
Mage Of The Apocalyptic Era

After Doomsday , humans were blessed by Cosmic Power . With great power , they were also given great challenges . In the world where monsters and supernatural phenomena have started to appear, Sagar is an ordinary Nepali who fights for survival . Awakened himself with the Cosmic Profession of a Mage , he is destined to walk on the path of Magic . While some became the king of new nations , some rebuilt their former country , some became a lone wolf who works alone and fights alone . On the other hand , Sagar somehow became the leader of an organization that controls everything and everyone , he became the founder of a legendary powerhouse to whom even the future descendants worshiped and took him for their role model . He became the master of Dark World , King of Magic World , Guardian of Spirits and the Immortal who is said to be undying and invincible . Let's follow the journey of Sagar who struggles to survive in a cruel and ruthless world but one way or another, he became the most important entity of all time . [ Note ; Mc is selfish , villainous and only cares about himself ]

Villain_Rai · Võ hiệp
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15 Chs

First Cycle Level 1 Emergency

The passing days were peaceful , although Sagar and Una needed to leave their shelter and gather resources outside , fighting some Zombies and Goblins, their lives were still peaceful compared to a few months ago .

But on a fine day , suddenly something new happened .

The survivors of the Apocalyptic Era received a sudden announcement.

There was a mountainous screen displaying up in the sky , in each country there were more than just one colossal screen up in the sky .

Even the status window of those Cosmic Awakeners were alerting those Cosmic Akwaeners .

[ The Earth has gathered required amount of Cosmic Power to go through { First Cycle } and evolve into a Level 1 Planet ]

[ Earth will start the process of Evolution after 7 days ]

[ After 6 day 23 hours 55 second , Earth will welcome it's very first Level 1 Emergency ]

[ During Level 1 Emergency , such as Monster Frenzy , Dungeon Breakout , Raid Opening , Cosmic Profession Awakening and many Supernatural Phenomenon will be common and normal ]

[ Level 1 Emergency will continue as long as Earth Evolution takes place ]

[ Everyone is requested to prepare themselves for the Level 1 Emergency of First Cycle ]

[ There is a possibility that Earth will come into contact with other Level 1 Planets after the Evolution is completed ]

[ And there is also the possibility where Earth will be destroyed if the Evolution was to be unsuccessful ]

When the survivors of the Apocalyptic Era learned such devastating news , they were terrified and scared .

Although Cosmic Awakeners were not worried much but for those ordinary survivors , this was something despairing.

Earth was about to through Evolution because Earth has now gathered Cosmic Power enough to help it evolve .

And during the process of Evolution , monsters would appear endlessly , the Dungeon would break and the Raid would randomly open everywhere.

Although ordinary humans will also get the opportunity to awaken their Cosmic Power , they would still be left powerless.

"We must build a safe stronghold "

Sagar was frowning while seriously reading the information contained in those transparent screens levitating up in the sky .

"But can't we just block our current shelter and hide inside until Earth goes through this thing called Level 1 Emergency ?"

Una was resting on the bed while deeply worried about a sudden event , she didn't know what she should do ?

Sagar shakes his head , he meets his eyes with Una and corrects her misunderstanding.

"You are not wrong but I didn't say I want a shelter , instead I want a stronghold "

Listening to Sagar , Una didn't understand so she asked him with uncertainty.

"I don't understand what you mean ?"

Sagar does not mind and explains to her .

"This Level 1 Emergency seem to be the beginning of new world but during the construction of this new world, it seem the world will unleash swarm of monsters in a number which would crush everything "

"Right now , although we have roof to protect us from wind and rain with some food resources , we don't know how dangerous it will turn out once the Evolution takes place "

According to Sagar , instead of staying in a shelter where there is only food resources but no defense measurement , supporting those flaws by lack of manpower , they should start gathering manpower and utilize those manpower until Earth goes through Evolution.

But if they were to gather Cosmic Awakeners for support , Cosmic Awakeners would prove to be futile and mistake . Since Cosmic Awakeners are all arrogant and very stubborn , they do not like to be under anyone.

Even if they were to join Sagar and Una , who knows if they can be trusted.

But if they were to let those ordinary humans join them , those ordinary humans will obviously not be of any help , only becoming a burden and an extra mouth to feed .

But even if they want to train those ordinary humans , how long would it take for them to become a warrior?

Yet if Sagar and Una decide to just fight Level 1 Emergency together , who knows how long they can survive ?

"There are flaws everywhere , it will be very difficult for us to do any of those that you mentioned "

Una felt convoluted because of such difficulty , in such dire situations , how long can they even survive ?

"We don't need to search for a stronghold since we can make this building our stronghold for now , we just need manpower that can aid us to survive until the mysterious supernatural phenomenon completes "

Sagar tries to convince Una while he himself feels heavy in his heart .

This is the era where humanity has abandoned their humanity , so can they trust on other humans to work together with them ?

"Let's do this , you stay here with Sarmila and do your best to gather resources for the inevitable calamity while I will leave our stronghold to search for some reliable comrades "

"A comrade who can stand shoulder to shoulder and not those that can only stand behind us just to stab the knife of betrayal "

Sagar came up with a solution but there were many flaws in his strategy.

While Una would protect their stronghold and gather survival resources , Sagar would leave in order to search for reliable people who can be trusted in such a dilapidated era .

"This will be dangerous , how about I also tag along with you ?"

Una was worried about Sagar, although the current era is dangerous and full of malice , Sagar is the only sun in her life where darkness has engulfed her world .

If something happens to Sagar , she will be devastated.

Looking at Una's genuine worried face , Sagar does not express any emotions in his eyes .

As a man , there are many things he needs to do by himself .

He was sitting close to Una so he could notice every single detail about Una's facial expression and body movement.

"Dangerous ?"

He shakes his head and exhales long breaths, with a firm voice he continues.

" What is dangerous about going outside and facing the world ? "

"Once the life slaps you like a bitch , you will learn to realize that everything is simple "

"Because life itself is a bitch so tell me , what is so dangerous about going out ?"

Sagar smiles in mockery, as for whether he was mocking Una or himself , it was unknown .

"Going up against a few monsters ? That's not something dangerous but just something I need to do to grow used to it "

"Encountering malicious humans ? Just wish for those people that if they have any malice for me , they should just kill me on the spot . Because once I survive , I will make their life hell "

"Falling into some mysterious disaster ? If that was to happen , I will just accept it to be my fate , that's all "

"If we don't take action now just because we delusion ourselves that everything is dangerous , how can we survive in the future ?"

Sagar was slow but right on the point , he didn't waste his time talking about useless subjects .

If he does not make his move right now , he will have to encounter a much more terrifying situation compared to now .

Una was silent for a long time , she didn't know what she should do right now ?

She just meets her beautiful eyes with Sagar and continues to gaze into his deep and dark eyes. She was perturbed for Sagar's wellbeing .

"How about I go out and you stay here ?"

Although Sagar was much more quick-witted and stable in such a dangerous era , she couldn't help but feel that Sagar may find himself in some jeopardy.

Listening to Una asking to replace him , Sagar squinted his eyes but he shook his head .

If Una was stronger than him , he would have let her go out.

But no , she may be strong and powerful . But he has noticed that unlike him , she hesitates to make deceptive decisions in many situations where she can potentially lose her life.

"Don't worry too much , just do your best to protect the stronghold "

Seeing Sagar was stubborn and firm on his stand , Una felt weak and helpless . She couldn't do anything to convince him into giving up on going out.

"I will move out during the night since at the daytime , there is possibility of other survivors finding me "

Sagar decides to leave at night since his location can be covered by darkness so that will help him conceal the location of his stronghold.

Una nods her head and does not stop him , she just continues to look at him and finally she subconsciously murmurs to herself .

"I hope you to be safe and return back safely "

Sagar ignores her subconscious murmuring , he just walks out of the room and enters the kitchen where Sarmila was cooking dinner .


"Make sure to protect our stronghold until I return back with a trustworthy supports "

Sagar climbs out from the gap that was in the middle of collapsed buildings, looking down he reminds Una who was standing with Sarmila .

"Don't you worry, the day you return back to us , you will find that you were just worried for no reason "

Una smiles , under the charm of moonlight , her smile was dazzling and very envious.

Sagar nods his head , with that he covers the hole with a ruin of destroyed wall , hiding the whereabouts of Una and Sarmila from the outside world.

With that , Sagar turns around and leaves .

The stars were unusually dazzling and the moon was abnormally sharp , the night which should have been dark was strangely not so dark .

There were dazzling lights brimming everywhere, the particles of moonlight were outshining more than ever .

"Is this the effect of the First Cycle ?"

Sagar questions himself after seeing a miracle descending on mortal land , he walks around and finds that the environment is eccentric when compared to before .

After walking for a long time , he finally arrived at another territory , the name of this territory was Fiery Boar Territory .

Unlike Whitehox Territory , Fiery Boar Territory seems to be stable yet much eccentric when compared to Whitehox Territory.



Suddenly he hears noises coming from the west direction , he runs toward that direction and finally finds a few groups of humans fighting a few monsters .

Those humans were wearing iron armor and equipped with longswords , each of them was wielding their swords with great mastery , their attacks lacked refinement yet they seemed to possess lethality.

A young girl with long black hair and beautiful eyes , holding a longsword, was staining those monsters .

While a young man with hair dyed in green , he was muscular and 5'9 feet tall . He was handsome and heroic , each slash was inflicting injuries on those monsters.

While the other is a middle aged man with a barbarian-like body , huge and muscular, with a beard growing on his cheeks and a mustache.

They all seem to be someone proficient in sword skill , Sagar just observes them from far away .

They were fighting against 9 foot large monsters with green skin . They have muscular arms and disgusting faces and body shape .

Some are fat like a pig , some are muscular like a herculean , the only common aspects about them was their monstrous strength.

Wielding large iron mace , sledgehammer and broadsword , they were just utilizing their physical strength without any proper skills, yet even with such crude attacks that can easily be dodged or avoided , they were still causing the streets to become a mess .

When their attack lands on the car , the cars would get smashed into broken steel .

When those building walls received their attacks , those walls would result in destruction.

Their innate strength as a member of Orc Race was not something to scoff at .

Sagar was in a dilemma , should he run to help them ?

No, what if they are not someone he can trust ?

But if he continues to observe them yet it turns out that they are not useful to him , won't that just waste his time ?

Sagar decides to leave and not take risk , he decides to give up on this chance .

After he left , he began to search around while passing by a few Territories . Although he found many survivors on his way , he didn't ask them to join him .

But when he arrived at a construction site located in Arc Territory , there he suddenly found a few groups of humans fighting another group of humans .

They were utilizing both Magic and Swords , this gang fight attracted him so he ran to that area .

"Bitch !!"

"Eat this shit !!"

A young man equipped with an iron armor and longsword swings his sword on his enemy , his enemy avoids the attack and lands a kick on his face .

There were both men and women fighting against each other.

When Sagar approached them , he heard them shout during their gang fight .

"Dare to mess around with our Wildwolf Gang , I will see how long you can last for ?",

"Fucking whore , what is a mere Wildwolf Gang before my Iron Blood Gang ?"

It seems that Wildwolf and Iron Blood Gang are fighting against each other. If Sagar remembers correctly Iron Blood Gang is one of the gangs established during the early days of the Apocalyptic Era.

He silently hides behind the pillar of the building , the bus was not completed and was only half finished .

The building was three floors tall and had cracks all over the walls and pillars , on the verge of collapsing .

"Today either your gang will remain alive or us , let's decide the final outcome "

It seems both groups are ready to sacrifice their lives just to prove their superiority , Sagar secretly peeks on them and starts to think about the situation .

How should he take advantage of this ?