways with the cold wind of night .

It is summer , June 21 , the moon hiding behind those clouds slowly reveals herself and shines the world in her moonlight , guiding those in the darkness on the path of light .

There were a few groups of Cosmic Awakeners laughing and walking around the street where ruins of fallen buildings are scattered everywhere .

After the destruction , also known as Doomsday , those tall and magnificent buildings have turned into ruins of the past , only remnants of history can be found .

There are a total of seven Cosmic Awakeners , leading them is their leader who has tall and muscular stature with scars all over his body .

His cold eyes reflect the moonlight while his murderous aura is enough to cause those close to him to shiver .

He is wearing light steel armor as well with a long blue trouser , behind him are six of his team members .

His team is called Beastman , ferocious as a beast and brutal as a beast , they are the local gangsters of Ruin Territory.

Ruin Territory is part of a fallen District once known as Kathmandu , capital of Nepal .

The City Of Temple , now has fallen to become Ruin Territory .

There are more than just one or two local gangsters calling themselves lord of Ruin Territory , each time they get in conflict , the innocents are always harmed .

"I am so tired , why don't I just grab a random beauty on my way and force her to warm my bed ?"

A degenerate smile creeps in a middle aged man's aged face , revealing a lascivious facial expression that screams lust and sexual desire .

"Man , I think I will also do that since I have not laid my hand on a woman for three days "

A young man next to him nods his head in agreement , even his body trembles with excitement .

"Hahaha , let's do that , why don't we have an orgy in my place , you know right what I am getting at "

The middle aged man from before suggested the young man , Dinesh.

Dinesh smiles with debauchery , just the idea of having orgy gives him a sense of exhilaration , what will happen once they start indulging themselves in perversion .

"Hahahah, I bet that I can even fight for ten rounds , what about you oldman ?"

Dinesh reveals his white teeth while gleefully smiling , while walking on the street he lightly moves his arms for light exercise.

Uttam chuckles and exuberantly comments .

"You are still an amateur in this field , just ten rounds ? "

"I could have done much better than you during your age , right now , I can go for fifteen round at once "

He sneers coldly , expressing disdain for Dinesh .

Dinesh frowns and does not believe Uttam , with a voice full of doubts he mocks him .

"Don't you lie , fifteen rounds at once ? "

"I bet with your three inch tiny dick you can't even fuck a granny in her eighty "

Uttam was provoked by such infuriating provocation , causing him to grit his teeth and vexedly yell at Dinesh .

"You brat , you have yet to grow puberty hair on your dick and yet you dare challenge a real man ? "

"Just you wait , I will show you later on how I dominate the battlefield all alone "

"Learn from this expert "

"I still don't believe your nonsense , oldman "

The group of Beastman Team continues to walk further and further while having company at night with them .

For a Cosmic Awakener , if they want something , they will do anything to get the said object . Be it by hook or by crook.

Since the time they are awakened with special power , their arrogance topples the sky , causing them to become blinded by their illusory superiority .


While the night was beautiful and mesmerizing , there was a young man who was walking around an abandoned building.

The building that used to be around six floors high had now been rendered into three floors only .

The young man is wearing a simple black vest with black jeans-pant and sports shoes . Although his outfits have few holes in them , they are enough for him to cover his body .

The young man is around 5'6 feet and has an ordinary look , his eyes seem to be overflowing with confidence and his heart is surging with courage .

Turning on his torch , he continues to look around in the darkness with just the help of dim light coming from his torch .

The torch has little battery left , causing the torch to become dim and unclear .

The young man has a muscular body , making his arm muscles scream with strength .

On his left hand is the torch while on his right hand is a steel rod that is three inches thick and three feet long .

Because he has been fighting against zombies for the past few weeks , since the beginning of the Apocalyptic Era , his body is exhausted and there is blood of monster's soaked on his outfit .

He holds his breath and does his best to breathe slowly , his every step seems to be full of cautiousness and vigilance , not daring to be careless even for a second .

Because this building is a supermarket that has collapsed , he has come here in order to save himself food resources .

But before that , he needs to inspect all the floors and eliminate imminent danger that could later on become disastrous for his life .

So currently he is on the third floor , searching for any danger that lurks in this abandoned building .


Suddenly when his light fell at the corner of the room , a humanoid creature with green skin and sharp teeth , pointed long nose and ears , naked with only a piece of cloth covering his manhood , jumped on Sagar .

Sagar hurriedly retreats a few steps back , dodging lethal attack from the Goblin that has long and sharp claws which can easily penetrate wooden objects .

"This is gonna be tough "

Sagar does not waste his time panicking , instead he focuses on every attack which Goblin darts on him .

Although it was dark, at least his torch wasn't dead yet so he followed Goblin with his torchlight while maintaining distances .

One has to know that Goblins are actually three times stronger than an average human male-adult .

So this also means , Sagar is just asking for death and nothing more .

Yet he tightly grabs his steel rod in his right hand while doing his best to dodge all the incoming attacks .

The Goblin jumps from one position to another , darting on Sagar with his sharp nails .

Sagar finally stands in one position , waiting for the Goblin to jump on him .

The Goblin also glares at Sagar while revealing hostility , his hostile aura suppressing Sagar's human soul , after all humans are not as ferocious and brutal as monsters .

So naturally Sagar was under the suppression from Goblin's hostile aura , baleful energy corrupted by brutality .



The Goblin jumps on him but Sagar hurriedly hammers his steel rod while aiming for Goblin's head , exerting all his body muscles and swinging his waist forward .


The Goblin receives a life-threatening blow on his head , directly crashing down on the floor and clutching his head painfully.

Sagar does not waste his time and hurriedly aims for Goblin's head once again , brutally smashing his steel rod on the head of Goblin until the Goblin dies .



His breathing becomes heavy and his body muscles starts to break down , exhausted completely.

"The building is clear now "

He smiles , slowly struggling to stand on his feet , with his shaking legs he continues to descend from the third floor to ground floor .

There was light still on in the ground floor , although those shelves with the packet foods had all collapsed , he didn't mind at all because he can still eat those packet foods .

"First of all , I need to restore my energy "

He walks around and searches for food that can help him with restoring his energy .

After a minute later , he gathers a water bottle of Mineral , half kilogram Horlicks bottle and fish-can with some puffed rice .

Gathering them all , he moves to the second floor where there was a cloth section, he gathers a few bedsheets to make a comfortable sheet to sleep in .

While resting on the sheets , he opens those bottles , cans and packets before enjoying the meal .

"It has been around three weeks since the destruction took place , I don't know what will happen after this ?"

"Those Cosmic Awakeners or whatever are causing havoc everywhere , even if they are clearing the Raids and Dungeon , they are still harming other survivors just because they are special"

"Sigh , will I also become a victim to their tyranny ?"

Although he can fight with Goblins and Zombies to some degree , his Will and Courage is commendable but that does not mean he can fight forever .

Those Cosmic Awakeners are growing stronger day by day while even the monsters are starting to become stronger .

"I even heard that there are Necromancers going rampage with their Dark Magic "

He deeply sighed while his eyes seemed to be seeing a future where mankind was doomed .

"Am I part of that tragedy ?"

He inhales and exhales his breath , just imagining becoming part of a tragic fate was enough for him to become depressed .

"I guess , that's my fate then "

But soon he shakes his head and falls on the sheet , resting his head on the pillow .

"I hope , I will at least receive a painless death "

He closes his eyes and falls asleep , since he has already closed the gate and doors of the building , even if a monster were to enter , he will wake up from the slightest noise .

Just after he fell asleep , something inside him seemed to have awoken .

A divine voice of celestial reaches for his soul , asking him to awake from the dream and admire the real world .

[ Ding !! Cosmic Awakening is in process ]

[ Ding !! Cosmic Awakening has been completed ]

[ Ding !! Cosmic Awakener has been granted a Cosmic Profession ]

[ Ding !! Cosmic Awakener is now a Mage ]

[ Sagar Rai

Age : 21 / 93

Level : 1 [ Rookie ]

Cosmic Profession : Mage [ First Circle ]

Skills : Magic Missile , Telekinesis ]

'What is going on ?'

Sagar sees a divine spark of light glowing with cosmic force in the center of darkness , he himself seems to be floating in a vast and endless void .

'Did I also awaken the Cosmic Power which was hidden inside my soul ?'

He smiles and feels a new kind of emotion which he had never felt before , exhilaration and unrestrained.

'Am I a Mage now ?'

He can see a game-like status panel displaying his information .

' Magic Missile ? '

' Telekinesis ? '

' So these are the two skills I have after Awakening '

Although he has become part of Cosmic Awakeners , he suddenly experiences his body growing light and weak , falling asleep .

Even his soul was exhausted which caused him to fall asleep .


Next day , after Awakening , he stores fish-can , foods and water bottles with protein mixed in his bag pack before leaving the supermarket because he has learned that whenever a monster is killed somewhere , there would always be the birth of Dungeon and Raid .

So he didn't want to take the risk and left the supermarket , all alone with his torches and some few batteries , some few food supplies and a steel rod as a weapon .

The early morning was warm and there was only silence because of how empty the street was. There were some exploded cars and bikes around , collapsed buildings and shrunken lands that now have long and deep scars .

Cracks on the ground with everything scattering .

Sagar just continued to walk further but just when he was close to a small hotel , he heard a shriek coming from that small hotel , a human calling for help .

"Somebody help us !!"

The voice was of a girl , maybe a young girl . It seems the person calling for help has gotten in trouble , followed by the roar of a Goblin .

Judging by the ear-piercing cry of those Goblins , Sagar guessed that there are more than just one or two Goblins .

Turning around , instead of wanting to save those survivors , he decided to escape that area .

"If I overestimate myself and run to help them , who is gonna help me ?"