
Mage Of The Apocalyptic Era

After Doomsday , humans were blessed by Cosmic Power . With great power , they were also given great challenges . In the world where monsters and supernatural phenomena have started to appear, Sagar is an ordinary Nepali who fights for survival . Awakened himself with the Cosmic Profession of a Mage , he is destined to walk on the path of Magic . While some became the king of new nations , some rebuilt their former country , some became a lone wolf who works alone and fights alone . On the other hand , Sagar somehow became the leader of an organization that controls everything and everyone , he became the founder of a legendary powerhouse to whom even the future descendants worshiped and took him for their role model . He became the master of Dark World , King of Magic World , Guardian of Spirits and the Immortal who is said to be undying and invincible . Let's follow the journey of Sagar who struggles to survive in a cruel and ruthless world but one way or another, he became the most important entity of all time . [ Note ; Mc is selfish , villainous and only cares about himself ]

Villain_Rai · Võ hiệp
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15 Chs


( I can see four humans entering the building , amongst those four , I can sense that the one with broadsword is emanating terrifying presence )

( Unsurprisingly even I can sense a suppressive power coming from far away )

In the dark , Sagar and Una were communicating through Telepathy , causing the silence to remain undisturbed. 

( I can't see in the dark , this will leave me in disadvantage )

Sagar licks his dry lips , staying alert and activating his Magic Sense all the time .

His Magic Sense can allow him to detect anything that is close to five feet in diameter , after lots of training and cultivation , he has finally managed to enchant his senses .

Torchlight can be seen flashing around , Sagar does his best to avoid coming into detection .

"The whole building is damn dark and you expect me to believe that those two are here ?"

Vice Captain Saroj frowns and turns to look at Anish , causing  Anish to be intimidated by the dangerous glare from Vice Captain Saroj .

Gulping his saliva , Anish wipes his sweat from his face with his hands , even though it wasn't hot but instead windy .

"Vice Captain Saroj , don't glare at me like that "

"You know right , a powerful King like you can easily intimidate a weak King like me "

Anish has an unnatural expression , his heart was thumping frighteningly.

In Wildwolf Gang , there is a single Captain who stands above all .

And beneath him are five Vice-captains , commanding everyone other than Captain and fellow Vice-captains .

Even amongst Kings , there are ranks that ascertain their position on the ladder of Hierarchy .

Inferior King , Intermediate King and Great King .

Those that have strength to fight against Goblins and Zombies are called Inferior Kings .

Those that can clear the Dungeon are called Intermediate Kings .

And those that can clear the Raid are respected by the moniker of Great King .

In the entire Kathmandu , there are very few Great Kings and each of them are District Leaders , one who controls the entire District .

Even their Captain is only an Intermediate King who ranks highest amongst other Intermediate Kings .

As for Vice Captain Saroj , he is above average Intermediate King with strength to crush those average Intermediate Kings without too much effort .

And as someone who is only an average Inferior King , how can Anish withstand the pressure unleashing from Vice Captain Saroj's body ?

He was naturally scared of Vice Captain Saroj , hence he dared not rebel against his superior.

"And also , I am not tricking you . I swear on my name that I saw them entering this building "

"Don't be impatient , we have yet to search all over "

He scratches his head , feeling uneasy and anxious .

Inwardly he was cursing Vice Captain Saroj, why did he have to ask this bitch to come with him ?

Instead of Vice Captain Saroj , he should have asked Vice Captain Rajesh to come with him . Although Vice Captain Rajesh is an unlikable person , he still is not as impatient as this motherfucker .

They started to search around , although the building was without any electricity but they had torches so it didn't matter whether there was darkness or not. 

"Vice Captain Saroj , I think instead of this entrance room , we should focus on those rooms behind the entrance room "

Anish comes up with a plan , ignoring the entrance room , why not check on those rooms behind the entrance room .

After all , why would those fuckers even be waiting for them in entrance room , instead they might be hiding in other rooms .

"You are right , let's search in other room "

Saroj nods his head and does not find anything strange but he is still a veteran who has cleared dozens of Dungeons .

He warns his underlings to be careful .

"Be careful , always stay vigilant and cautious of your surrounding "

"A dark building is no less than a Dungeon , you never know when the monster jumps on you "

"Understood , we will make sure to stay circumspect "

Those three underlings nod their heads but Vice Captain Saroj frowns and does not believe their word .

"Even if you are circumspect , you must not forget to be observant "

"Make sure not to lose your worthless life here "

"Otherwise the resources exhausted for your growth by the Wildwolf Gang would be proved to be wasted "

His voice was cold and derision , he lacked empathy for his teammates , causing those three underlings to experience despondency.

"We will sure to not let our guard down "

After that everyone separates , searching for Sagar and Una in darkness .

( They — actually separated ? )

( This is good , I don't know if this is luck or not but them separating from each other means that they are underestimating us )

( —You are right , so Sagar , what should we do now ? )

( We will follow those weak intruder together , although they have underestimated us , that doesn't mean we can )

( Even if we want to underestimate them , we don't have the luxury )

( Let's follow the one who just went to stair side )

( Aye aye captain )


"Everything is dark here , I knew it "

"I should have brought a lamp with me instead of this damn thing "

Saroj Dahal , although name is similar to Vice Captain Saroj , he is not the Vice Captain.

He tightly grabs the hilt of the sword , the long sword disappears in darkness , yet when the light lands on the sword , the sharp blade reflects the light and the reflection.

Saroj looks around , only finding those broken furniture and silence , with his sharp eyes espying his environment , he remains wary of the situation.

"I just don't get it , why was that bitch the one to become Vice-captain and not me ?"

"Even though we both are Swordsman , what makes him so great and special ?"

"I just don't understand "

He grits his teeth , when he thinks about how vast the difference between him and Vice Captain Saroj is in term of strength despite possessing same Cosmic Profession , he can't understand anything 

"What do I lack that bitch does not ?"

Sneering with disdain , he decides to just take a rest for a while .

He walks to the chair close to him and rests on the chair with his sword placed on the table , with that he just runs his torchlight everywhere inside the dark room .

( That man is too relaxed , Una can you get close to him using your Shadow Steps ? )

( I can but to take him down in a single attack , it is like wishing for critical damage during a battle in a game )

( No need to take him down with just a single attack , just make sure he does not shout for help )

( Aye aye captain )


Saroj was resting on the wooden chair while complaining about his life , sometimes he would sneer or sometimes he would just badmouth his companions.

He didn't notice someone silently closing to him from behind , becoming one with the darkness , she was doing her best not to leak any murderous intent or killing aura .

As a Dark Knight , she has great resonation with Dark Affinity . She has innate talent for murderous intent and killing aura since Dark Knights are embodiments of Death .

"Shit "

"Damn it !!"


Saroj grits his teeth and slams his right fist on the table , with exasperation, he tightly clenches his fist which causes his veins to bulge .

"Who is it ?"

He becomes aware of someone's presence , hurriedly grabbing his sword with his right hand , he turns back while raising his sword in defense.


The sword blocks an iron object , soon he sees a beautiful girl with cold eyes glaring at him .

He didn't even get the opportunity to admire her beauty before he felt a tormenting pain on his head , someone slammed a heavy object on his head utilizing great force .

The moment Una's sword slash was blocked by Saroj , Sagar didn't wait for his enemy to adjust in the abrupt situation.

He exerts all his strength , not daring to underestimate Saroj even a bit .

His steel rod ruthlessly lands on Saroj's head , causing the skull inside to shatter and blood to stream out. 

Saroj felt a tormenting sensation in his body which expanded all over his nervous system and body , soon causing him to die .

His body falls on the wooden chair and his head lowers down , while his fresh blood streams all over his hair and face , dripping down on the floor. 

( Sagar , you are great . By chance were you in some kind of criminal activities or secret agent of a powerful nation before Apocalyptic Era ? )

( Three years trained in Chinese martial art during my time in china , four years MMA in America , seven years Taekwondo in Korea and ten years of experience during my time in Gorkha )

( Wow , I didn't know you were such a powerful man, I must rely on you more than ever )

( .....? )

( Hahaha , since you like to play sarcasm on me , why can't I do the same to you ? )

( ....let's focus on the situation we are in )

( Aye aye captain )


Standing close to Saroj's dead body , Sagar takes the longsword from Saroj .

While holding a steel rod with his left hand , he wields the longsword with his right hand , fully equipping himself with the weapon .

Of course , he does not forget to equip himself with the iron armor , only than he feels a little safer .

[ Iron Armor

Grade ; Ordinary ]

[ Longsword 

Grade ; Ordinary ]

He can see the status of the iron armor and longsword , he just ignores them after reading once .

( Let's move to another target )

( I have to admit , you look manly with those new equipments , what do you know , maybe I may fall in love with you , Mr handsome )

( You jest , I hope you don't fall in love with )

( But why , Mr handsome ? )

( Your heart is destined to break if you were to fall for a man like me since I was born to break a heart of beauty like you.  Cause I don't like getting restricted by relationships )

( Look at you , hehehe )

( I am serious )

( Aye aye captain )

(...sigh )

Sagar shakes his head while meeting his eyes with those beautiful soul-sucking eyes of Una , she was beautiful to the extreme . 

But since his childhood , he has not had any interest in relationships .

Yes , if it is just one night stand then it is another thing but a relationship is just a shortcut to build many negative and crestfallen memories .

Since the time he can remember, his parents used to always fight each other . Be it day or night , they never used to get along , because of their estrangement toward each other , Sagar was always suffering alone .

Sagar has never seen those couples that get together living a happy and memorable life .

Although in the beginning , they may live with all those smiles and so-called love , in later days , their love would decay and perish into a long river of time .

Vanishing as if that love was only an illusion of past , the only thing that is left afterward is regret and eternal suffocation.

( —let's not waste our time here )

Sagar didn't want to linger in those useless thoughts , noticing his mood suddenly turn gloomy , Una raises her right brow. 

She says nothing but seems to have understood the situation and Sagar's mood so she does not bother him .


"What the hell , there is nobody here "

"Was that bitch fucking with us ?"

Bishal with his dual-blade swinging in air , he curses under his low breath .

"That bitch must be trying to win favor from Vice Captain Saroj but deceiving the superior will only get himself into trouble "

"That jackass , I swear that I will fuck his seven generation if he keeps me back when he wins the favor from Vice Captain Saroj "

With great contempt , Bishal continues to curse .

He is a Blade-wielder that has proficiency over blades , although his strength relies on speed , flexibility and concentration , Bishal has not trained himself in those areas .

Instead , in his expertise , good weapons and armor are what matters and not honing your skills. 

After all , skills are something that is useless before the invincible weapons .

Bishal smirks while searching for Sagar and Una.


Soon he hears something falling , coming from around ten feet close to him , straight ahead of him .

He sees a glass spinning on the floor after falling , he disdainfully sneers .

"So you are there , you are not gonna escape from me "

He hurriedly runs to where the glass was spinning on the floor , he sees a hallway on his left side so he turns around only to get ambushed by an enemy.

Sagar darts on Bishal , swinging his longsword on his right hand , not giving Bishal any opportunity to avoid his sudden attack .

"Stupid dog "

But to his attack , Bishal scoffs and leaps up in the air , jumping for around seven feet high , displaying his athletic skill .

He coldly smiles and prepares to land a smooth cut on Sagar's body from the sky , just when he is about to wield his blades , someone comes to him with a dangerous aura lingering .


A longsword coated in darkness , coldly reflects the reflection of the surroundings .

The longsword continues to dart forward , penetrating the wind , reaching Bishal's abdomen .


The sound of flesh getting penetrated by the longsword was heard in the ears of all three individuals , the longsword when came out of the back while penetrating both flesh and bones of Bishal , the blade was soaked in fresh blood , resembling priceless crimson jade of the supernatural world .

The drop of blood continues to drip even when they were in midair , Bishal has this incredulity written all over his face , still dazed by what transpired .



Una kicks Bishal and sends his body crashing on the wall while she herself executes a beautiful backflip , gracefully landing on the floor .

While on the other hand , Sagar raises his right arm up in the air and monotonously meets his apathetic glare with Bishal's weak and dying eyes .

"Don't kill me , please don't kill me "

Bishal wanted to shout but his body had suffered a devastating blow from Una's lethal ambush.

"I —will do whatever you say so — please don't kill me "

Bishal tries to negotiate with Sagar after realizing his dreadful situation.

Sagar does not bother conversing with him , instead he just swings his sword and aims for the neck of Bishal , decapitating Bishal in a single swing .

The head of Bishal was beheaded , the head flew not far away from the body , landing and rolling on the floor with wide eyes open .

Before dying , Bishal saw his headless body leaning its back on the wall while a crazy blood fountain spurts through the neck , showering the darkness with human blood .

The body was still struggling as if the last bit of vitality was unwilling to let go of mortal obsession , desire to live and reject death .

The monotonous eyes of Sagar , devoid from all the suffering and attachment of the human world , detached from mortal attachment , reflects in Bishal's withering eyes .

Before his death , he felt as if he saw the Death God in the human body , terrifying and dangerous.

Sagar does not even blink his eyes when he beheaded someone , he just takes the blades from the dead body and ties them around his waist , then turns around and walks toward the windows .

( We are leaving , that dangerous man leading this group must have noticed something already )

Sagar alerts Una , without waiting for her he jumps out from the window and escapes.

His real objective was to gather weapons and equipment from those intruders and now that he has finished his objective , he does not want to take the risk of fighting against someone who stands above his level .

Fighting against the strong enemy is surely courageous but overestimating your ability just to meet your end is obviously ignorance.

( Aye aye captain )

Una does not question Sagar since she has already decided to trust him so she follows him without any further ado .

Since the rain has weakened compared to before , it is not too dangerous to leave the building. Otherwise how would those four even have traveled in such dangerous weather ?

On the other hand , when Vice Captain Saroj and Anish found the dead body of their teammate , they were stunned .

"This —"

Anish was speechless and also shaken greatly , did they die in the hands of those two bitches ? 

He secretly gulps his saliva and feels his whole body shivering , no voice comes out of him , leaving him petrified .

"Hahaha "

"Hahaha "

While on the other hand , Vice Captain Saroj laughs in great anger , his rage causes his eyes to turn red .

With an infuriating voice , he grits his teeth .

"Good , good "

"Fucking bitches "