
Mage Of The Apocalyptic Era

After Doomsday , humans were blessed by Cosmic Power . With great power , they were also given great challenges . In the world where monsters and supernatural phenomena have started to appear, Sagar is an ordinary Nepali who fights for survival . Awakened himself with the Cosmic Profession of a Mage , he is destined to walk on the path of Magic . While some became the king of new nations , some rebuilt their former country , some became a lone wolf who works alone and fights alone . On the other hand , Sagar somehow became the leader of an organization that controls everything and everyone , he became the founder of a legendary powerhouse to whom even the future descendants worshiped and took him for their role model . He became the master of Dark World , King of Magic World , Guardian of Spirits and the Immortal who is said to be undying and invincible . Let's follow the journey of Sagar who struggles to survive in a cruel and ruthless world but one way or another, he became the most important entity of all time . [ Note ; Mc is selfish , villainous and only cares about himself ]

Villain_Rai · Võ hiệp
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15 Chs


"Cough "

Fresh blood coughs out of Sagar's body , staining the ground with red .

His consciousness was greatly shaken from the result of trying to activate Magic Circle beyond his ability , his whole muscles and organs were going through physiological torture .

While supporting his body on the wall , he slowly falls down and leans his back on the wall , with his heavy breath ragged by the exhaustion.

He crosses his legs and sits in meditation posture , falling into meditation . Energies from the surrounding area were all slowly gathering around him , they seem to be helping him revitalize by refilling his body with Mana .

Three hours later , he slowly opens his eyes and checks on his condition , although he is not completely recovered , he can still walk and run for now .

He slowly walks out of the building and finds ten humans standing with iron armor equipped and different weapons holding .

Amrit , Hari and Laxman are the Swordsmen with longswords equipped and their age ranging from 23 to 25 .

Kumar , Manish , Santosh are the Archer with wooden bow and arrows equipped, their age was similar to the Swordsman of the group .

And finally there were Roshan , Samir and Akash , the Mage of the team . They were also young men who had crossed their teenage years .

Everyone looked at Sagar with a complicated expression , they wanted to ask something but they were scared of him .

They don't know what kind of person he is so they were fearing the unknown , is he really a < Divine > or is he just some powerful Cosmic Awakener ?

Is he evil or is he good ?

There were lots of questions running in their mind , they didn't have a clear answer to any of their questions .

Sagar observes everyone and guesses what they were thinking right now but he has no plans on clearing their doubt .

He has no obligation to do that .

He just unhurriedly asked them with his apathetic voice .

"Take me to your leader "



"I truly don't understand why we need to be the one to do the night-duty ?"

"There are a bunch of Mages in our Gang so why not just ask them to do the night-duty ?"

Standing outside an abandoned steel factory which the building stretches like a snake for more than fifty feet long . Although the building is constructed through metal and welding, using such a building is safe from Zombies and Goblins since they do not possess Orc strength and destructive power .

There were six Archers guarding the entrance gate , two were beautiful ladies in their 20's while the remaining four were all boys .

Each of them are equipped with iron armor and wooden bows with arrows on their back .

"I hate night-shift , why does Captain had to task me with such boring duty "

Jasmine complains to her colleagues who were keeping eyes on their surroundings , they were sitting on the bench placed outside , each of them were yawning and grunting.

After the Apocalyptic Era took place on Earth , humans began to slowly establish powerhouses such as Gang and Alliance , establishing themselves to be superior to everyone.

Now that humans are drunk in their newfound power and status quo , they have become a lot arrogant .

The dangers in the current timeline have also gotten a lot less because everyone has slowly started to become used to their new environment.

Hence , they have grown to forget how terrifying their situation is in the current era , further elaborating their ignorance.

It's like the story of an ant and the grasshopper.

While those that are still aware of their situation and fighting to strive their survival to greater heights when they have received a moment of peace can be called a hardworking ant who works all the seasons before winter arrives .

On the other hand , those survivors who have started to taste the luxury after a disaster and now have gotten drunk in ecstatic intoxication because they have now received temporary peace can be called a grasshopper who plays and fools around all the seasons and regrets when the winter arrives .

Because of this , those humans who drown in luxury have started to become more ignorant than ever , a fallacy to their arrogance .

"You are right , I also don't like this night-shift "

"I just want to sleep and drink but why is it so hard for the Captain to understand "

"Beside , I don't even see sign of a single monster around the vicinity of hundred meters area "

Bimal nods and agrees with Jasmine , he has no qualms agreeing with Jasmine's statement .

"We are already so strong that we can even clear a Dungeon if we team up, so why should we even worry about such trivial and insignificant Zombies ?"

"Aren't they just brainless corpses walking around with their sheer instinct as an Undead? "

Kamala was dissatisfied , she didn't know why they had to be so vigilant against those Undead ?

They can just kill them without any real efforts , after all , a Swordsman can easily decapitate them and they will become helpless .

But soon they see a few groups of humans approaching their stronghold but after those groups get close to them , the light bulbs lighting the area finally reveal their identities .

They were the group of hunting teams that went out to hunt resources , they all have returned back .

But there was someone they had brought with them , this was a young man who was tied by the rope .

The young man is ordinary looking and has muscular build, he is equipped with iron armor and his arms are tied together by the rope.

"What are you doing ?"

"Walk faster !!"

Laxman is a young man who is 23 years old and has awakened himself with Swordsman Cosmic Profession , he is almost 5'7 feet and has muscular stature . He is both handsome and charming, equipped with iron armor and a longsword hanging on his left waist .

Holding the rope tied on Sagar's hands , he drags Sagar by force , his expression extremely cold and scornful , glaring at Sagar as if he wants a piece of him .

"Please leave me , I beg you !!"

"Please , I am willing to do anything you ask of me so I just ask you to spare my life "

Sagar was crying and cowering , begging for his life while trampling on his dignity as a man .

"Bitch !! Shut the fuck up !!"

Laxman grits his teeth and ruthlessly punches on Sagar's face , causing Sagar to bleed blood .

"Argh !! "

Sagar was pushed back , staggering backward with great pain , Sagar was scared .

"It hurts !!"

"It hurts so much !!"

"Please , I don't want to get hurt"

Sagar was still begging , he was really scared right now .

"Look at this motherfucker , still whining like a fucking newborn bitch "

Hari clenches his teeth and glares at Sagar , unleashing his cold aura to suppress Sagar .

Sagar shivers when he feels the cold and dangerous aura from Hari .

"Hey bastard , who is this little bitch here ?"

Jasmine was a beautiful lady but her words were poisonous , she observed Sagar and quickly lost interest from him .

Laxman sneers , arrogantly meets his eyes with Jasmine and coldly glares at her .

"You dog —"

Even though the Gang is established gathering Cosmic Awakeners , because of their arrogance they hardly cooperate with each other.

It is also due to this reason , there are powerful leaders who control them and their attitude .

After all , not everyone is a Necromancer who does not need a team to survive in this dangerous world .

"Open the gate , I want to meet up with Captain "

Laxman contemptuously orders Jasmine to open the gate but Jasmine bites her lower lips lightly in frustration , her eyes turn red and her blood boils after seeing Laxman's attitude toward her .

"You son of a bitch "

Jasmine was about to explode yet she held herself from rampaging on Laxman, seeing them hostile to each other , those around them hurriedly did their best to meditate between them .

Manish hurriedly runs to the gate and slowly opens the door with a friendly smile , trying to do his best to stop the inevitable fight between Laxman and Jasmine.

Laxman completely ignores Jasmine and her group , walking past her .

This once again successfully infuriates Jasmine .

The moment Sagar was dragged inside the stronghold , he saw lines of light-bulbs hanging up in the ceiling , lighting the entire hall .

He can see steel rods as large as 20 feet long , piled around and there were more than just thirty human survivors gathered .

Swordsman , Mage , Archer , Blade-wielder , Thief and many kinds of Cosmic Profession Awakeners were gathered in this abandoned factory .

"Oe Laxman , who is that dick over there ?"

A young man far away from them standing on the narrow balcony attached inside the hall yells at Laxman .

"None of your business "

Laxman ignores that man and keeps on walking , finally he arrives at the place where there were tents installed.

There were around ten tents and also rice sacks piled in quantities of more than hundred . It was enough for a few humans to survive for a year .

There were also many food resources gathered , like oil , salt , sugar , tea , gas cylinders , stoves , water tanks and many other things .

This stronghold has all the resources needed for human survival .

Sagar can also sense that although there were few, there are elitists who can go head-on against him in terms of sheer strength and power .

And there also those who can kill him if he was to fight against them without any preparation , such powerhouses are no joke .

"Laxman, who is he ?"

Soon , Sagar saw a group of young men and ladies inside the tent , they were gathered together and discussing something very important .

There was a single table and a large paper sheet on that table , they were drawing and planning like an expert .

A young man with 5'7 feet and muscular body with slim figure , wearing iron armor and equipped with longswords on both of his waist .

He is the Vice-captain Vijay , a Dual Swordsman , an extremely powerful member of the Iron Blood Gang with his dangerous sharpness .

Another is a young man with a bald head. He is handsome and kind looking , wearing iron armor. He has a large rectangular iron shield on his back and a broadsword attached with the iron shield.

His name is Rohan , a Shield Warrior , someone who has the strongest destructive power amongst all the Iron Blood .

There is a young lady with very beautiful curves and looks , no less than Una .

Her name is Apsara , a Blade-wielder , wearing iron armor and equipped with curved blades , she looks extremely deadly .

Amongst all the Iron Blood , she is both agile and stealthy .

There is also this gorgeous lady wearing iron armor and with very sexy stature, her whole existence screams beauty and sexiness which man can never escape.

She is Anisha , Wind Mage with power to destroy tens of Cosmic Awakeners with ease .

And finally there is the Captain himself , although the four Vice-captain are powerful and all but the Captain is a man to be recognized.

He is wearing heavy armor , the heavy armor shines even in a bulb light . His name is Pranish.

He is extremely handsome and has the bearing of a qualified leader . He has a long iron lance capable of piercing even the wind and stones .

He is the dignified Lance Knight , someone with the most terrifying piercing force that can rip a human and monsters without any mercy just within a single shot .

He has destructive power , inhuman strength , speed and finally immense piercing ability .

His mere presence was enough to suppress even the strong individuals.

"Vice-captain Vijay , this man is someone I captured during the battle against those lowly Wildwolf "

"He is one of them so I thought i I will torture him after bringing him back with me to our stronghold "

Laxman slowly laughs, not daring to do what he pleases in front of real leaders of the gang .

It is said that each of the Vice-captain can clear Dungeons on their own while the Captain can even clear two Dungeons at a single day .

Such terrifying figures are not someone he can challenge.

"Oh , member of Wild Wolf ?"

Everyone was attracted after hearing that Sagar is from Wildwolf , they smiled and observed Sagar more carefully .

He looks ordinary and very simple, weak and without any real ability .

Sagar shivers when those monstrous eyes land on his body , he couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva .

"Hahaha , so you are one of those lowly Wildwolf "

Anisha laughs and walks to him , seductively looking at him she smiles enchantingly.

"Y—yes , I am "

"Please spare me , I have not done anything to you "

"So why are you all trying to harm me , please don't do anything to me "

"I am even willing to work for you all "

Sagar joins his palms together and begs to spare his life , he is very pitiful yet pathetic .

"This won't do , how can we let you go so easily ?"

"After all you are our enemy , shouldn't we at least torture you even if we have to let you go ?"

Anisha's voice was seductive , she seemed to be enjoying Sagar's struggle .

"Captain , we have also brought these weapons "

Saying so , Laxman brings loads of longswords and blades with arrows and bow .

He piles them on the ground , in the center of everyone since he can't directly pile them on the table .

"Oh , you have even brought such wonderful loots , you are getting good at this "

Apsara walks close to those piled up weapons and smiles with great satisfaction , looking at Sagar she walks to him .

"Hey friend , what is your name ?"

She has a kind and innocent smile on her lovely face , no one would believe that she is a Vice-captain of a Gang who has killed lots of humans before .

Sagar trembles and his eyes reveal fear , he was scared so his low voice escaped while shaking tremendously.

"M—my , my name is — Shi—Shiva "

"Please , don't kill me , I don't —don't want to die "

Sagar does not dare to lie to them , causing everyone to nod their head .

But inwardly Sagar was calculating everything in his mind , to the point where has even created a 3d structure of the stronghold in his mind .


"That kid , he is a genius "

"No , simply calling him a genius will be insult to his talent , what a monster "

While standing on the second floor balcony of the school , a middle aged teacher with a tall and slim body compliments a seven year old little boy who was playing with his friend on the playground .

Next to him was another teacher , wearing eyeglasses. He was shorter than the tall teacher but he had a muscular build and ordinary looks .

"Are you talking about Sagar from class 2 ?"

The short teacher asked the tall teacher , and the teacher nodded his head in agreement .

The tall teacher was smiling and observing seven year old Sagar who was playing around with his friend. The short teacher looks at the tall teacher and asks him with curiosity.

"What did he do now ?"

The tall teacher turns to look at the short teacher and chuckles .

"I just asked him to draw a tree during science subject but he not only drew the tree but he even wrote the name of the structure and part of the tree's body "

"To the point where it made me believe that the tree was not god-made but instead made by the human itself "

"He has such a creative mind which is in fact truly dangerous , his creativity reaches to the point where he can copy those things he has seen and create their prototype through drawing or even through building that in reality "


' The whole building only has close to to three hundred feet width and thirty feet height , total of forty three members and five leaders '

'The tent is only ten feet width and eight feet height '

'The one with blades is three steps away from me '

'The one with no weapons is two steps away '

'The man with lance is fifteen step away '

'The man with two swords is sixteen steps away '

''And finally the man with shield is also sixteen steps away '

'If I—'

There were numerous simulations operating in Sagar's head , countless failure struggles met him, no way for him to win against them .

He looked at his situation from every angel, to the point of even changing his perception from his to theirs .

What would they do if he was to suddenly attack them ?

" So should we kill him without any pain or should we just torment and kill him? "

Apsara was enjoying herself , the feeling of dominating someone is very thrilling .

She soon takes out her curved blade and aims for Sagar's chest , her exhilarating smile can't be hidden from everyone.

"Guess what , I have to kill you after all! !!"


Sagar widened his eyes in shock and was petrified with fear .

Seeing him petrified , Apsara reveals her diamond-like teeth , feeling a sense of excitement to kill her helpless enemy .

But just when her blade was about to reach his chest , Sagar makes his move , leans his upper body backward and launches a kick on Apsara .

Apsara was surprised but she hurriedly dodged her right foot on the ground , pushing body back and avoiding the kick but soon received an invisible attack on her abdomen.


She coughed blood while her body flew back and crash-landed on the ground, the tent was destroyed because of this .

But before the tent totally collapsed, the nearby Anisha wanted to react but Sagar threw a punch on her with Mana embedded on his fist , causing her to protect herself while criss crossing her arms forward.

She received a destructive punch on her arms , causing her bones to scream in pain, after all unlike Sagar she isn't physically and mentally strong .

She soon lands on the ground.

He does not waste his time and rolls on the ground like a ball , arriving close to Rohan who was taking his shield and sword out .



Sagar continues to punch on Rohan's face as if punching a speed bag , his punching speed was extremely fast . In exchange for speed , he sacrificed his destructive power . Even so it was worth it since his attacks were not giving his enemy any opportunity to think of counterattack.

At the same time , he was also dealing great damage to his target .

Rohan instinctively throws a punch on Sagar but Sagar lowers his body and dodges the punch , with that he shoots an uppercut to his target while embedding his fist with Mana.

Vijay unsheathe his swords and prepares to dart forward but his both swords escape his grip and penetrate his thigh , causing him to bleed blood and fall on the ground.

The Captain , Pranish , frowns tightly and stands on a fighting stance , behind him was Laxman so he was not worried about anything.

He gets ready to use his special move , Lance Thrust , that can even pierce through wind.

But something happened which he had not even thought of before, Laxman behind him has already grabbed a heavy object such as an iron hammer , no more like he has taken out his hidden weapon.

With that hammer , around five kg , he slams on the head of his Captain , causing his Captain to turn back to look at him .

Pranish was in disbelief , his fingers shook and he pointed at Pranish .


Although he wouldn't die from such an attack, it was enough to force him into unconsciousness , even till he fainted he didn't know why his subordinate would betray him ?

Even when he was fainting, he was still confused.

What just happened ?